Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/677

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SIXTY-FIFTH coxcnnss. sm. II. ce. 113. 1918. 659 For care of the center parking on Ma.ryland Avenue northeast, _ $1000. U_ S t, Pm l<`or operation, care, repair, and maintenance of the pumps which ;.,u,,'{§§,_t° `°" operate the three fountains in the Union Station P aza, $4,000: P,m0_ Promkled, That the officer in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds Reduction erm. shall investi ate and re ort toCongress on the first day of its next regular session wliatmethods may be employed to reduce the cost of operat- ' the said fountains. In m%`o provide for the increased cost in park maintenance, $25,000. mm°{g°§“,,,‘3,€°?s°°'p"k For care of the center sparking in Pennsylvania Avenue, between Second and Seventeenth treets southeast, $2,500. T_ _ _ Tmar. Basm narnmo amen: For completing the bathhouse, MQ? Bm b“°“““ bathing·beach, and purification plant on the shore of the Tidal Basin ,,m,”_ in Potomac Park, $33,000, to e available immediately: Provnkled, mlncurred esngmem That this appropriation shall be available for the pigment of obliga- °]“°°°‘ tions incurred tpgligir to the passage of this Act and w `ch properly are chargeable to ayiproprration. thFp)r £ur·ifri:)atio]rl1 o waters of the Tidal Basin and maintenance of e a eac , $15,000. For new public comfort station in Stanton Park, $3,500. . i ggmugtxxl For new sewers in Smithsonian Grounds $5,000. ~ _ _ cmumisf For installibnvg and operating a ferry line from the vicinity of $@3 Em P°‘°' Seventh and ater Streets to ast Potomac Park, $10,000. _ _ One half of the foregoing sums under "Buildings and grounds m ,,§,’},',{,,,‘f°"‘ D'““"°‘ and around Washington" shall be rigid from the revenues of the ` District of Columbia and the other lf from the Treasury of the United States. ‘ _ For improvement, care, and maintenance of grounds of executive $f"‘“'° · de tments, $1,000. EZ; such trees, shrubs, plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grormds of the Librag of Congress as may be requested by the su rintendent of the brary Build` , $1,000. Er such trees, shrubs, (plants, ferliigiers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Caépitol an the Senate and House Omce Buildin as may be requeste by the Superintendent of the Capitol Building, $4,000. _ For improvement and maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds ,.$$"'° m“’“°" (within iron fence), $5,000. For reconstructing a portion of the sewer in West Executive 8°'°" Avenue, $5,000. E For the employment of an engineer by the officer in charge of °°"°°" public buildings and grounds, $2,400. For purchase and repair of machinery and tools for shops at nursery, and for the re air of shops and storehouses, $1,000. F I Executive Mansion: Por ordinary care, repair, and refurnishing of 6:g“?$i.:° mm"' Executive Mansion, and for urchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles for officialipurposos, to be expended by contract or otherwise, as the President may determine, $40,000. Fu I For fuel for the Executive Mansion and greenhouses, $8,000. °' $ For care and maintenance of greenhouses, Executive Mansion, G”°*“’°“s°”- 9 000. P or repair to greenhouses, Executive Mansion, $3,000. For reconstructing one reenhouse, Executive Mansion, $4,000. Tmveun G of For traveling expenses 0% the President of the United States, to be nm rressagigpwm gggzrgged H1 his discretion and accounted for on his certificate solely,

_ Fo1‘_l1ghtin.g the Executive Mansion, ounds, and greenhouses, u‘h°”8‘ mcludugi gglc necessary expenses of instailiation, maintenance, and re arr, , , {nil-;mg the public figrounds; For lighting the public grounds, mliiliggrngrgndg- . watc en’s lodges, offices, and greenhouses at the propagating