Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1517

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INDEX. XH; Cotting Crmferjence, New Orleans, La,, World, Page. Cmnt 0 C1a{·m8..(] 5 Bd foI'€1gl1t0I1%t1OI1B mvited to send delegategu 271 a.pggroj;Qr1a1;@on for ;;yu:>`;c11§t»0diau. 688,11;;} <¤<»~»» Bmw, _ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ mi£?i§t£?§’£i§’i¥a¥£§‘iae11111‘é:2m2 12% appropmannon for expenmenta, etc., in deficiency appropriation for paying juhg- , cattle raising in- ~··----···- 268» 728» 1345 m€¤¥S 0i -·--·----·-- 60 343 52] 1037 1182 Cotton Fqtuyes Act, United States, for paving judgments Indian éleprkda- ’ appropnatxcm for expenses enforcing ri 25 { ziim claims _,,,_ , _, __,,,______ 50, 521, 1038 1 ti- t ·•¤•••••¤••••-·•• amendments of 1919 declared per- a.<i<?;t§0Or?s1ul%iaI§miasxp¢;11?cs?s between J F 1175 uganent _1egislati0¤ .. 725 McMurray aiad Chimtaw and Chicks; op(ti1ol;131r§1ghts of buyer and seller 011 725 lsayv Indgans, referred to . .. 234 e e es . `ii .1 ‘ ` - Epmd . 738 °"° T .T`.?¥'T‘?5 . TT?. 234 reuse of mon? from sale of cotmn for all claims of Klamath, etc., Indians to be _ officnal stan gu·Qs, etc- ... : ... 1343 submitted to ... 623 deiicxeucy a.pp1·0pnat1pn for enforcing 524 jurisdiction conferred; appeals a.11owad.. 624 for expenses, ccllecting . 1183 statutes of liugitaticns waived ... 624 °‘T£{,‘{>";’;'{;“r:mm for imbm.¤.~¤g experi §’°°mg°d"‘°é§“d€€’2¤°° %d“?‘&°S ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 62* - es r nc · ec ,,.,, 2 ments . 243, 702, 1322 restriction on ¤tt0l';1iY8, f<;5, ----· gil; Cowden, 1{e·v._ Henry M., _ claims of Sioux IDdi2DB,V)bB8llbmittGd to. 738 appr0pn2.t1011 for, chaplam emeritus of the given jurisdiction, in claim of Osage In- _ House of Representatives ... 1255 dizms for rcceeds of ceded lands. . . 1097 de£me11cy approprmtmu for, as chaplain jurisdiction c0n¥errod to determine claims Emeritus of House of Representa- 1180 of t‘[ndia.11qx;;t Et;>rtUBer;l&old Reserves, ___________,,,___,_,,_,,,,,__ va um 1 't States 404 Council of Ngtimwl Dqferwc, right of aggaal; proizedxsnac, etc ... 404 appropriation for expenses oi; salary re- to hear and cterminc claims of Iowa _ strictions 177,886 Indians, Okla. ,_,,_,_____,_________ _ 585 defimency appropriation for salaries, ex- 503 Court of Customs Appeals, pauses, etc . appropriation for salaries . . 687, 1306 restriction ... . 503 for rent, etc. ... 687, 1306 1iaT.§ties of Committee on Public I11forma· for printing and binding for . 229, 942, 1430 tion to be paid under direction of Courthouse, D. C., Director of 327 appropriation for employee;. ,..,,,, 92, 863, 1134 removal of temporary office building for, or_repa.irs, etc .. . . .- 907,1397 cw Qil:€CY£(i;.. 1282 deicmpcgf fzzppyopriatiotrz for reconstmet- 50 nude; z e ,., 111 nm g, e appmpriaréngén for expenses in suppressing, for chagvomeu . . ... 328 etc.; restriction 174, $82, 1375 {pr restoring grounds, etc,. around .. 333 srotecticm of the President, etc. _1Z14a882, 1375 relief of contractors, for losses due to in— etails under Secret Service Division cost of construction materestricted .. 174, $83, 1375 rmls, etc . . . . .. 281 deficiency appropriation for expenses $0 1183 court, and p,.g_,,m,’ D_ gq 611 Pféssing -·-···--- _ ···----·---· A ° ti f f is t. i Warl;·`ina.nce Corporation bonds, etc. . ’ 331 appmlfa Bgtglzlgw ?_ _ gg, gw, 1134 Ummty .4 yew, Asrrivuiwral Ewiwwm WM, for courthouse em loyees . 92, ssa, 1134 Bpprc riation for ...·-·-- · -·----·—· 720, 1339 for court of appcag building, care, etc- . 92, G<mr¢ o/P.App¤aL¤, D. C., _ sm, 11:s4 ¤PPT°Pg??Q¤tf°¥ B¤I¤·¤€¤» €t°·» MK Mm 687 for supreme court. expenses . . . 93, 863, 1134 for mllsrgg" Courts Jgzgrégggx etc., Army (sec also Articles tri 1: revenues . - 1306 · · ’ tm- repgrts of decision; ... 91,861, mz C “¥’£‘°p“;*:;“ f°’I‘f"§’c"E,’°° °‘· · ;i ······· m· 956 for care, etc., of building 92,863, 1134 W atm, ”_'°"*’· J; W"'!/i · ¢'·» O deficiency appropriation for clerk’s office, ¤IfPY°P¤¤¤°¤ {OT ¤¢¤u°¤ 0 ····--·-·-·· 1-44 gxpgnggg __,____, : . . ._ ,,.l.. 41 Comngtonf, Ky., gppgglg hom detgrmmatxons of RGIHZ t€l'KI\B 0 COHIT Bt ..·.. . - -·. - · . -. . . - 4(X) Commission allowed io- . . .. 301 C'0y0!¢3, _ _ _ _ no modification, etc., except for error of appropriation _ for devising methodg_ ig: law ... 301 destroying . _ . _ 2q; , » 16, 1335 action on _,,,,,_ . .,..,..,,.,,._,,, 301 au;0u,nt for d&'u‘O;v’l.Dg, m mzuonal award f mmissi to a praise property crests; etc"-, . _ . _ 257 cg gqashingtgg Marget Company to for destroymg, for suppressmn of rsbxm- 257 be fxled in - . I I .,.. 1443 Cradoclz, Y1.! _ appeal imm, to bedetérmmed by; ]udg· appropriation for operatmg, etc., Government final _,._.,,. . ,.,.,,,,,.,,,.. 1443 ment pause at .,...,.,_. , . ,.,... 223 procaedéngg in, on appéegls from judgments 1310 for opeméxnig, etc., Government apart- 924 ° . .. men a . - . Court of clpal co. jurisdicjjoq qver town site, retmceded to up ropriatiou for judges, clerks, etc 688, 1307 § l.!'°’lIL\B .. 1439 Err auditors, etc . . ... 688, 1307 Cravzberncsji?. C'., _ iorcontingeut expenses . ... 688, 1307 standaryi d11I\811S’1DDB of barrels for, ambi<>r reporting decisions ...·.. 688. 1307 hshed ..- . .·..------ 1221 44281°-21-—-96