Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/817

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1918. 799 Expenses chargeable to the foregoing a propriations for clerk R°S*"°“°¤ °¤ °’°*k hire and incidental expenses in the offices og the surve ors e al mr°’°t°` shall not be incu.rred by the respectivesurveyors general, in tgergdlndflictcof said oEceS,fe§§:epé upogl yifevziolbsépoclfic authorization by t e ommissioner o e ener an ce. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to detail temporarily ,u'{§§‘,¥,‘{,'$’[" d°““'“ clerks from the office of one surveyor dgeneral to another as the necessities of the service may require an to pay their actual necessary traveling expenses in going to and from such office out of the appropriation for surveying the ubhc ands. A detailed state- Eient of traighelinge expensesfincimegh hereunder shall li.? made to o essat e ginningoeacregularsessionthere. r Ti; use of the fund created by the Act of March second, eighteen mwlaiidsdnrggilsl hundred nmety-five (’1‘wenty-eighth_ Statutes, page nine hun- °'°8'p‘°37‘ dged and tthirtdy-seven), for office wjork the ueurveyom geneéelle o cesisex ne orone ear rom une tie ,mneteen un e and eighteen: Promkled, That not to exceed $25,000 of this fund shall £ir°in°{£°f be used for the purposes above indicated. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. www-a¤.°°° in tm Tnmzrronr or Anasxa; Governor, $7,000; four judges, at $7,500 ‘u‘°"" each; four attorneys, at $5,000 each; four marshals, at $4,000 each; four clerks, at $3,500 each; in all, $87 ,000. _ $2I;g161nc1de;tal cc;ntu;g‘ent expenses, <§erk hireé 13: to excteed , ; pim r service or e governors o ees an execu ve · mlxhisiogécncztf to egcceed $1,20% expenses ofdthe govertpor w e a n rom uneau on o C1 usmess·repa1r an reserva on of executive mansion; stationery, lights, water, and lluel; in all, $6,000, to be expended under the direction the governor. _ For_the_repa1nt1ng of the executive mansion at uneau, Alaska, ‘“‘i·l.?"*“gé“*°“°’ §§P““§“g’.li’.=l°°“?‘“gs§“§ %‘?i’t"t‘%”°‘ { ~e·-·~···r·-M aveexpe es: ers eso me e ; e eo memfggs, $9,2?(f; salllaries leiuemplgyees, $5,160; printing egiws, $3,5 ; rent o egis five an committee rooms, $2,0 ; stationery, supplies, printing of bills, reports, and so forth, $4,500; in all, $:16,010, to be expen ed imder the direction of the governor of Alas a. Tnnnrronr or Hawaii: Govemor, $7,000; secretary, $4,000; chief H°“tL justice, $6,000; two associate justices, at $5,500 each; in all, $28,000. For ]ud%es (;{1Clg(gI1lati courts, at *:4,0;:0 elachi sodmuchmas may be necessary or e c year mnc en un re an nme en. For contingent expenses, to be expended by the_ governor, for stationery, postage, and incidentals, $1,200, and or private secretary to Itgie governor, $2,000;£_n al}, $3,200. l_ ht tcl h md ugmsuvuxpmm ative expenses: or urm ure, , ep one, s pnery recorgllseasings and files, printing and meluding prmtmg: Pubhsmnhmi bmdmélz ;,2··.;.·;S·2s;:;:·;; sekhes: :2:% gournasinexmgrecor, s e, ,_ e, , e members, and incidentals, pay of chaplam, clerk, sergeant at arms, P,,,,,_,,_ stenographers, typewriters, {lamtors, and messengers, $30,000: Proj bggsn ¤¢q-.t;~g·1i¤¤- vzdcd, That the members of the_Leg1slature of the territory of Hawau shall not draw their cempensation of $200 or any m1.eage or an extra vol 31, P. m session, held in compliance with section fifty-four of an Act to provide agovernment for the Territory of Hawau, approved April thirtieth, _ nineteen hundred. rosr omon nnrxnmmm. ..§.°€‘ °‘“°° ”"’“" Omron ldosrmasrm; Gmmizxnz Postmaster General, $12,000; e1ii>er¤1¤x,m.Gm°d’ chief clerlr, including $500 as superintendent of buildings, $4.000;