Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/553

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SIXTY—FIFTH conerrsss. sm. II. cm. 61-63. 1918. 535 when such vacancies are in grades not above that of colonel; and ,a§1‘j_{{*°°°¤"‘°°“S'°‘ officers appointed under the lprovisions of this Act to higher grades in the forces other than the egular Army herein provided for shall not vacate their permanent commissions or be prejudiced in their relative or lineal standing in the Regular Army. Approved, April 20, 1918. _ April 22, 1918. CHAP. 62.—An Act To amend the emergency shipgkrge fund provisions of lS.3388·] the urgent deficiency appropriation Act ariproved June _ nth, nineteen hun- dred and seventeen, so as to empower the esrdent and hisdesrgnated agents to take over certain transportation systems for the transportation of shipyard and plant employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United E Sm in States of America in Congress assembled, That section one of the emer- ru¤$$°”g°”°y pp g gency shipfping fund provisions of the urgent deficiency appropria· ef"- P·m·°‘“°’*°‘ tion Act o June fifteenth, nineteen hundre and seventeen, is hereby mgfdditjioml p<>w¤r¤ amended by adding a new provision reading as follows: P; I t "(f) To take possession of, lease or assume control of, any street emma Z'Zc.f’r€ {S35 railroad, interur·ban railroad, or prart thereof wherever operated, §§§d§“},1{l‘jY°°’*° “’“P‘ and all cars, appurtenances, and anchises or parts thereof com- P°'l»P·65I· monly used in connection with the operation thereof necessary for the transfer and transportation of employees of shipyards or p ants engaged or that mag hereafter be engaged in the constmctron of shrgs or eqfuipment therefor for the Umte States." Tamodu st mu_ EC. 2. at (paragraph (b) of section one of said Act is hereby 1·¤aa,¤r¤.,el>¤rrri°£s. amended by ad ing, after the word "material," in the third line of said paragraph, the following words, "or take possession lease or assume control of, any street railroad, interurban railroad, or part thereof, cars and other equipment necessary to.operation.” . Sec. 3. That upon taking possession of such plmiperty, or leasing as$€{T$2°d°°‘t‘y°°tEZ or control thereo ]ust compensation s a be made there- *`*g§,§°g{é if mmm for, to be etermined by the President, and if the amount thereof urmeirmiiry. so determined by the President is unsatisfactory to the person en- P'°°°d"'°‘ titled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined by the President and shall e entitled to sue the United States of America to recover such further sums as added to seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner pro- l"'°°°d¤*°· vided for b section twenty-four, aragragidtwenty, and section v°'·°°·W’·l°°°·“""- one hundrerfland forty-five of the .£dic1al e. The President may exercise the power and authority hereby vested ,r,€"°°““°° °‘*’°"°”· in him through the several departments of the Government, and through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time. Approved, April 22, 1918. Aprll23,191& GHAP. 63.—An Act To conserve the gold supply of the United States; to permit {$· 4292-I the settlement silver of trade balances adyerse to the United_States; to provide silver for sub coinage and for commercial use; to smst foreign governments at war with the enemies of the United States; and for the above purposes to stabilize the price and encourage the production of silver. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrleérresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the %'?,§°%m..,d,,d Treasury is heriallily authorized from time to time to melt or break up g_*j¥·$*_*;,’*",°°”“'¥r ‘° and to sell_as b `on not in excess of three hundred and fifty million standard silver dollars now or hereafter held in the Treasury of the United States. Any silver certificates which may be outstanding -,,,?E"§§°§°§€ ,§‘§f§ against such standard silver dollars so melted or broken up shall be