Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/635

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1904 INDEX. Antitrust Laws, P¤s¤- Appr0pr£at1Zona—Continued. hse appropriation for investigation of viola- for 1918, continued; for District of Columtions, by producers, etc., of food- _ bra, from revenues thereof,- .. . 844 stuffs _____,______,_________________ 124 ratio of distribution each month 844 for expenses enforcing ..,..,_,,,... 155, 681 not available beyond date when regular use forbidden for prosecuting labor 8ppl‘Qpl'18li10l1S madé ...··----.-...· 844 organizations, etc ___,___________, 156, 681 to be 1H 11eu of amounts hereafter made, association of farmers, etc .. 156, 681 ctc ..-...-----·..-. I -..-...-. _- 844 pending cases affecting railroads to proceed pay of emplogees, etc., contmued_ until to deter-mmatmu _______________ 458 changed y regular ap_propr1ations.. 844 execution of prdgment may be stayed, f€gl1l§¤\1‘ 9·PPT0P!'i;9·t10D$ availab 9 and Obon application of the United States _ 458 hgations ratriied from July 1, 1918.: 844 prohibitions of, not applicable to asso. for fiscal Year 1918, for Department of Agnciations solely in export trade .. 517 cu ture, etc., continued through exceéning trade within the United Sellftcmbef, 1918 -... 957 tates, and domestic competitors, . . 517 tllmug October, 1918 . 1 . 1008 . no ggjggmgnt unduly gfgctjng dgdgggigjc for food £1'0d11Ct1OI1, €liC., COl1t111l16d prices permitted ,,,_,,_________,_,_, 517 throng November, 1918 1019 Antwegr Bzgmm, l for AIIQIY . . .. . .. 40, 845 inte ermg, etc., with Government owned, for Military Academy ... 90, 620, 1336 unlawful ___,,_,,,__,_,__________,_ 533 for sundry civil expenses 105, 634 prmrshmeni; for ______ _ _________________ 533 for rryerand harbor improvements. 250, 904, 1275 Apache, etc., Indians, Okla., for diplomauc and consular service 519, 1325 appropriation for agency expenses from for I11d1aJ.\ Department ... . . . . . 561 tribal funds _,_,_,_______________,__ 577 for the naval service . 704 for support, etc., of, from tribal funds. , . 577 for pel1Si0l1B.-: ... 741, 1174 Apache Natioml Forest, Ariz., for service . 1 t . . Z .: - . 742, 1189 apl};]Iopriat.ion for maintenance, etc., of 985 for egislatrye, executive, and yudrcral ex- Apu hola Bay, Fla., penses . 757,1213 appropriation for improvement oi. . 255, 707, 1279 for fol"l71q¢3tl0DB ... _ .. . . 815, 1305 Apalgdnbola, FZa,, for grstrrct of Eolgrmbraciil . 918 appropriation for public building . 106 Ot 6 111911 0 Agn ture 973 Apggclriincla River, Illia., for agrrpgulrttural food stimulation, etc .. 1045 apfpropriation for improvement of . 1279 for expenses, lst session, 65th Congress . 1 or improvement of channel to Saint for purchase of obligatrons of foigrlgn gov- Andrews Baly, Fla .. 255, 907, 1279 ernments allied with Uni States Appliance: for Diaab ed Soldiers, Sw-grbal, H1 war I . . .: .. 35, 289, 504, 1313 appropriation for furnishing 136, 661 fornexpenses of isstung bonds and certi.6— Appointrnents D·i·v1Znbn, Post Office Depart- cates of deposit for war expenses, ment, ctc .. I ... . ... 37, 292 appropriation for superintendent, amist- for paying war risk insurance loses and reants ... 800,1252 turn premiums . 105 Jippointmenzx Dimlnbn, Trearmyy Department, for mamtenance of War Risk Insurance appropriation for chief of division, etc. . 771, 1226 Bureau ..--. Z . 105 Appomattox River, Va., for writ}; etc., water drversion from Great appropriation for improvement of. . 254, 906, 1278 _ cs and Niagara River ... 241 A ppoquinimink River, Del., for session emsloéoees of Congres, lst sesappropriation for improvement of. . 252, 1277 sion, 65 ngress ... . . 242 Apprmhm, Board of Gmml (au Board of for emergency e?enses,_ Signal Corps, General Ap raisers), Arm? inclu mg Aviation Section. . 247 Apprent1loeSeamen, Riwy, for North sland, San Diego Harbor, Cal., appropriation for pav 728 for aviation stations, etc ..,, 248 pippropnkztimts (see also Deficiency Appro- for Waterways Commission ,... 269 ualpriations), for preferential transportation for national ann estimates of, for fortifications, etc., defense, etc. . . 273 to be made hereafter ... 1309 for special objects under food survey Act, annual, for sinking fund .,.,.,..,.. 1312 1917 ..., . ,.,,,,,,. 274 appropriation for preparing statement of for administrative expenses, food conservaflrst sewion, 64t Congress .. 171 tion Act ... . ... 283 for preparing statement of, first and sec- for all other purposes of food conservation ond sessions, 65th Congress . 697 Act .. . r .. 283 carrying over, for fortifications repealed. . . 1309 for procuring nitrate of soda to aid agriculgegciency appropriation Agct, 1919, in-st-.. 1020 f ture. . . 28 7 e ciency appropriation ct, 1919, second. 1161 or expenses o preparing, etc., cert' cates for deficiencies .. . 2 of indebtedness hereafter issued 293 for urgent deficiencies ...,,.,.. 429 for expenses of auditing, etc., Army acon account of war expenses, etc ..,...,., 182, counts abrom, etc .. . .. 294 345, 459, 594, 821 for session employees, Senate and House, for ior fiscal year 1918, continued through month of October, 1917 . 343 July and August for the Arm , De- for naval airstation site Cape May, N. J. . 344 partment of Agriculture, ami, Dis- for War Risk Insurance l3ureau expenses. . 400 trict of Columbia ... 843 for military and naval family allowances. . 400 including operations authorized by law for and naval compensation 1,1918 .. 843 aw s . 400