Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1115

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 29, 33. 1921. 1095 Beginning at the meander corner of the section line common to sec- D"—'¤"P“°°· tions eighteen and mneteen, township seventeen north range twenty- · nine east, Mount Diablo meridian, rnmning thence along the north boundary of section nineteen, south eighty-nine degrees twenty-one minutes west Efty-three and eighty-two one-hundredths chains; thence south one and thirty-four one- undredths chains to a point in the meander line of Carson Lake; thence south seventy-three degrees thirty minutes east thirty-six and sixty-nine one-hundredths chains along Carson Lake meander; thence north fifty-six degrees thirty minutesf inst twenty-two and forty one—huudre&lths chain? to the oint o eginning, containing thirty. —three an sevent · our one '

 agree, more or less, which shall thereupon becdme a part a¤lJ1Y°° °° wm

o the pu 'c omain. That as a consideration for the issue of said patent, R. L. Douglass F°°°°'°°'°'°°‘ will construct a substantial fence around the tract of land conveyed to him under the provisions of this Act. — - Approved, January 27,1921. ` ` af""’..jm1;.°¢i;‘?.‘v.,..**","°‘t ’{.'.§’.li‘;% ‘°' “1¤...;"°" °“ Rag.“*° °°°* °‘$""$.§..."§" “‘:‘.$i 1 ‘“‘ “‘ *%*3} n on , g Chattanooga National Military Pa:}. m Q uga Bc·it enactedby theSeneteandHotweo R esmtativeao the United States of A1nerioa in Gmgresa aesenvbled, Thgior the purpo];-ie of ascer· ¤u·ii1d taming the cost of improvement and maintaining in pro ‘r condition 1 erm for_ travel the Government boulevard on Missionary in the $¤eg{°g§g·_v"§°°$ Chickamauga and Chattanoog1National Park, from the north Missionary mm in. end of said road near East attanoogggin amilton County, Tené °u'°°°°°‘ nessee, Rossv1lle,m Walker Countyil rgia (a` distance of seven or eight miles), the Secretary of War is ereby authorized and directed to cause an examination of said road to be made, and a report to be made by the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission of the approximate cost of such im rovemenfand the mm, to N mb manner in which it can be and should be done. 'lgie said commission mms:. shall report estimates of the cost of said improvement by concrete surface, and other proper methods. The cost of concrete surface, gutters, excavations, and iills wherever necessary shall be reported and the cost of graveling excavations and fills, if that method shall be deemed best; and the maintenance of such road, per annum, by oiling and other means, shall also be reported. No material chasfe shall be made in the line of the road as now ¤¤§.§ZI,'.iZ}’°° °° established, nor sh the cost of any excavations or fills be considered except where it may be absolutely necessary for a first-class boulevard; but estimates for the cost of widening the road wherever it shall be necessary shall be made. It shall also report what the cost of concreting the road in its resent ,,Q,’Z’Q,2'§°n.i’;}i§.‘}. °° condition, without additional fills or excavations will be· and the cost of (gravel£§ and maintenance per annum would be, including oiling an the erence between the cost and maintenance of a concrete road per annum and the graveled and oiled road. hmmm, m 0, The commission shall rcmrt to the Secretary of War, as herein man. " rovided, within four mon from the passage of this Act and the gecrew of War iilhall transmit this report to Congress with his recommen tions in e premises. mmmum The cost of such examination and report shall not exceed $@00, and ¤ri¤¤¤¤~ M so much of said sum as IS necessary to make such examination and report is hereby authorized to be appro riated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated? Approved, February 2, 1921.