Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1645

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oelmiv INDEX. Trust Funds, Indian—C0ntinued. Page Tungsten-—Continued. Pagetribal or individual, may be invested in settlement of claims for losses incurred in Government bonds . 591 producing, etc., for Government use provisions not applicable to funds for during the war 1274 schools or tribal officers . 591 Turkey, funds oggve C1v1l1zed Tr1bes or Osages 92 appropriation for ambassador to- .. 513, Q325 in ahoma .. 5 or secretary-interpreter . ... 52 , 326 deposit thereof in bank _ in Oklahoma for assistantsecretary-interpreter 520, 1326 or the Treasury; security required. . 592 for student interpreters. 521, 1327 Trust Property, gor cost of lgmticipé quarters . . 521, 1327 income tax levied on , 1071 or steam unc or embassy 522, 1328 sources included, etc ... . . . 1071 for interpreters and guards at consulates income returns required from fiduciaries. . 1074 in dominions of . 529, 1334 Trustees, etc., for expenses of American prisoners. .. 529, 1334 holding property, etc., for persons believed for prison expenses, Smyrna . 529, 1334 to be enemies, to furnish statement Constantinople . .  : ... 529, 1334 thereof ... . 416 deiciency appropriation for interpreters on February 3, 1917. .. 416 and guards . . . 841 erroneous names to be stricken off . . . 416 Turtle Bayou, Tex., permits granted by Federal Reserve Board appropriation for improvement of . . . . 257 tg nations; banks to act as, extended. 268 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be 9 Truxton an on, riz., made . 128 appropriatilon for Indian school. .. 568 Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, Truaztcm Canyon Indian Camp Hospital, Ariz., N. pak., ‘ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 564 apzropriation for support, etc., of . . . - 577 Tswinigtau, ~gh?m, Turt Mquntain Indian Hospital, N. Dah., apprepmmon fm. post allowances m cou. appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 564 sular officers at . . . 528 Tum!/an N“tf‘”"'“l F°”;’t» Am-• deficiency ap$·opriation for additional pay T;£‘I5.9P§:t1;g: f°*` mamwmmcer em-: °f ···- 988 to cons at ... 346 » , , » , _ yrwbywlim lg€,.um_,_ em, appropriation for naval station, public · · { · · · anjmal ____ gyg works . ... 725 T,'f§’,’}§,°j§’O'§',§,*?°° °' "“'°°°g°°“g mem;. ssa; Nw., 1>. 0,, _ appropfriation for prevention, etc., among 563 ¤PP1'0P£%!§1é;2; T°P%VmE with ¤·¤Ph¤lt» B 925 T L WML, D. ````` ```````'°` ```` Twenty-egg: Hour approprration or preventing spread o .:.. 940 - 1 ___ dggcigucy gpprgprigtign for digpenggrleg appmpnauou for execuulw ' ’°‘'°' ‘ ’ ' 977 for treatin · rsonal services 823 Tm City Power C°mp(my’ Tubermlosig etc ’‘’‘ " time extended for damming Savannah appropriation for preventing spread of, irom Twin Fa?;v$3a?:°v° Augusta" Ga" by ' ° 1212 mm Sum W mother ‘‘`'``‘ f 977 appropriation fol public build` 111 payment for animals destroyed; limit 977 gd T . DP. P t l1§8‘ 1 ’ ‘‘ · { ummgd cues a _ ying evwes, ee a ervwe, lntemlaw Bhlpment ° - appropriation for 750 1197 for immediate slaughter permitted. 977 - ts ‘'‘‘ ‘ ’ 750 1‘~1>~w*~a.H¤#¢¢¤’· P- <>~· ds§:£§“1°°“m·.%.s,‘;‘f.. ’“‘“ °"‘°°2s 1169 a¤r*°sa2s¤fs.ra1zt:s¤C;s ·········· 3:2 TM it " ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ’ °r· uga gl · S’ °’'‘' - ‘°’' appro riation for im rovement of,. 253 905, 1277 deicwgggce appmpmuon fm mmlgizn 824 T1l:%ol;ar Nafloruzl éank Notes, k ’ _ '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°'‘'’'’‘‘'‘ ’ ’ 'to circu tiono by oneban 343 Tuckahoe Rwer, Md., . p g (md; ’ appropriation for improvement of. . 253, 905, 1277 Tggprlidggog {Ol. ekpemes of mhmdjDg_ _ 119, 642 Turkerton Creek, N. J., f Two Rivers Wit appropriation for improvement o . . 252, 905, 1277 · ‘ ’{ · ( lm,. rug Fork we Sandy Rim'- Ky- an W- Va-. “""'°"»$`.§?TT‘Z‘T. . T’T. .‘H`¥’T?Y?}??T‘T. .258, 909, 1282 time extelréded forvlayridfging, Warfield, Ky., Tuuyynan Robe,-l _]__ m ermjts - 9 ··•—·-·-····--···- 296 deficieiicy appropriation for services .. 62 Tug River, Tyaskin Creek, Md., bridge authorized across, Kermit, W. Va.. 395 a propriation fo im ro ement of. . 253,905, 1277 between Pike County, Ky., and Mingo Tylleuriting Mach#l.nes,p V (_`ounty, W. Va 899 restriction on prices to be paid for, by the T lat lvllgaujhou, W. V3 .. ... 1185 d Government; exceptioni . . 813, 1266 u amsa, - . ez., etermination of character 0 c anges to appropriation for one—half the cost of road I make new machines 813, 1266 go Mescalero Indian Reservation Typhus Fewer, i { d m .. 576 appropriation or preventiono epi emic. 121, 645 Tullahoma, Term., _ _ 4 Tyrone, Pg1.._ _ _ _ Tsggmgigusu for pubuc bruising . .. . 111 · ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤<>¤ f¤r pubkc bvlidmz ----- ·- - 111 u v ·· U. appropziiation for public building . . . . ag [gum gountl/_ [7,,,;,, terms ° ‘?'°'-mi at- - ·-·-···-—·····-·-···-- appro riartron for aid to public schools 587 Tungsten, _ Uintah gndzkzm, Utah, provisions for increasing supply, produc- appropriation for (payment to, from tribal tron, etc., of, for national security funds of onfederated Bands of and defense . . . 1009 Utes .. 587