Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/886

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mmx. 2205 Pensimw Increased-—Coutinued. Page- Pensimns Ivu:reased—Continued. Pase- Mayberry, Emanuel . . ... 1396 Moore, Owen ., , ,_,__ {429 ·~»»· Mayden, Archibald W ... 1390 Moore Marcus L . ..--- . . 1377 —»- Mayfield, Asbery . . .. 1386 Morath, J ohu J , _ __,, 1462 — Mayhew, Francis . . ..,... 1517 Morelock, James K. P . .-.-. . 1443 ·-». Mays, Geowe M ... . .. 1374 Morgan, Archie ...,,_,,, 1501

 Mead, Charles J ... , . 1457 Morgan, Henderson - . -... . .. 1424

~. Mealy, Charles W .,., 1424 Morgan, Littleton T ..-... . . . 1515

 Means, Henry M ...,.. , . 1433 Morgan, William .-... . . . 1522

... Medley, William D . . 1498 Morgan, William H --- · ··.. . . 1518 ., Megehee, John .. 1445 Morrill, John W . , , . . 15],0 ,,, Melton, J ohu Wesley ... . 1499 Morris, Allen .·.----· 1502 ___ Mercer, Jesse R. .. . .. 1413 Morris, Levi .,._ , 1504 W Mericle, Laurence . . .. 1500 _ Morris, Thomas I ..., ‘ ,...,__, 1496 __ Merida, Henry .. 1433 Morrison, Joseph .. . .,,,, 1455 - __ Mex-iiield, Sidnegi . .. 1420 Morse, Benjamin F . ..,._.,.___, 1368 Merrill, Charles 1399 Morse, George N. . ..__,. 1547 '” Merriman, John W .. . 1570 Morton, Georie W . . ._,,__,, 1414 `` Messick, Nathan C .. . 1455 Morton, Mar P . _ ,,___, 1506

 Metcalf, Edwin S ... 1368 Morton, William A .,..,. 1492

Mettler Rouser. ‘1551 Moses, Frank A .. - .. 1409 Michael, Samuel ... - ... . 1463 Mosher, Charles H , .,.,_.______, 1459 Mickey, Samuel .. - ... 1405 Mott, Abraham ,..., , _; ,,__,, 1461 Mickley, William D .. 157 6 Mott, John S .. . ...,,_._. 1439 Middleton, Joseph L . 1453 Moulton, Henry D , . _,____,, 1461 Miles, Levi . . ... 1420 Mountain, Charles .___,,,_____ _ _ _ 1555 Miller, Calvin . .. 1429 Mowrey, Sampe1D .. . ,._...________ 1373 Miller, Eu .. 1450 Mulkey, Lewis . . . . ...,,_,,, 1468 Miller, George C - - . . s 1453 Mullen, St§Fhen ... . ..,,__,, 1391 Miller, Georiau?1 . 1510 Mulliken, orey . .,,,,_, 1506 Miller, Heze 1431 Mullin, William F ... . ..,,____,, 1509 Miner, James 1449 Mullins, Lewis L ... - . ; ,,.,, 1406 Miller, Jeremiah W . . . . . . 1525 Mulloy, William .. , ,_.,,________ 1513 Miller, J onathan . ... 1399 Murdock, Jacob H .,. 1418 Miller, Levi H ...,... 1521 Murphy, Thomas, .,. 1464 Miller, ,... 1533 Murphy, William R ...,.,,.. 1421 Miller, Mana ...,,__,,..,.,... 1426 Murray, Andrew M ., - _,,, . - 1381 Miller, Stfiglhen A ... 1523 Murray, George ,. . .. . 1366 Millilciu, omas S. 1485 Murray, John G ..._,,,.. 1460 Millirons, James M .. 1369 Muzzy, James . ..._.,. _ ,_,,, 1523 Millis, Edward D 1501 Myers, James .. _ ,,,.. 1561 Mills, Alada. T, P __,,, . ..,..._,,. 1537 Myers William .,._,__ _ ____ - __,____,. 1375 Mills, Daniel B. 1359 Myriclr, Freeman D .,._. _ ,..,... 1364 Mille, Edward ... 1510 Neck, Charles ... . .,.,... 1434 Mills, John L . . .. 1417 Napier Lucretia .._,,,...,.. 1443 Mills, Morgan W _,.. , ,..,,,. 1403 Nash, ilmncis O ,., · .,._,_,,.,,,.,,.. 1473 Mills, Nelson G .. 1392 Nash, William J . .,. 1385 Mills, Orville H ,.,,,,,_.. 1574 Nsuerth Jacob ..._.,... 1523 Miner, Edwm H . 1404, Nearganier, Joscph E.-. ...,. 1473 Miner, Elcazar L .,,,. 1506 Neer, Delos . . ,. 1366 Minihan, Peter __________,,,,,_,,__,,,___, 1454 Neff, Reuben H __,,,._,_____,,_ _ ,___,,. 1511 Mitchell, James J .,... - ._,,. 1423 Nelson, Alanson H _.,,,.,.,,,,.. 1525 Mitchell, Thomas G . 1395 Nelson, Albert F 1549 Mitchell, William ..,... . ,,,. 1453 Nelson, Andrew ..,,.,. . ._._,,_,,,,_._,,. 1520 Mibchum, William A . . ... 1436 Nelson, William J ...,... 1513 Mittlestedter, John .. 1555 Nesbitt, George W. L ..,.,... 1522 Mitzel, David ...,... 1441 Nesbitt., William H ..., . 1422 Moak, Anus M .. 1412 Neutzeuhoelzer, Henry ..,. . 1557 Moll, John J 1423 N swb , Daniel ..,._.,..,,.,. 1505 Monmonier, George W . , .,... 1456 Newelxl, Henry .,._,. - ,,,._,,,.,,,,._, , . 1369 Monroe, Charles D ... 1434 Newlon, Hiram B ..,... 1367 Monroe, John G ...,. 1405 Newman, John F . . . 1426 Monroe, Mmm A ,.., . ,. 1491 Newman, Lewis ..,,,,...,,_,,,,.___,_.,. 1549 Monroe, Milbon T .,__,, , ,.,.,.,.,,.. 1444 Newman, Thomas ...,., - 1571 Monroe, Richard M . J 1434 Newsom, Richard C .. . . 1452 Montague, Lewis R ,,_, , ..,...,. 1565 Newton, William. . . . 1444 Montgomery, James D ,.. 1442 Newtson, Seward . ,. 1365 Montgomery, Ross -- · · 1402 Neyland, Robert H .. 1572 Moody, Andrew J .. . 1549 Nibler, Franz .,. 1512 Mooneybam. William .. . . 1392 Nichols, Isaac .. 1569 Moore, Andrew . . 1494 Nichols, Isaac D ... . .,. 1388 Moore, George W . 1427 Nichols, James A . . ..,.. 1434 Moore, James C .. 1446 Nichols, James K . . . 1418 Moore, J ames W .. 1428 Nichols, William A .. 1433 Moore, Joseph R .,.,,,... 1406 Nickerson, John H . . . . . . 1447