Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1543

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olxxu INDEX. National Forests-—Continued. Pm- National Guard-Continued. _ Yam lands added to Wyoming .. .. 1125 appropriation for former years available lands in Madison, Mont., may be sold for to end of iiscgl year1918  : . . 69 hotels, eu; ,.,.,,.,, , ..,,,,,... 1152 deficiency appmprmtion for officem, II11l0· timber for war purposes may be taken age.: ... , . . . . .: Z 10 from, by departments, etc. 990 for families of·€lZ\11BlS€d men entering m1l1- djgposal of unused . . . . . 990 tary SGYVICG, 1916 . . 11 National Gernmn-American Alliance, for tral1Sp01'|i8.iii011 of supplies 12 ' incorporation of, repealed . 917 for forgge, supphes, etc., for horses and National Guard, _ m_ GS ..---·--.--·...--. : .. 12 appropriation for pay of officers, including for enhsted rnen for care of ammals, etc. . 12 staff corps _,.. , ,,,,.. 45, 852 for arms, m111tary_suppl1es, etc., for enpay inspectors and assistant inspectors campments, rifle practice, etc .. 12 of small arms practice under call of for encampmenta .. - 12 1916, included; former payments s.r for travel of Army officers for inspection, lowed _,___,,.,..,_.. . . 45 instruction, etc., duty with 12 for pay of enlisted men . . . 45, 852 for expenses of sergeant instructors with- 12 for travel allowances to enlisted men on for arms, uniforms, equipment, etc., for discharge from éirmy service .. 53, 858 f issue to . 12 for travel to officers on dJscharge` orwarexpenses, poy,stafEo cers; ongefrom . .. 53, 858 . . 188 for automatic machine rifles for. ..,.. . . 64 for pay of officers ... · 356 for manufacture, etc., of field artillery balances of appropriationsfor field artillery material for ... 64 for 1917, 1918, 1919, covered in , 1171 for manufacturin reserve ammunition ‘ admimion of ahzens serving in, to citizenfor Field Arti§1ery .. 64 ship; conditions ...,. . . 542 amount for tools, etc., for private benefits of Volunteer Soldiers Home exmakers. ,,,.._..,, — 64 tended to, in Federal service ... 368 { n;mcompetiti1x;;e§£mc]11ases .. - . gg drgwd mtg nuhtary service. . 76 or o , supp or orses, etc. .. A serve urm emergency em sooner tra.§§r of Army horses and mules for . ~._- .. 76 issue ,.,. . . 65 State designations to be retained. .. 76 for care of horses; detailsof enlisted men- ‘ 65 emergency etnil, etc., of officers to Signal for expenses of training camps; psy, etc. , _ Corps from. - ._ ...-. 243 for attendance. .-... . 66, 874 Mechcal Ctcgpsimtheuwmnts may be proallowance to Georgia for cncampmeut mo captams, during present expenses, 1914 -.. . .-.. 66 emergency;_exa.minations ..- 397 allowance to Oklahoma for encamp- officers of, authorized to serve in drafted ment, etc., expenses, 1910, 1911 66 _ forces . _. .: ..-...---..-- 76 transportation of Regulate to joint privileges of existing organizations, concamps .-.. . .. 66, 874 , tinued ...-...-..-. . -.-- 76 National Guarel Reserve- ...-.-. 66, 874 property and dkbursing officer to be Adju— for attending m1l1tsry service. schools, or tant General or other ofcicer, apposta; pay, 8tC.,liII11C. . .. 67, 874 pointed by Govemor, etc. ..-... 878 for officers assigned to Bureau. . 67, 875 regarded as United States officer . . . 878 for property and disbursing officers ..-- 67, 875 National Guard, D. C. (ace also Militia, D. C.), for arms, military supplies, etc., for deficiency appropriation for expenses 1919; issue, etc- ..- 67, 875 reapprolgnstion- ... . .. 1022 for promotion of riiie practice --.. . . 875 National Guard eserve, for omes, forage, etc. . Y 875 drafted into military service. . -. - ,... 76 for incidental expenses, encampments, Nat1b·n.alH0nwforDiaabled Volunteer Soldiers, etc .-..- . 67, 875 approhglrintion for expenses, Dayton, Ohio 137, 662 lands for encampments and ranges for waukee, Wis ...--.. . 138, 663 Field Artillery of Army and -.. - 67 Tcgus, Mc .. - ..-.- 138, 663 for ride ry for District of Columbia Hampton, Vs. ..-,.,,,,,,,,,,.., 138, 663 _Nstio { Guafd 67 éieavexgorth, %§lns .-.. , ...-.,..., 138, 664 disposal 0 use ess, etc., target range anta onica., --...--.- 139, 664 ¤1tes· proceeds ...-..-.. 67 Marion, Ind -.. 139, 664 for tijavei of officers for inspection, Danville, Ill --...- 139, 664 _IBST·H1QUOD, etc., duty with. .. 67, 875 Johnson City, Tenn . . - 139, 665 for mspectmon camps, material, etc. . 68, 875 Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot for transportation of supplies of .-.. 68, 875 Springs, S. Dak .- 140, 665 for expenses of Array sergeant iuscnm- for dothing all branches . 140, 665 0r¤,_ 011 glut? With I ... 68, 875 for salaries and expenses, board of mana- COXIIDIDBUOD of aceounta m one fund. 68, 875 gem ,,.,..,...,,,__, 140, 665 staff officers, etg:,, mcluded . . 68, 875 report to be submitted on discontinulongevity credit for National Guard ance of branches, etc ...,..___,____ 140 service to volunteem, etc .. - . . . 875 deficiency appropriation for Dayton, Ohio 13, 483 for ar-mg, equipment, etc., for field for Milwaukee, Wis ... 13, 382, 484 service- . . , .. 68, 875 for Hampton, Va .. - .. 13, 484 aviation eqmpment - 68 {or Leavenworth, Kms .. , ..,,,,,_, 13, 484 reserve supply .. I ... 68 for Santa Monica., Cal. .. 13, 4,84, 839, 1039 for manutacturmg, etc., new miamtry for Marion, Ind. . ..,.,,,,,,_,________ 13, 434 equipment fqr , 68 for Danville, Ill , ...,.. 13, 484 return of prior imues on rece1pt of 69 for J ohnson City, Tenn 13, 484