Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1596

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INDEX. gcxxv Railway Mail Ser·mZcc—Continued. P¤8¤· Real Pro er Continued. Pweight-hoqr law applicable to clerks at ter- restrictgontzgx-sale, etc., of, for nonpayment mma.1 and transfer offices .. 753 of tax >: by mom in military servovertiing pay for excess work, in emep ice during tggwur ,.,.. . .,,,,_, . 447 g€!1Ci€8 ·····---··...-··.-----.. 753 Receivers 0 Public Mango, Land Oyim, compensatory time allowance for Sunday, approprétion for salaries and commisg1;4;_, work _,,____,,, , _,,_ ,, ,,,,,. ,,, 753 sions__,,,, .. . . . . 142, 667 Raigzay Property, _ b md b Reclamation Act, v uation roceedmgs to e co ered appropriation for inv%°§s¤'on¤ for utiliznot Yeas than ve members of Inte; PP Eng lands reclaim under, etc. . 982 _ state Commerce Commission . ..·... 271 for demonstrations to assist agricultural Razlway Sgfegy Afpphamesr ting tc 123 649 develgpmeint of projects undexk etc,. 1005 appro mmon or mvesnga , e .. , suspenmono residence uirement urm` g Rainier gVational Foresg, Wash., the war ... . . . . 276 appropriation for mamtemmce, etc., of 987 available water permitted to be used.. . . 276 Range zmdizizms, _ Reclamation Fund, appropriation for_ experiments, etc., m apgropriation for all expenditures of 147, 673 i1%·, un national forests ... 989 de ciency appropriation for paying Cor- Rangc Fi s, Army, _ bett tunne , claims from 19 appropriation for purchase, etc., msular annual transfers from, to the Treasury possesions . ... 819 beginning July 1, 1920.-. . . 149 Rapid Guy, S. Dal:. receipts from potassium deposits to be apgropriation for indian school. - . 585 paid into .. . ... 300 de ciency appropuation for Indian school after used for construction, etc., half to at .. . . 380 be‘to States for public roads Rappahavmook Rivq, Va., schools . ... 1 .. W appropriation for xmprovement of .. 254, 1278 Reclamauqn »$er·vu.·e, Daeiizartrnent of the Interwr, Bantam Bay, N. J., appropriation for expoudgtures, froxp approggiation for improvement of ·. 905, 1276 reclamauou fund; obyects speck Raritan iver andB¢1y, N. L, tie;] ... . _ . .· ·... :- }47, 673 appropriation for xmprovement of. . 252, 905, 1276 for mmptenange, etc., of demgnated uu- · preliminary examination, etc., to be made gauon projects .. . ... 147, 674 of for 30-foot channel . .. . . 1288 for secondary projects. ._.. . . .. 149, 675 Rates; Raiiroad, _ Q1.m1ta.tion ou expend1t,ureq.- t . . 149, 675 no increased, to be tiled unt.11 January _1, mterchangeabk _ appropmmons al- 1920, without approval of Commxs- lowed; yesmctnon . .. 149, 675 sion . . . Z ... 272 annuql rembumement to the Treasury approval without formal hearmgs 81- beginning July 1, 1920... ·--- - -···· 149 {owed ____,_. . . 272 use of moneys refunded . . . . I . .: . . 149 reasonableness of! or in, for reimbursm _ fund, for to be consxdered bg not less than watert0YzLi1maReeewation, Wash., three of Interstate ommerce Com- lands .. _ . Z .. ._ .. . .: 149,675 miseioners ... . ... · -·... 271 for dr?mage,;tc., xnvesugauons outando 678 Rathb0m’Hm Ra 0 pl’0]§(.‘ . .-.._.. Rdelicignciaio-gixmpriation for ... .. .. 833 !‘¤i;!:11:·¥i1:1;&` ;¢§& tig cutrover t1mbet· 676 Rs?:!propeEdo¤'£m pubue building ... 110, 636 d¢6c¤o;g;1;pr§gmn•§%;{w Lower Yellow- um R,·;¤;¤*¤gi;§<··**~ Public hem-· -······ ”° ex2m,"°§¤"f";¤E§’,"°S&§°°i»‘{’L‘5tx,a:·1;; ****8 yl • • ’ • • • _ • plant, ete.,’of, for c0llecti%misce}Iane0us §?°”°“' €“°°• S““ RI"' ““d Mak 1,,05 Refuse in DiStI'iCt of lumblh, to be h {Ver P;0]B‘·`w· - · E H ~ · _*' Mquk°d’ etc` ``` ```°°``' ° '` 540 Om projegtlj gay have leave of Real Estate, gbggnce until water available etc. . 1210 stm? mx °¤ dwds °f °°“V°Y°‘°°° °f ‘‘‘‘’‘ 1137 lotsintownsitm Sun River project Hoot . wu revenue stamp til OH doeos °f °°¤‘ 3,3 granted (Sascade County ¤d;00l dis; V¢>’=¤¢¤ vf- ·····-··- - ···---····-·- > mm ,_,._,_,_.__,______,..,.__,__ 1206 Rwl E"‘”‘é D· g-- . . Rio Grande project, N. Mex. and Tex.; tent; pro teering p1’GVO!1t1011, during PY'€S‘ drainage work permitted in N6W mes °§€cW°·*'i;é ‘‘‘‘ 593 Mexico sudY'[exas; limit, etc.:1 426 v -7 .. . BHXIIJBYY Housing, etc., for War goods. ... 59o use °fpg%gt’fgwm`l§{’_ __________ 43y Real Estate Projiteering, C., Recorder of buds, D. C., P?°V'i¤i0¤s for prevent! 011 of -.-·-· - ; ---· · - 593 appropriation for ren: of offices ... 924 compulsory eviction of tenants dullllg 016 mtg; of pay for gopying, etc., estabwar prohibited ..-.·- - ------·-- 593 ushed. ..,.,.,.,,. 924 leases continued if rent paid, Gif! - ···----- 593 Recreationsfor Enhktcd Hm, IW1‘vy,_ conditions aliowing recovery of property - · 593 oppmpmzion for, moot ou- ummng ashore; unexecuwd orders, decrees, or Judgméilts pay restriction ,,_, , , ,,.. . , 707 HIOdiH0d..  : .. . ···- - -- ·- -··· 594 dg§c_{g¤(;y gppxnprjgtjpn [01*, £H0&t _Ol‘ suspension of termmation of leuséé of under tmining gjmme; pay reenacpremises sold to new owner ...---- - - 594 tion ,,,,, 6 ,.,,... . . 369, 1033 Real Propaty, Recruit Training nits, Army, _ foreclosure of mortgages on, by persons in to be raised by qrgft, etc., for mauutemgjmyy Eemce may be gmyed, etc., nance of mrhury forces at mam- 77 by order of court during the war 4-14 mum strength .