Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1648

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INDEX. oclxxvu United States iS’ecu.rit·ies, First Liberty Bonds- P¤8¤· United Stake Securities, Second Liberty P•¢¤· bu gonunpeg. ts t th Bent?-i)Continued(-lf f ogaonso overnmen awarwi purchase o'tions om` verneneniies of the United States; appro- ments ailgwtar with Umiggdggtates priation for purchasing":. .. 35 enemies, to establkh credits thereautbonty to cease at termination of with ... . .. .., . 288 present wu ... _ ‘ 35 rates of interest, terms, etc .,,,,.,.. 289 redemption of bonds isued hereunder advances authorized thereto, and their from payments, or sales, of 35 obligations received therefor 289 other outstanldig obligations . 36 rates of interest, terms, etc ...,.. . . 289 previously authq bonds to be imued conversionsto higher ,,... . ...,.,, , ,,,,, 289 undef ¤¤¤119I terms 36 arrangements for credits to be made, etc. 289 Panama Caml . .. . 36 appropriation for expenses. 289 special preparedness ... 36 authonty to cease on termination of war naval emergency .. 36 with Germany ,...,,,,,,,,. 289 additional issue to_ redeem three per cent conversion of foreign obligatzionsinto higher bonds mat in 1918. 36 rates. . . . . 289 conversionintob0 higher interest of short·time into long-time bonds .. 289 ifsuch be imued yi;-gorto end of war.. 36 maturity restrictions; interest conditions 289 date of termination to proclaimed . . - . 36 mdcm ‘ of dgigngfgd Uuifgi gum OBB YGSP thl'06 8Dd; one-bali PCI C6I1tC€1'- mgdg fom rgcgipigg from mg gy tiiicates of indebtedness to meet poymonq of fomigm _ ___________,_ 290 P¤b}~\¢_ ¢¤P°9¤§¤» ¤¤*·h<>1'1z€d ·-·····- 36 other outstandinfgobhgations ... 290 no <;¤·c¤1¤¤¤¤ prmlege .-.-··----·-·--· 37 issue of eonvertxb bonds authorized in limited to $2,000,000,000 . . . t . . 37 series _____________________________ 290 exempt from taxes, except estate or me gxghgpf for other; og highs; mmm, heritance ... Z ,. 37 by older; ,___ ,,,_.,. ,,,,,. ,_, ,,,, , 290 proceeds from ¤¤1¤¤ of. to be depomed m tom, tems, sw., to senmi1¤...r 290 _ banks audtrustcompames- --.--· .· · 37 termmationofprivilegeforeonvuling 290 I§ltQl`€8§, etc ..·.·····---··-- 37 one year certineates of indebtednm aulimitation of amount . . . 37 thoyizgd _________,__,,,,,,,,,_,,,.. 290 security rexhuired. ... . .-··-·---··- 37 interest, redemption, etc 291 reserves un er Federal reserve Act not to of, md of April 24, 1917, guapplicableto public money deposits. 37 gorization ..,... . . . 291 apprepnation for expenses; statement to war savings oertinestes authmized 291 Congress of- . ., 37 interest rates, etc ... 291 tax exemption on interest on $45,000 of forms and terms of payment. ... ... 291 converted; condition .. . 965 aggregate amount a lowed .. 291 on $30,000 hereafter converted . 966 amount to one person; stamps to show additional to prior exemptmons . 966 paptments, .., . 291 extension of period for converting fourper no circu tion privilege to issues under cent converted, into four and one- this Act ... _ .. . .,.. 291 quarter per cent bonds . . .. 1311 exempt from taxes, except inheritance, United States Securities, Fourth LibertyB¢m§r, surtax, and excem tits . . 291 amount of bonds authorized b3r'1`lurd Lib- interest not exceeding exempt. . - 291 erty Bond Act mcr to $20,000,- receipts may be deposited in banks, etc- . . 291 000,000 ..,. : .. _. 844 interest to be paid . _ . 2 91 appropriated for purchase of foreign obh- exempt from reserve requirements. : . . . 292 gations, etc., increased to $7 ,000,- depositanes in foreign countnes authorised 000,000. ,,,., ,,_,,,,,..,.. . 844 I unti%)end of spar,. .,..,.. securities a e in oreign moneys ex- sa es, etc., y posts employees..: cmp}; gm all taxes, if owned by appropriation or expenses of issuing, etc.; nonresident alien . . . 845 reports of expenses . . . . 292 foreign corgpration, em., not in businem restriction on issues of Liberty bonds; other in the nited States _ ... 845 issues rescinded . , . . Z . . 292 depositary banks or trust compames may substitution of present author1zation.:.. 292 act as fiscal agents to sell and deliver certificates of indebtedness; exemption bonds, etc .,, , ... . 845 from taxes modified ... . 293 title of Act .. . ... 845 reduction oi allowance for expenses of tax exemption on interest on $30,000 of- . . 965 preparing, etc . 293 additional to prior exemptions . 966 provisions for auditing Army accounts Uniwd States Securities, Second Liberty Bonds, abrow, etc . . . 293 issue of bonds authorized to borrow money date of end of war to be fixed by proclafor national security, etc.; amount. 288 mation . 7 _ . . 295 additional to first Liberty bonds .. 288 extension of period for converting, into 4} amount in lieu of unissued bonds of April per cent bonds ... . . ; .. 1311 24, 1917, . ,, . . 288 tax exemption on interest on $45,000 of; Panama Canal bonds ... . . 288 condition. .: . , 965 naval emergency bonds. .. . . 288 additional to ppp! €x&l§1pT·1Q!18 ·--·--· - - - 966 bonds of March 3, 1917 .. . 288 United States Secun¢us,_ Third Liberty Bonds, forms, denominations, terms, etc ... 288 issue of bonds authorized to borrow money interest not exceeding four per cent. . . . 288 for national security, etc ... 503 yable in gold ,___ _ ______ , ,..,,.,,.. 288 aggregate not exceeding $l2,000,000,000. 503 oft}; as a popular loan; regulations .. 288 additional to Liberty bonds ... . 503 discretionary allotment to subscribers. 288 amonmt in lieu of ummued bonds of disposal of unsubscribed for portion. . 288 April 24, 1917 ... . . . 503