Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1656

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INDEX wmv War finance Corgvfatiqn Act-Oogtinped. BGG- War in Europe-Continued. Pm- Gapxtal Isucs mmutee; termmatwu of, call into mmediate service; skilled cxgt eéxd o{°thawar .. gig gem, irrespective of class or resipng; no l\g€l'q9( \’y,.,Q,.,.,,- €¤¢8.., . .,,.,.,...,.. 554 pumshment for vgolatnonsof Act not else- declaration of existence of war with Im- _ Whew specxiied. -··-... ; -..··.·. 514 perial German Govemmem; .,,,,,_, 1 prouusory nctessecuxcd by Liberty bonds, with Auu-in-H ,,__,,___________ 429 wl etgi, Biwg . _ Federal control , etc., dm-ing . PQ ¤<1 ¤¤¤--·q1-·-4 timeof .. · .. · ... 45 1 mvnhchty qt azryéhxgz, etc., not to affect 514 Brat Liberty bon? imue authorized tomeet 35 remand .. ex uses o ... rpesmingof "securitie¤’* a¤usedh¤¤ein 514 fourth Llilierty bond iaésue authorized to ptle ot Act declared . 515 meet expense; of ,,_,,,,_,_____ _ ____ 344 mcounshent laws . 515 means for stimulating agricultural producbonds of, payablcmforeignmnuggnexempt · ~ tion, gm., dm-mg ,,__,,_,___________ 213 frogu ali gixes when own by non-- 845 mpstriztlwn of citizens whd served with on en .. ‘ ° . L ...,. 545 by foreign cqrpontion, not engaged in fqrmer .,_,,,,, 546 busm68Q1¤ United Stltw ... 845 second Iubaty bond mue authorized to collateral mq:-Fed for money advanced by, gneefcgxpeupes oi , ..,..,,,,_,,_,,_, 288 to ban , etc., on thm loam .. 1049 suspension, etc., of leg:] proceedings affor purposes or live stock, 1049 gectingpcraons military service ·_c;cep . .. z ... : .. A u:i1sg.‘.L; . 440 addmoml aecunty may be reqmmd: .. 1049 third Liberty bond inns authorized to advances by, authonzod, to promote fonugn meet expcnsaspf .. 502 commerce I 1313 War Inoame Taz (au Income Tu). to exporters unable to obtam funds {mm 1313 Wm- Industries Bfcgzrd, 652 banks . . ... a. ropristion r expenses ... ; limit; intergst charge .. 1313 dggciency appmpriation for expensu . 1022 tol%:.‘1x;1:s1num¤gt0 such persons. ... settlem?ut of clzums for 1%, etcééégdsufg- .,.. .. .. ‘ p yung mzuggnese e . n r aggregate not to gxceed $1,000,000,000. . 1314 ‘ mitioml d me the war, may be made mm] one yearsftgrthesmr 1314 ‘ ’ requested by ... . ... 1274 note md security forgugtemst. . 1314 War Indugtrigs, Essential, _ _ _ reuef:;.\:, m1 uh . i 1314 appmpmuon for gvorhng cond1twn¤ of 696 reserve accnm m ne wage earners m . . . . . .. earnings . . . 1314 War Labor Board (sec also Department of investment Liberty bonds, ctc ... 1314 Labgr), _ depogngz ogdm member or mscrvu banks 1314 Wapgxiopripuon for salanes and expenses 696 ow ar atmal, yment of ration bonds from, etc. 1314 authority to urclmso otci for naval pur- F€I<?B!2·] Wmhfw be depositaries 1314 W M ... , .. 7 20 an agents cr ar atma , etc., _ liquidation of assets and winding ur of articles included in toqm, as used m Act .. 533 affairs twelve mouths after end 0 the 1314 mgiming gf; war pmmxsan " .. war. .. wa: u `tia¤" . disposal at ¥:'or to . 1314 ., . . balance m an asucm ¤ .. . .. Corpoxstioptzildissolved . 1314 punishment for etc., in time of War Gardens; ws.r,mats {premises, or uti1itia¤.. 534 apprugrismon for field supervision of .. 1046 injuring, obspructmgz ctc., United_States War in umpe (ue also War with Germany), - or amounts muon un carrying on appropriation for relief of American cm- the wm .. ., ... : . . . 534 zens and prisoners of war, m enemy 530 wg material, tools, etc., m a 534 territory . . e ec `ve IDSBHGI. .. . . . for national defense, etc . . . 635 Wm Matenhl Plants, _ deficiency appropriation for relief, ctc., of zones may be abgut, to prevent American citizens ... 3,_843, 1023, 1040 sa1e, etc., of mtoxmzting liquors- 958, 1047 for representing mtcrests of fomgn gcg;3 1040 Wgr glgtmqla, _ _ f _ _ 60 · ts .. , cxenc ru muon or mvestlga u, {0; ngrgggll defense . . .. 429 8 6tC}§,?)l;EI\i:l€l'2.1 substances used asu 491 advances by ¥V;r liliuauce Corpogatiog op War Operqmqns Aéobrrocgg _ 40 846 we an , etc., aamsting usa- a ropnauon r 0_ _ .·..-- ,

0ess cgucems contributing to prose- dggciency appro muon %r ymr expenses

& cutinu of the war .. Z 508 of Army 0 cen observing .. 186 directly to business concerns coutnbut· War Part Board, Army! _ ?1g to prosecution of the war, on 509 deficicncirt ggympénatiou for expenses, 478 ‘ wg _,,_,,,.,,.. . o ew or . . . . . coudgfiegz, amount, etc .. 509 War Projggs and Excess Projts Tax, Title III, E0 undergfgaidezal coxggolkigéé 509 d 6 Hlgevrrguc Ac: of 1918, 1088 arti d to ross mx e m n 0 terms ...-.-···---·-.·-. C Bgreeogllgxing, etc . . . 954 additional tax on net incomes of corporacall into immcdugte service quthorized_ oi twns ...--··--·-----··-·-----·--·-· iggg registrants m any class m prepcrnon _ for 1918; rates . I 1088 to full quota therwf, of State, etc.. . 504 for 1919 and thereafter, rates ..