Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1565

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oxoiv INDEX. Orient, Thr, Pm- P. Pmappropriation 1'or promoting etc., commerce w‘ith.._ .. l 1256 P. M. C'. Coal Compam , Orland Irrggation Proyect, Cali, may bridge Tug {liver between Pike appropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 148, 674 County, Ky., and Mingo County, Orlando, Fla., W. Va . 899 appropriation for public building .. 110 Pacayic Coasts, Osage Agency, Okhz., approlpriation for surveys of 162, 688 appropriation for support, etc., of, from Pact to ailroads, tribal i1mds._ ... - ... 579 appropriation for expenses of suits affectfor lofiilg: building from uuexpended _79 P ki gg ... , .. 156, 682 a ces ... o ac ng ouses Osage In.dian._Sch00l, Okla., for necessaries, may be taken, etc., for pub- O appr}>"phr1at1orb%r support, etc., of . 578 P Rlic usp: ... 279 sage ans a. agan wer fa., appropriation for bupport of Osage Board- appropriation for improvement of .. 254, 906, 1278 mg Fchool, etc., {mm 011 and gas 78 paws, roya des ... 5 · _· 588855t555858585588, 1919. .. 578 *PP*¤¤;;*;·;*,0·;,;¤;8,g};,<;,¤¤·;,,;·,§ gmgm tg; S&i11t_L0uj.s Boarding School included. 578 J,me’30’ 1917 ____ ’_ __________ _ _ _ _’_ _ _ 2 "°°*m"9“1 °d“°’m°” -···· · ·-······-- 578 for House of Representatives 242, 763, 1218 PB! <;¤1>¤¢¤· ¤·ll<>W¤¤¢¤ -----·-- - --·---· 578 t8r senate. 242, 760, 1215 fopglgggzglggo c“”€%0}l;":;); deiicierécy appgijpriation for House of 836 888A88888 »¤¤¤i»5, frm 88888888 5,9 forSer(i§ge€??1l...l,??;;;;-.·.-..::;::3:::;-25 885 appropriations. . .. p · · ’ ¤¤¤¤¤¤geI;1;;=>;0g¤;gg·g,¤ h¤¤;¤,<;§y,jji ¤¤<>¢· 579 Plliéillg 1888 88, 8818 by 8551888 than 88888. .- 1123 my ***11 *““'Pl““ and h°m°°l·°“d &u°**‘ lgirzgsefltax on, bought for use . 1124 . Planta -··- z ----- . --·-···------ 579 Pala Indian Reservation, Cal., provisions for determining heirs of deceased ,,,,,),,,,,,,,,1;,,,,, for ilrigatiou project on ____ 562 · allaigteei not applicable so - - 567 Palladium ° ‘ ` ts eases be ' '. . · . . '°°°1pon8i£888 b8·I1.`l{-Ll'? . I" T 579 ¤~¤¤tgg; fgkmggqgggggg gc*¤_jrg,§; interest etc . . 579 • ·· · ’ · and defense. .. 1009 sums for Agency purposes to be pmd on Palladium, and Compmmdsy re?u1sition of tribal council. ... 578 b. to la . Bal f 0 salgry injlitations not applicable 578 su ledlosivg regulating 6* °t°·• 0 8x' 671 sage wer o. . . ······················--·-·· Oszgproplggtion {01* improvement Of-- ···· 2598 1282 of 254 QQQ 1978 rm, _ '° I 7 *‘ may accept prlesent from British Govern- Pa"' lm ’SF'“T‘d· . ment . 1326 °PP'°P¤°¤°*;0*°;3 ¤mu!;**;;’°'{*:l¤§ °*NW¤*g*· 0,,,,;,,,,,, way ea o e , . ., provisions for increasing supply, produc. f!'0¤1_ -·-· 254, 906, 1278 u88, 8m., 81, for nauouax security Panvmkcq Rgvcr. Va. O axial {1818888 . . . 1009 spigopmtnon for rmpiéqvemeinct of T -6 §5481278 swego, . ., pre immsry examma ion e ., o e appropriation for improvement of har- made ·--· _- ·: -·.·.· ·-.··... .. 1288 bor . . .. 251, 909, 1284 Pun Amcvjwun Building, D, C., _ immedistg (fransportation facilities ex- sppmpgaluéin for extendup; service of cen- H2 ten e to .. 916 eatin r etc. ant to .. Ottoman Empire (ace Turkey). Pom American Con_]l’ei·cn.ce,,£ifth, Ouachita River Ark. and La. appropriation for partici ating in . . 526, 1332 . . · . ¤ . . 5 . O a};ipr0p`1;1at1o;1_ for ipmprovement of. . 257, 907, 1281 Pan Amcé·nt;kn gn! Farm and Laveut ts, 1 avy irst .n Lrtmmls t position, appropriation for . . . .2 ,... 707 foreign _ nations invited to Farmers’ Naclotbing gratuity, Naval Reserve t1o1:1al Congress at . 1049 _ Force . ...,.,._ 707 Pan American Scimtzfc Congress, Second, dedciency appropriation for .. 31, amormt allowed for salaries increased .. 3 486, 832, 839, 1039, 1166 Pan American Trade Mark Registration Bufor W3,l'·€Xp€DS€B.:.---.,-.,,,, ,_,_ 204 feaul clcitl)1l1(r1g gratmty, Naval Reserve 204 appropéiation for quota for expense of, at 1335 e . a ... Ou ( 531*, $9 1;); . . . . . 1033 Padsiggienoy gpgyioignrhhon for .,_, , , , 1023 · , 4 . ., · mer-wa , appropriation for public building . . . . 110 appropriation for expenses . . . . 524.1330 Oyster Creek, _Tez:, _ gr and bmding for .. 175, 701 O appropriation for improvement of .. . . 257 deticiency appropriation for printing and ysters, binding .. . .. 378, 604 appropriation for investigating shipping, for printing and binding continued ‘ 498 etc. of .. . . 991 Panama, Ozark Natzbvial Forest, _Arl:., apkpropriation for minister to ... 519, 1326 appropriation for mamtenance, etc., of. . .. 987 or annual payment to .. 527, 1333