Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/736

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718 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. Ch. 114. 1918. commander, or lieutenant commander shall be promoted unless he has had not less than two years’ actual sea service on sea-gouiig ships in the grade in which serving, or who is more than fifty-six, ty, or Eggptigns tx, mes fprty-tive years of age, respectively/’ the proviso reading as follows: §;°‘;*,§;*,i'g;,s,$§f§,§°,!‘§ Promded, That in exceptional cases where officeis are specifically ingwar,etc. designated during war or national emergency declared by the President by the Secretary of the Navy as performing, or as having performed, such highly important duties on shore that their services can not be or coud not have been spared from such asswnment without serious prejudice to the successful prosecution of the war, the gjualification of sea service in the cases of those officers so specifipl y designated uhall not appliy tgie Ignigzd Sgates is at w1ai1;; or urine a nationa emergency ec are y the_ resident or w1t two andb one·half years subsequent to the ending of subh war or national emergency." m$,' "gfglg‘g The provisions of existiug laws with reference to promotion by Copa. selection in the line of the avy are hereby extended to include and ° '3°’ P' S"` authorize advancement to the ranks of commander, captain, and rear admiral in the Staff Corps of the Navy under the same conditions in all respects except as may be necessary to adapt the said provisions to §g°,%'g-smou 0, such Staff Corps: Prmnlled, That boards of selection shal in each case boards. be composed, when dpracticable, of not less than five members of the corps concerned an promotions shall be made on the basis of fitness Sm alone b selection from among the officers of the rank next below: qun.a,s°"i°° mt "` Providexl furtlwr,_That the requirements for_ sea service in grade, lengfh of service in grade and maxunum age in' grade for promotion No _ sha not app?. _ mm,§}${,;••j§j})ui}$‘;j That here ter the allowances of officers, enlisted men, and student von. ss, p. aaa. fllyers 2; the navagseryice shéall in no case be increased by reason of , the e ormance o aviation uty. lsiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiriléxg. Tliat the [provisions of the Act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen ¤¤{!g{jP§5'p· m_ hundred an eight (Tlurty-fifth Statutes, pages four hundred and V¤1·37,p.5<¤>. seventeen and four hundred and eighteen), as amended by the_Aet of August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirty- _ W 39 P lm sgvegth Siéatutesi page Eve hundredhancligiuizty), and as amended by ‘ ‘ ‘ the ct o · are 1 ourt nineteen un and seventeen (Thirt ·— ninth Statutes, page eleiren hundred and eighty-eight), are hereliy extgided tg authorgs the cgqlsigpafgzn cg enlwttzedtnlilen of thu lilaxiiy or f armc orps_ as a m c er an assis an avy mm c er rs for duty at stations anlyshore establishments under the jurisdiction of tlue i'avy_l)eparl:Sment where the services of such mail clerks and assis ant man c er are necessary, - qlfg§;;g}¤*¤°i°¤ °' That hereafter the Secretary of the Navy may determine where Q D¤§·¤¤l¤z;tio¤ V by and when there are no public qH8.I‘tel°S 8.V8.Ll8bl6 for persons in the i$v’§{§° °‘° ‘ °" Navy and Marine Corps, or serving therewith, within the meaning of any Acts or parts of Acts relating to the assignment of uarters or commutation therefor. q e§,f;§§“"§‘,j,°,§;*;vQ‘;{,e$g§g That the Secretary of the Navly is hereby authorized, in his disliy¤i~·i1i¤¤s,¤¤c. cretxon and under such rules an regulations as he ma prescribe, to pay cash rewards to civilian employees of the Na Eepartment or the Naval Establishment or other persons in civillife when due to a suggestmn or series of suggestions by them there results an ggggli I m cm- improyement or economy in manufacturing process or plant or naval m,épp,,,p,,;§ms_ material: Promded, That such sums as may be awarded to emple .- eesdor luther persuns m civil hfelin accordance with this Act shall life _ pa.1 them out o current nava appropriations in addit t th" -’·¤“*¤°¤°'€¤¤”°°’· usual compensation: Provided furtdlr, That no emplovgenoro otlildi: person in civil life shall be paid a reward under this Act until he has properly executed an agreement to the effect that the use by the mted States of the suggestion or series of su gestions made by him shall not form the basis of a furtherlclaim oi any nature from the l.n1te<l States by him, his heirs, or assigns.