Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1532

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lxiv INDEX. Disbursing Agents, Indian Ser*vice—Co11td. Pago. Diseases of Man, etc., Page. may authorize official bond to cover acts appropriation forinvostigating, etc. 176,885, 1377 b of cg-gk; b(g/ld to be given by clerk . . 414 Dalsinfecting Sen;ice, D. C'., Dis ursing cers, 'avy, appropriation or maintaining .. 89, 860,1131 relieved from responsibility for loss of deficioncy*appropriation for maintenance- 40, 1018 funds, aoltc., {rn line of duty, without Dispatch Agmts,f L d N Y L person fau t .. 132 appropriation or, at on on, - cw or ·, Disbursing Officers, Navy and Marine Corps, San Francisco, and New Orleans. 741, 1208 allowed credits g war <;:1me§fBucg pa.y— Disputes l;etwiz`en Carnkrs a1u;E%mpl0yees (see ments to o com 8.11 c te men; a s0' ransportation ct_, conditions ... . 153 provisions for settlement of, by mutual _ payments qxcluded 153 conferences ... I 469 Dnscharge Gratmty, Navy, by Rzqlroad Boards of Labor Adjustment. 569 appropriation for, of . 147 _ by Rmlyoad Labor Boagd _. I . . 469 Dwcharged Dwabled Soldwrs, etc., Dzshlled Splmts (see also National Prohibition appropriation for medical treatment of, _ Act), _ etc., beneficiaries of war risk insur- dealmiggg h(;lII.S€.I`8C?gggpl;', potjproance, etc . 175 1 It y atmna. 1 1111011 ct, 309 for modicalgatc., servicosfor,beueiicia.rios withdrawsgl of bevogagez in_ bond when of Public Health Service, other than National prob1b1tion 1Il force, for war risk insurance Eationts .. 884, 1376 _ _, etc . . . .: . . ._ .. 320 for efxpensos of Public ealth hospitals xgmtzychgaga QSCGCPRPBIADHHHCUVG). or 885 tmguw _ ervwe ross rmy, for expenses, vocational rehabilitation 01111}* 0119 lSS\£8 to aggy pegson. - .. 399 of .. . .. 887 ar, etc., or su equent jus ying sct.. 399 _ for remodeling Armv hospitals trams- D1L9tin9uishqd Service Medal, Army, ferrcd to public Health Service for only one issue to any person .. 399 treatment, etc., of . . .. 1368 _ lgar, etc., for subsequent justifying act.. 399 deficiency algamggiation for expenses, vo· Dwtrwt Agtozjneys, Uniteq! States Courts, canon re bilitation of . 328, 504 ¤·ppr0prmt10u for salaries and expenses - . . 209, for medical smgzglios, etc., for, under 923, 1412 Public He t Service . . .. 377 paymentj:0 clerks acting as, during Army surplus motor vehicles, etc., mms- vacanc1es.=.: .. - . 209, 923 §1’!'€d mgof Public Health Service geugml applicable to Disospi or . . . 530 tncto o mp ia . . 209 hospital at Broadview, Ill., to be immodi- salary for dxqtnct attomey for District dgately acquired, etc., for treatment f Of Ccilumbiapnd assistant ... 209 0 . 45 or regu ar sasmtauts appointed by use of emergency fund for hospitals, etc., At§0m9Y (16116113.1; . 209, 923, 1412 for, extended .. 45 { ¤&1ang¤lHxeg1£$;`;1}’é 209, 923, 1412 D- ,:8, or_spoc1a mms _ _ to . _ .. 210, 923, 1412 zgflzugd national banks on Paper Secured def1c1ency·appropm1ytion for salanes, otc... 52, by bills of lading, em ... . .. 296 for wgum , 6;%;*:37, 346, 349, 525, 13%, D¤<¤mm<=¢mq 12~¤¤¤» . . for assistants in Sp6c1§n`&§S&.`.`.'.`ff jj 1176,1188 treaty resmctious OD. xmposmg, to be ter- to prosecute suits for abating n . ces * miuatem ... 1007 · - · l notice to be given foreign Governments. . 1007 qndgugggglili Dweme Germs, _ Dulnct Bgcil{1ing, D. C., <1oolam_d poummlgblo matter. ._ ...,. 620 up ropnatxon for salaries, care of . . . 69 838 1110 ¤‘3¤S¤11SS10¤ to 11€€¤S€d P11YS1€1¤¤5, 910-, EJ! fuel, miscellaneous supplies ever. y 75 by manufacturer _ permitted under ’ 1115 prescnbed regulations .. 621 deticieucv appropriation {0, gm,] mjsceuw ’ D'£8€G368 G77\»0’TLy Hgéug €tc____·_j___·__._ appropriation for prevention and treatment District Courts, l _ of C0¤f»3·g10\1S, G10 ..-.- · ----·· 4, 410, 1227 appropriation for judges ____________ _ _ _ 887 1306 d€HC1€¤€Y 8pp!’0pl'131Z10I1 for PNVGDUOH. {Ot judges, et,c_, Hawaii ______________ 687, 1306 _ €1»€-_ ·-----·-·-···-·-···--··---- 523, 1186 Porto Rico __________ _ ___________ _ 687, 1306 Dwewev. Anqmal, _ _ clerks go be appointed by judge of, etc 7 1099 9·PPFoP¤3110¤ 10F ¤¤PPY€S¤¤1g· ¤~m0¤8 11**9 8318-1196 Substituted for fees ,,,,_ . _ _ 1099 Stock Og ·-··· ·· ---- -- 81 Of, in against Governim preveqtxng spread of . . . . . 339, 698, 1318 ment Owned, etc., merchant vessels 596 or 1H\·’8SUg3t1l1g ... .. -‘ 9,700, 1318 { rt » d , y . V Q “ for investigations of tuberculosis etc 239, Or p§§§_ custo 35 _ _ 698, 1318 smateme tt b filed ih 1 H l: iQ for eradxcating foot and mouth and other 1 ofrzdcezs (Ear seryilce §i8lpl;?mé);ésn2gm;§ _ contagious diseased . 269, 728, 1245 1 F edeml control actions , 452 deficiency appropriation for preventing § Dahcricz Jujqpg, ``'```````` ' CODt3»g1OI1S, 1iVG Bppl`0 figtign fo!-_ ___·_'~ · I _ - l - i - - - D*·8m$€·?, Q0‘V{Y¢¢9“i0U8, 1 for gawaii ,,__ _ ______ · l · l 687, 1306 approprmttmn for preventing spresd Of, S fol' Porto Rico ...,,, . A . · · · · 687, 1306 Di % mterstato . 176, 885, 1377 District of Columbia, ` _·``-` ’ aeases, on_tag·ious, . J., _ Bppmpriation fo mi half gppmpngugn fm- preventing proud 01.. . - S9, i {KOH} ;mh211f € s€§1gtI’1Ct 859, 1131 revenues) .. .- . 68