Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1611

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ooxl INDEX. Search Warrants-Continued. P¤8€· Seoowd Assistant Postmaster General, Pagedescriptive aflidavit showing probable appropriation for. chief clerk, superintendcause, required ...» 228 ents of divisions, etc. : ._ . 800, 1253 examination required before issue; facts to for railway adjustments d1v1sion . 800, 1253 be establmhed .. . .. : - . . 228 for foreign mails divismn . 800, 1253 issue to qualified server if grounds exist- - 228 for Railway Mail Service division 800, 1253 statement of ounds, etc., to appear- - 229 for postal service, office of . . . . 747, 1194 service restrictegr to designated officer; for star route transportation in Alaska 747, 1194 force authorized ... 229 emergency service .. 1194 in the day time; exception 229 for steamboat, etc., routes . .. 747, 1194 to be executed in ten ays . . ; .. 229 for railroad routes and aeroplanes 747, 1194 receipt for properg taken to be given. - - 229 freight train conveyance .. 747, 1194 return to issuing o cial; inventory to be , aeroplane service, Alaska included 1194 made, etc _ . · 229 for frei5ht onhpostal cards, etc ... 747, 1194 sworn verification of inventory ... _. - 229 for Ra way ail Service ... 747, 1194 copies of inventory to_ person from whom for electric and cable car service 748, 1195 taken, and applicant for warrant.. - 229 rates to be determined by Interstate proceedings if seizure controverted ... 229 Commerce Commission 748 restoration if erroneously taken . 229 expenditure for wagon service 749 retention if cause shown. etc .- - 229 for foreign mails 749, 1196 final disposition ... Z .. 1 . . 230 sea post service on steamshigs 749 punishment for obstruct|ngserv1ce,aS¤a\1li>- . for censorship of foreign ; amount ing officer, etc-: . ...- -- 230 immediately available .. I . . . 749 mury respecting ]$l18, etc . Z . 230 use for censored mail from American 'ciously procuring warrant without Expeditio Forces forb1dden 749 cause . . ..- 230 for balances due ioreign countries. .- 749, 1196 exceeding authority, etc., by server 230 fortravel and miscellaueousexpenses- 749, 1196 illegally possessing papers m md of Second Clem 1{aiI(see also Postal eervice), foreign Government, eta z . . 230 provisions for increased rates, etc . 327 existing laws as toimumg, not 1mpured.. . 230 Second Liberty Bcmd Act (see also United Searchlightsfor Seacoast Defense, States Securities, Second Liberty appropriation for purchase, etc., from \m• Bonds), ‘ expended balances. . . . · 816 provisions for issuing bonds, etc., under. - . 288 for Hawaii and Philippline I lands .. 818 Second Liber? Bzmd Act, Supplement tc, for maintenance. etc., anama Canal 819 provisions o . . .’ .. 965 for purchase, etc., Panama Canal . . . 819 Seczmd Liberty Bonds (see 0l80_UD1t€d States deliciency appropriation for purchase, etc., Securities, Second Liberty Bonds), war expenses; antiaircraft defense, tax exemption on interest on $45,000 of; etc . . . ... : . 199, 481 condition . 965 unexpeuded balance for, covered m .. 1305 additional to prior exemptions. . . . . Z . . - 966 Searchhghta, Army. _ extension of period for converting, mto appropriation for procuring etc., for land 4} per cent bonds . . 1311 d 5 defenses yi: . . ... . ._ . . 1306 Secoing Lwkutenants, Army, ved e ciency appropna 1on or procuring, e . age imit for or1gmal` a intments wai , _ for lang defenses, war expenses . 199 if after examiiipzilion but before Searle: Lake, Cal., _ _ appointment .. . 73 lands in and adjoining, not opened to filling vacancies in grade of, caused by prospecting for potassium, etc .. 298 National Defense Act; selection expotash deposits in, may be operated by tended.. . 44, 890 the United States ... - .. 298 age limit may be waived if examination leasing authorized .·.. 298 passed before reaching; conditions. 800 Seaton Park, D. C. (scc also Mall 0Ece Second Lighthouse Diatnkt. _ Buildings), _ appropriation for construction, etc., of deiicwncy a pro riauon for two temporary depot for. ... . 686 ofiicegnuilgings for War Department Secret Service Divimlun, Treusqry Departmerzt, 1n . . . 2 . 483 appropriation for chief. assistant and clnei for care, etc., Army buildings m grounds clerk, clerks, etc .. . 776, 1231 of ... . . 597 deficiency appropriation for additional Seats in Cara, ctc., force, war expenses .. . - 465 internal revenue tax on rail or water trans- details, for suppressing counterfeiting. etc.. portation by .. 1102 from, forbidden; Department of war revenue tax on payments for . 314 State excepted .. 120, 643 Seattle, Hizsh., use of, for detection, arrest, etc., of offendapipropriatiou for assay office at .. . . 783, 1237 ers under War Finance Corporation or improvement of harbor . . . . . 1285 Act ... . .. 512 for improvement of east and west water- Secretaries, Diplomatic Serrice, ways . . ... 1285 appropriation for salaries. 520, 1326 Duwamishwaterw¤y;20—footdp'§1th,etc. 1285 amount for fiscal year 19lb ... 520 truction of docks on ti elands, deticiency appropriation for salaries. . . 840, 1040 authorized z -_ · ··.-.. 267 Secretary-Interpreters, Diplomatic Service, rental, temm, COHdlu0DS, etc ·.. 267 appropriation for . . 520, 1326 Sebastian Bridge Distnbt, Ark., _ or assistant . . ... 520, 1326 may bridge Arkansas River, Fort Sllllth, Secretary of Agriculture, _ Ark, , . ... 1 . . . 247 appropriation for, Assistant, Solicitor, time extended for bridging Arkansas Rlver clerks, etc . ... . ,.. 973 at Fort Smith, by . 1051 for salaries for two Assistants ... 275