Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1274

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1254 sixrY-sixT1—1 coucnnss. sm. III. cu. 124. 1921 $1,440 each; ten elevator conductors, at $1,200 each; two machinists and electricians, at $1,400 each; laborers-—four at $720 each, one in charge of Senate toilet rooms in old library space, $660; attendant for service in old library portion of the Capitol, $1,500; in all, $28,120. S,§f,‘}§“*‘@,’,,§‘_f,’d‘{§,§‘§$§: For the Senate Office Building, rmder the Architect of the Capitol, ing. subject to the control and suipervision of the Senate Committee on Comm me Rules: Fourteen elevator con uctors, at $1,200 each; in all, $16,800. _ g Courrnenur nxrnNsr:s_: For stationery for Senators and the Presi- S"*“°"°"’· dent of the Senate, including $7,500 for stationery for committees and Pom mm officers of the Senate, $20,000. g° p°' Postage stampisl: For office of Secretary, $200; office of Sergeant at . Arms $100; ina $300. M°t°r v°m°1°°' For maintaining, exchanging, and eguilppinig motor vehicles for carrying the mails, and for oizlicial use o the offices of the Secretary and Sergeant at Arms, $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessa . p,‘§‘§1°Q'§€bu°’ wm Igor driving, maintenance, and o eration of an automobile for the Vi Pre ident $2 240 P _ ce s . ”`°"““g· For materiais {Jr folding, $1,500. For folding speeches an pamphlets, at a rate not exceeding $1 per F I em thousand, $5,000. °°’ For fuel, 011, cotton waste, and advertising, exclusive of labor, $2 000. F“"‘"‘"‘ iFor purchase of furniture, $5,000.

materials for furniture and repairs of same, exclusive of labor,

For services in cleaning, repairing, and varnishin furniture $2 000. P°°ki¤€"’°"* For packinfg boxes, $970. g ’ i ,m]fLggj*“*°°* "““" For rent o warehouse for storage of {public documents, $1,800. Miscellaneous items- For miscellaneous items, exclusive o labor, $100,000. ,,g§§}_g*u*gf°° md ”“'°" _ Forexpenses of inguiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, including conéigensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as may be fix by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent l2p:p)e3‘s)p)s of the Senate, but not exceeding $1.25 per printed page, 0 , . R°°°m”° d°b°°°S' For reporting the debates and proceedings of the Senate, payable in equal monthly mstallments, $40,000. C°pimp°u°°` carrror, Poucm. Pay` For captain, $1,800; three lieutenants, at $1,200 each; two special officers, at $1,200 each; thirty-three prrvates, at $1,050 each; onehalf of said privatcs to be selected by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and one—ha1f by the Sergeant at Arms of the House; in all . $42,450.

`i°iI?g°m° fb For contingent expenses, $200,

m,§§'j"°° °m“” “”°` _ One-half 0 the fvregving amounts under "Capitol lice" shall be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-halfpliy the Clerk of . . the House. rg1i¥?igi:°mm“°° °° Jo11~:·r comurmm on ranrrme. gfikgiim For clerk, $4,000; inspector, under section 20 of the Act approved q0ug,,,,,s;,,,,,,; Dim. JPPUSYY 12, 1§951 $25*50; St§¤0g!'8ph6l‘, $1,500; for expenses of com- ¤,r,_ prlmg, preparing, and 1Hd€X1X1g the Congressional Directo , $1,600; in all, $9,350, one half to be disbursed by the Secretary of ltlhe Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House.