Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1572

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mmm:. cei Pilots, _ Pm- Pittsfield, Psmexempted from selective draft 79 appropriation for public building, addi- Pima Indian Hospital, _A¤z., tional land . . ... 110 appropriation for mamtenance, etc., of 564 Pittston, Pa., Pima Indzpns, Ariz., _ _ _ appropriation for Bublic building: . . . 110 appropriation for irrigation system, Gila Plans 0 National cfznse (su National De- River R·9B€l’V3tl0D: . 568 tense, Espionage, etc,). Pima Ridge Indian Iggshervizzcrnlii Dak., 585 Plant Diseases, { appropriation or oo dmgs on . appropriation or investigating, etc ... 980 Piney Branch Parkway, D. C. or eradicating, etc ,,.. . ... 1046 appropriation for care and improvement. . 931 for survey of ...,,,. 1046 made a part of park system of District of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, _ Columbia .. 650 appropriation for maintaining quarantine Piney Branch Road, D. C'., _ _ districts for , .. 1005 part of, abandoned; reversion to abutting 927 Plant Dust Ezplpswns and Fares, 1048 owners .. - .. appro nation or preventing . _. Pink Bollgvorrn, o{ Cotton, { Plant Bwwu, Department of Am °°*"°”,§iZ?§;1t§’§s‘i.?‘£‘tt°’i°r§}$T’.?,"’°““ _. mt tppmprnumi for Cntr of bum, cen, for preventing entrance from_Mexc1o of 8¤d¢¤¢!¤» ctc ···--·· ;-··-·;· · ; -···· 979 cotton and seed; inspection, clean- 1006 fo1ig;13:1l 111V¢¤¤8¤t»10¤¤·· mg etc ...--·----...--.···---- . . ·-······ . ··········· use oi receipts from disinfecting, ece., for i¤ye¤¤z=¤¤c plant fnut ¤¤<1 tree charges ,,,_,,..,... 1006 {11¤6¤8¤¤$P0¢¤1¤ ···-···---······-··· 980 for invelsitigation and local extexmmataou 1006 f°i0<;T1:) &&; ~-·~ q- · -| ··--·-··-- gg 111 8Xl¢0 .--. - ·--· - ·-·..-·-····-·· . :‘•••··. ···· for control measures in Mexico . 1007 ft)? 101‘¤¤*·» €t·¤·» t1'¢¤¤.r:i11*0·P1¤¤ bh¤¥¤1’ for sutxilveyg of infestation in Texas and 1007 ·m1’:?;t0@¥6;--668 ··-- ·-···· _ ·-·;·· 980 w3ptm”e»t2°°&£;6mum""`g"°E.i"&Z>i£&A wmtepms 1»u¤mmema1a¤m... gm free areas, etc . .. . .. . - . 1007 for etcvcowour truckv °tc•r cooperative extermination me¤8¤IG cm}! glmm ·-·- - ·-···-· · ····•····· 981 me Mmm autbonues ... 1007 for Exec crypt mp 1>1¤¤t¤» ¤¤=- ·  ; · - 981 patyrnaegg for destroyed crops, etc., 1007 for and plant nutntmn 981 or 1 en . .-·· esu? ~······· · ············ ·*·*“·=‘·=;·,?,,,,;··;;**·;¤;,***‘i°° *°* ¤**°'°’*‘*"* 3-,, ;%‘§‘t'g?¤§; }§“£‘..??‘i§°·.,‘€.,*’i::::.‘.::: ; : : :1 33} · · ’ °""""-nun-lan forsoil fert111' 'ty invedtigations, adapting Piiliitglrglafirevennem on by. 110% ptrgps from regions, etc . war revenue tax on transporting y... 31 60 111 1¤8··; ---·-··--- . d {N Zeala d ii manufac- P‘P“r. tu msdmm em wld b miuieoor biiivder ... 981 °x°m° md °° m tc ’ °’ y 1122 for drugs, spices, etc.,_invest1gations 981 Pipcsking M2::r· 8 " ‘‘‘‘'‘' ‘ ‘‘'° '°'° for crpp tec nological investigations, etc. 981 aplprolnziiation ior Indian school .. 572 :3; “;0°'£;1°e`;c°;t;g°m!m•°:c°?; °r ?°dry· hams md www sm mm’ 572 preventing importing of idultented, , ° ° ···~·-·-··· · ·············‘ ‘ ‘‘’‘ . , . .,,,,,,, 93] PI F ’ N. C. _€tC.,g|:IQ$.-. •• tttt »$·»¤·»·· »=·¤- w·~········ M 2 *··· mz?. rm . ·. wm ~.: itz-. wir 9,. _ “t· ·j ···•·*°‘‘ ’ '' ’`’` ‘ ’°°'’ 34 flax cultivation, diseases, etc 931 PWWIQQW1 River, N- Ho , be corn improvement and (production". 981 preliminary exam1¤Bt10¤, etc., to _ black lu mn;

"Y °°m'°°tm8· 1,,88 destruction of propagstnve vegeta- 981

Muah National Feet. N- €‘·» mi-°§”§3&fi&H Mi I IZ I Z I I ZZ 982 ¤¤¢¢1>¤1¤¢¤ gt t}1¤¤2;€5¤°°'· *°* 11*** Pu" 152 {or uabacco pmggcnon, ego { 982 _ POBGE I.l_ 0 -· -····-·—·-·• · ···•· or reedipg mug p nts or paper Pitlzlachascotec Rwer,_FZ<1;, making ___________ _ ____,______,____ 932 P1'<>}1¤11-¤¤1’Y €¤¤¤1¤¤¤°¤• 9***:-· °f· t° b° 264 for drought resistant, etc., crops 982 _ made ...··· · ···- - -·•·-•·-·· · ····•· for sugar plant, etc,, mvmugntions . 982 Ptmbutgr _T€;1’-» . . . developing beet seed industry ... 982 °·PP¥'°P¤3¤0¤ for Public bmlding ······· •· H0 investigating cane and sorghum sirup Pittsburgh P ., , , . production, by-prodnc12a,_etc . 982 nppropristizn for public bluldmg, post for economic botany, improving gluing f Office md counhoufeétgg ---- _ ---··· 1 10 to Etc ____ { ________,,,, _ ..,. E ,- 3322 or lD1I1111g· rimen 011 llwtlll- , etc., arming GXPBIZI-Y-HBH - · ing newclliufiledings, etc .--.· ’ -·-·-· I 46, 672 liree distribution of trees restricted 982 for improvement of grounds, eb; ----·· 146, 672 for reclaimed lands I-I1 0¤¤¤¢¢;- for igmlling expenmentsi mms. et¤·i46’ 672 tip; with western irngatnon agn- 982 ruceton . ..·-- _· c ure ... . --- - ---·-·-· ` io! pielrsonal services, care of new buildiw 672 ;0;g0;1e(;%4;.$i$]1i1s}n ; . "$.. ·-·--—····•-•·••··•• y 0 X 0 _ :· for maintenance of harbor ...· · - ;· 252, 909 for investigating prodlidllg, b€h¤V1¤1’ 111 bridge authorized across Allegheny River marketing, em., of tmok crops, poat ..,,,... . . . . 1188 names, ew . ...- 982