Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1503

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oxxxu INDEX. Indian Departmsnt—Continued. P¤8¤· Indian—Continued. _ H86- approprlation for school, Rapid City, appropriations for, for fuliilling treaty S, Dal; _______,,___,______, . .. 585 with Shoshoues, Wyo .. 590 for support, etc., of Sioux of different for irrigation, Shoshone Reservation, tribes, S. Dak . 585 Wyo .. _. , .. 590 schools; use of balances for buildings, for irrigating additional ceded lands; etc ________,_,,.,___,__,_,,,,., . , . 585 payment of construction charges, for sup rt, etc., of Yankton Sioux, S. etc ... 590 Dag? _________,,.,____ ; _,,,,,..,,,, 586 for roads, etc., Shoshone Reservation, for asylum for insane Indians, Canton, Wyo ... . . 591 S, Dal; ______, , ,_,_,,__,___,,,,.,.. 586 for increased expenditures from tribal for support, etc., of Rosebud Agency funds for benefit of Indians during Sioux Indians, S. Dak., from tribal _ fiscal year 1918 591 funds _________,,,,,,,_,_,___... 586 hmited to estimates made therefor. . . 591 for highway through Standing Bock funds excluded. .. _ .. 5 91 Reservation, S. Dak.; balance re- trust funds of Indian tribes to be witha prop;-iazod ,..,, , _,,,,,,_,,... 586 drawn from the Treasury .. 591 for edtiicauou of Alabama and Coushatta segregation and deposit in banks for [udjgng, Tex _,______________,,,,,,, 586 eneflt of indivi ual Indians ..,,.. 591 investigation of advisabiljty of pur- funds not susceptible to segregation to` chasing lands therefor ... 586 be W'ltl1dl'3·Wl1 and deimsibed in for fulfilling treaty with Confederated banks; interest to bepai on .. 591 Bands of Utes, Utah ... 586 acceptance of Government bonds as for support of detached Indians, Utah. . 586 _ .. 591 for distributin princitpal funds of Con- trustfnn may be mvestediuGovemfederated §a.nds 0 Utes. . . 586 ment bonds .. . . 591 to Navajo Springs Band in Colorado., 586 funds for schools, etc., excepted from Uintah, etc., Bands in Utah ..., . 586 segregation and rlleiposit . 591 Southern Uvesin Colorado . .. 587 no segregation un final rolls comior promoting self-support, etc., from plete<l . 592 accrued interest .. -. 587 disllfsition of funds of Five Civilized for ms for allotted lands of bes, and .; ... " ,.. 5 92 Uucom etc., Utes in Utah deficiency appropriation for printing, from in aliunds ...,.,.,.. 587 binding, ctciynsw accounting sysior public schools in Uintah and Du· tep1.,;.:.: . 28 chesne Counties, Utah .. 587 forrel1ev1ngdJs‘tress,etc., among Indians. 31, for road and bridge, Shivitz Reserve- 380, 840, 1039 tion, Utah; repaymentl . .. 587 for support of schools 31, 380, 490, 1039 for support, etc., D’Wamish, etc., In- for school and agency buildings . 31, dians, Wash ... 587 380, 840, 1039 Makah Indians, Wash - 587 for supplies . . . 31, 34, 380, 382, 840, 843, 1039 %ui·nai—olts and Quil-lah-utss, Wash. . 587 for Indian police . 31, 1039 akima. Indians, Wash ... 587 for judges, ndisn courts ..,..,..,... 31 Colville, etc., Agencies Indians, Wash. 587 for general expenses.; . 31, 380 Jos‘<€’ph’s Band of Nez Peres Indians, for sliapggrt, etc., of Indians, Ariz. and ash . 587 . ex .. 31, 840 Spokane Indians, Wash .. 587 for support of Indians in California ..,, 31, 1039 for irrigation, lands of Yakima allottees, for sc ool, Fort Bidwell Cal 31 Wash ... . . 587 for school, Greenville, (lal 31, 840, 1039 for additional water suppl? to Yakima for school, Lawrence, Kaus 31, 380, 840 Reservation, Wash., al ottecs .. 588 for incidentals, Montana ,..,,., 31 for Cushman School, Tacoma, Wash 588 for school, Albuquerque, N. Mex ... 31 for Wapato irrigation system, Yakima for Fort Berthold Agency Indians,N. Dak. 31 Reservation, Wash.; repavment 588 for school, Fort Totten, N. Dal: 31, 380, 840 pa%r1neuttoViolettaand W. D. Stone. - 588 for suggzrt, _ etc., Sioux of different for aigounds for Spokane Indians, tri ... . 32, 382, S40 W ., from tribal unds ... 588 for Colville and Puyallup Agencies, for mail, Qniniault Reservation, Wash. , 588 Wash . 32 zor services of attorneys, etc., from tribal for Joseph’s Band, Nez Perce Indians, funds of Yakimaa ...,,,, , .,,,,,,,,, 588 Wash ,,,,..._,____,,,..,,,. , ,.., _ _ 32 for school, Hgxyward, Wis ... 588 for school, Hayward, Wis ... 32 Tomah, W12 .. I .. 589 for indemnity to certain Chickasaws ..,, 32, 34 for support, etc., Chxppewss of Lake Su- for school, Wahpeton, N. Dak . 34, 380 perror, Wis . : .. 589 for support, etc., Indians, Klamath Pottawatormcs, Wis . . .,, 589 Agency, Oreg . 34, 380 for self-support. etc., of Wisconsin Band for school, Salem, Oreg 34, 380, 340 of POtt3W3tOml(Q9,_WlS., and Mich,. 589 for bridge on Navajo Reservation, N. Joaua Belt and William O. Belt .. 589 Mex, ____,_,_.,,_,________________ 330 for Menqminees in selfsupport, for school, Rapid City, S. Dak . ..,., 380 etc., rom tribal funds . . ... 589 for determining heirs of deceased allotremoval of timber from farming lands. 589 tees ___,,,,.._.,_______________ _ 380 per capita apportionment, etc ... . 590 for suppressing liquor traffic ..,.. 840, 1039 sale o Wittenberg School property, for telegmphing and telephoning . 840, 1039 Wis .. . 590 for school acilities, N avajoes, Ariz . . 840 for support, etc., of Shoshones, W? 590 for school facilities, Papago Indians, for school, Shoshone Reservation, ’y0. . 590 Ariz . . 840