Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/888

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INDEX. 2207 Pensions Increascd—Couti11ucd. P¤:¤· Pensions Increa.sed—Ccnti.nued. P¤z¤- Pratt., Lewis. , . - 1418 Richardson, William. . .. 1461 Pratt, Morton A . . 1414 Richardson, Wiliiam V ... . .. 1577 Prescott, Isaac L 1444 Richmond, Noms C . 1388 Presley, Anthony W ... . .. 1486 Rickart, Joseph B 1394 Presley, George C ... 1384 Rickman, Emanuel. . ... 1481 Presley, Samuel W ... . 1518 Ridenour, Edward H . 1405 Price, Henryii ... 1430 Ridenour, John . 1509 Price, John . , .. 1428 Rider, Hemy S ... - . 1492 Pride, Albert 1396 Ridiugs, Robert T .. . . . . 1476 Primrose, Thpmas H ... . . 1422 Rjiiie, 1444 1Q’§“§‘€m%§§ ······‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘····· {Z3 “’gg· G‘}1’.3."‘B’ ··‘···‘···l·‘‘‘·‘‘‘······ {223 O, . . ..-. ... . ... , - .. -...-., ProudHt, George 1379 Ebenezer . . . . 1380 Prouty, John M .. . ... 1413 Riley, Jauiesr .. . ... 1390 Pruih, Augustus A .. 1382 Rimert, W1111am ... . ... . . 1405 Pug , Geer?- . · 1436 Rimes, George C. ... 1531 Pugh, Joel . . . _ 1 450 Rgmrt, Lmus .. . ,.. . ..,. 1433 Purdy, Herbert C . .. 1572 Rmer, Hamill .. . .. 1437 Purinton, Byron H .-.. . .. 1526 Ripley, Jaco ... 1460 Quick, John A . . . 1373 Rippey, Pleasant; H .. 1412 Quiuby John T . . ... 1505 Risner, Francis M . . 1562 Quinn, . -- 1475 Risuer, Wilson ,. 1464 Bagan, Edward S ... . r... 1376 Risum, Otto A .. 1516 Bag-ner, Jqmthau M - . 1546 Rivers, John H . 1375 Raines, Wxlliam F . . · 1376 Rives, James A .. 1458 Ramey, William H .. . 1559 Roads, John W .. . .. . . 1441 Ramseg, Albert P 1487 Romk, Jemc: . . ... . . 1448 Raude , John W . . ...-.- 1434 Robb! Francis E 1495 Rgudles, Martin . . 1460 Robbins, Jonathan H 1379 Bmiit, Jose h . . .. 1399 Robbins, Silas C ... 1 . 1422 Rsmlett, Joan S . . ... 1521 Robbins, Theodore H 1434 Bapelyo, Abraham ... . ... 1427 Roberts, Elijah . 1511 Rgwle , John W- . .. 1416 Roberts, Elizabeth E . 1480 Read, §ohn ... . .. 1571 Roberts, Townsend.: 1479 Redman, Jesse ... . .. 1498 Bobertson, Andrew ... 1371 Reed, Alexander ... . . 1359 Robinson, Oscar G ... 1370 Reed, Alexander H . 1394 Robinson, Robert A . 1461 Reed, Elizabeth S . .. 1503 Robinson, Robert R .. 1512 Reed, George W .. . .. 1503 Robinson William W 1446 Reed, Hiram H .. 1454 Robison, Elohn M. ... 1444 Reed, John V .. . . . . . . 1364 Robison, Samuel 1527 Reed, John W` . . 1401 Robson, William A ... 1470 Reed, J oshuu W . . .. 1478 Rodenbeck, William H .. 1503 Reed, Wesley B . . .. 1361 Rodgers Robert . 1570 Reed, William S . . ,, 1361 Rogers, john E .. 1361 }{g(,·dgr, Isom S ,,,, . , .,. 1424 Rogers, John W . . 1496 Reeder, James 11 ... . 1421 Hof? Wyillkm B ..·..--.-.»-- . . 1390 Reeder, Simon . . . 1560 R0 lf:-B.ia.mcsT . . . 1438 Rggger, Aimnias B .,..,. . ,... 1376 Rolls, James · . . . . I450 Reeves, Riley A . 1372 Rook, William. ·..·.-»».. 1460 Reeves, William A ... . .,. 1363 Rooee, William C 1522 Regan, Thomas .. 1467 Root, Albert A 2 ...·...--.-.. 1409 Regan, Thomas F . . , 1494 Rosborough, Wxlliam J . .. 1443 Rmchert, Michael .,. 1447 Rose, Henry G. C ,... 1448 Reid. John ... , . 1423 Rose, Osmer A ... 1560 Rgiman, John, . 1517 Rose Susanna ...,... . .,.. . .. 1389 Rguch, David E . . ... 1441 Roseimrry, John T .,.. 1491 Rewalt, Luther L - . . 1368 Rom, George H . 1509 Rex, Lewis B _...,.,. 1426 Ros, gdamcs .r 1461 Rex; Martin L .,.,,, , ,,,.,..,,___,__,,_. 1403 Ross, a.d1.s0' X1 ... 1459 Re`,-Holds, Charles W, A ..,... 1392 Ross, William H .,... 1503 Reiqmlds, Rufus ,.,,,,,___,,. , _ ___,_____, 1507 Rounds, Rue} .r... . . 1408 Rhgadgg, Wmgu H ___,_.. , ...,.. 1513 Roundy, Porter W . . 1384 Rhodes, Charles .._..,... . ... 1506 Roup, William ... . ... 1428 Rhodes, Isaac N _,__, , ..,..,.,i. 1419 Routh, Theodore . 1369 Rhodgi Jonathan B _______,,...,.,..,_,_. 1389 Routieu, John . . 1392 Rice, Edwin __,,,.,,.. . ,»A... 1464 Row, William ...--.-·-·· 1381 Ripe, John R ,.,,,... 1395 Bowden Isaac D . 1367 Rice, Robert M . ... . ...~Y.»» 1408 R0W1&¤<`1, James · ~-------»----·-- · -····-· 1552 Rich, J. Comlv . . 1426 Rowland, James W .-.~~----»--------- 14-10 Richards, Phiiip, ,...,.., . .. 1371 Rowley, BdW3I'd A ··----~-- - ···—----···· 1513 Righard3_ Wilson S _______ _ _ _____________ _ 152], R•OV\'l€y, BIHBHUEI .. . . . .·· - · ···- · · RiQh&fd5OH, Da\’id _______,_. , . . ..` , . i Rowley, Henry C ··—--··--- ~ ·-···· · · · - · · · Richardson Whshington ,... . 1368 I ROY, Fl'8¤C15 ····-·-----·--····—··· · ······ 1433