Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/963

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2282 INDEX. Stamps, Internal Rev¢nuo—Oontinuod. P¤8¤· Standards Bureau, . Department of Com- P¤·s¤· use of stamps on hand to pay increased meroo—Conti11uod. _ _ mms ,...,. - 326 appropriation for standard1z1§ quality, S accoxinting, ctc., for stock on band 326 {n%ureme3t, egcbgzftox es,pap¢—§68 1260 tamps, ostagc, 88 cx`, 8.11 1’l1 ... _. ._ , appropriation for manufachun, etc . 749, 1196 for séydying problems of Bl28»Dd&Id1Z]I1g, deficiency appropriation for mamyfnctura, lllg, efic., sugar 1260 etc ,,.,,,,,._..,,.,.,... 374,492 for standardizmg, etc., gauges, screw Szamps, Postal Savings, threagls, etc ... : . 808,1260 imus of adhesive 10-cont, usc, otc., for 54 {or gonewgngtsmmgg battsnesség 1328 pos¢alsa.vmgs' accounts . 7 or mvosuga ing, e c., mine es .. 0 Sumoill, Robert L., for rnotallnrgical researches .. 1260 S deficisnacg appropriation for services .. 26 for mvoimgating methods of high tem- 12 za me, po1n me measurements, etc . 61 established in territorial zones of cond- for installjng,$ctc.,_oquipment .. 1261 nsntnl United States .. 450 for applying yrinmples of sound to milicommon ca.n·iers, Federal officos, ctc., ta.ry nnd gndustrml pmposos 1261 governed by .. . . 451 for mvostugating problems of industrial advanced one hom- from last Sunday in development, etc .. 1261 March to last Sunday in October 451 for developing aquatxc sources of leather

 of Army and Navy Supplies, in cooperation with Fisheries Budeficiency appmpriation for expenses, coop- rcau  - ... 167, 693

eration of Standards Bureau in. . - 216, 495 for lsrggmscalos 169, 695 somdmasmum of 1·¤sm-,4qz1 Mahon, f<>r,¤dd1¤<>¤¤1 Q--_ --·---·-·----··---·- 169 deficiency appropriation for expenses com- d¢&¤¤¤¤Y $PP¥°P¤$u°¤ f°¥' 8*-meld GK- ps1mg,om.,mp¤¤o¤,bya¤au¤ms¤. sms 1>s¤¤·2¤ ----- ; -·---·----·- 32 $$2,841.1040

 0 Sam Threads for scmnufic amstmco, etc., to War and

s mpmuon tg! cooperative .. 808,1260 { N°YY D°P*§·;f¤*¤- - - ,f‘6»‘*”5· 1°37·1°4° dggciency appropriation for - . 495 or mmpmeqt 9 °m1°°‘l b°°t‘°!y‘ * 216 S , , Ofscww ’'‘`'’ I ’i for wdumzéng, etc., gauges, scrc;1 ""‘“'“"’}’“‘m‘J;', ’”“’°“"’ f.,m.u.,“"°,$m;;,>‘;.;;t;.;e·;;,,;‘;te.:.. “*§?§ ¤¤•¤¤¤ md <=¤¤¤v<=¤i=i¤¤ ¤f -—-·----·-- 91% 1291 for repairs power im: . ’ ... 4 ss to ascertain and establish standards for uso for m,t;ng’m.ucm,,1 mwdm ______ _ 495 841 in ¤¤=¤¤¤f¤·=¤¤ri¤z v¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤<i¤r s 1- mvomguon tc min sca! ,495 A1-my and Navy ..·- - - - · 913, l291 fgr invemgatzixgg epnliic stjlityuslnnlil pmmmgou or - .·.· gg, anis 496,841 tD&rv°wi m1tc(“np°n@¤_'°n_____,,,- , ° _________________________ mlea and regulations ------- - ·---- 913» 1291 §g; 1?ilway materials no terminate in six months ----------····- 913 for testing railroad scales etc. . 841 1037 1040 one your and six months .. 1291 for j_¤yemg,t;_,}§I;,pdm] ja, _______ ’ ____ ’ 1040 Standards Bureau, Department of Commerce, Standards Bureau, odor of appropriation for Director, amstmts, obc.806, 1258 appropriation for, amistants, atc 806, 1258 or apparatus, machinery, etc ... . 806, 1259 to go chairmanoi Oommision {ortho Stand for repairs, etc., buildings 807, 1259 nrdization ol Screw Thruds . 912, 1291 for contingent expenses .. 807, 1259 Standing Rock Indian Ruawation, N. Doh., member, Internntxonal Committee of per capita. distribution to Indians of, or use Weights and Measures .. 807, 1259 of moneys for benefit of, authorized. 577 E9"? °'·°’°¤°¤.*‘“"a§“ ‘ ‘.·..‘ ‘ 21...,,... ‘‘‘‘‘‘ '£" lm S‘°3"°J$%.€°£{'£“Z‘c1f°0?fi»”3§‘3’i‘ag‘Z‘0£’“" 585 un songs a o .. higbpotantinl electric cunonb, eu:. 807 Ex road through, in Carson County; local for i¤vo¤¤gnti.?°s1:uqtunl materials. 8UI, 1259 co0T£>eration 586 for expenses, tormmstian of physicéln 1259 Stanjiold, oma: J., _ _ constants, etc . . . , pension increased .,. · . 1 516 forinvest? t.m fire resisting zopettios Szanho ,Gear eA., of bu`_ dinggmaterisls . . 807 , 1259 pensqn incrgased 1508 for investigating standards of manure- Stanislaus Nat12malForeal, Calyi, mont, etc., of public utilities 807, 1259 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 988 fortosting railway equipment mstmisls- - 807, Stanlzy, Hugh S. , K 1259 pension increased 1392 fortssting miscellaneous materials. - . 807, 1259 Stanley, John M., for standardizing radio communication pension ...,.. 1393 instruments, etc . 807,1259 Stanley, Walur A., for developing color standards, etc- . . 807, 1259 pension .. 1564 for szdy of clay products, procss?68 60 Stanton, Beverly M., 1409 e ...·..». , 12 nsion increased ... . for experimguts in effective utilization Stggton, Charles W., . of phymca.1 propertws of materials, pension increased .. . ..,.. 1417 etc 808, 1260 Szomem, John E., ahh; Edward A. Stanton, for investigations, etc., of acronautlcs pension increased ... . 1387 and avmtion requgrcments, etc- . 808, 1260 Stapleton, Jmnes, _ for investigating opucal glam produc- pension increased . ... 1476 f tion . AAA ... 808, 1260 Smplozon, Sum} Island, Nh K, ml or purchssmg' , etc., stan mam¤als` , appropriation or marine i , im rovefor chemxcal analyses, etc .. 808,1260 pp Pments .. ... . 112