Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1552

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lxxxiv mnmx. F1]ty—Cent Pieces, Silver, Page. Fire De tnwnt, D. C.-Continued. Pago. coinage authorized of: to commemorate Ala· cla.ssi§gtion of(pers0une1; transfers to new _ bamaceutennml ... 595 grades; a ditional privgteg ________ 397 Mgune Cpuwuulal --------- I ·-...-··..-.. 595 salaries established; increase to date from Missouri centenma.1 ._ _. . 136 August 1, 1919. ..., , ..,,,.,,__ 397 tercontenary of the landing of the P11- membership in organizations advocating g1’¤¤¤ ·--·-·····~--·--··~··-----·-· 597 Strikes forbidden. . ... 398 Nlmwg Nagimml Forest, Utah, imrnediatcfdischarge for violations . . 398 gppmp;-jgtion for mammumcg, ewu of ____ 249_ conspiracies by mem ers to obstruct opera- 707, 1327 tion of, unlawful . - ..,...,. 398 Films, Agricultural Department. puuishllient for . ... 398 loans, sales, etc., oi, authorized; restrictions, 25 appfolafggglou for paying increased salaries, 8 etc ... 9 .. . ... 39 Fiummm Plum, D_ C_ (M wawr Service, age limits for original appointments in, to D_ C_)_ bbs fiuged by d(Eo1gm1ss@1¢;n¢=ir‘?...i(i-.‘§`}.. 398 Fimnwe Department Army, mem cm 9 ’ es ta .m . °' at appropriation for, employees in office of Bezylco m °l3'SS16°°‘t1°D wd Pay Chit f W D8 tu"- H 1278 mmg$··- ·--- ·-·.. .. .. 1129 ° °· °·’ P’“"‘”°”· ·· excluded ir 1 ·· creation of ; oicers and enlisted men c0m· tkemeuiugiiigiiugizggggiggge 614 posivg --·-----...------- - ---------· 766 . . . . . _ _ _ · Chief of Finance charged with the disburse- Fw R““E*"'Q Qwahfus of Building Mmmlf, ment of funds of the Department. . . 766 BPETQPHBUOH fo1‘ 1{1V<?S¢1g9»t111g- . .. 682, 1301 disbursing risiiicers may designate others 766 Fde CI6I1%’ appropriation for investigating _ 524 wagon ---.·...·---·.·---.··- irewocd, . C., Fine Am Commismbn of, regulations governing sales of . .., 1223 Fapprgpriistion for expenses. ... 177, 886, 1378 F5"; _4”-mam Gem,-ag, M an , ‘ tion ‘ 1 k · - ¤vgr<2r>ri¤¢i<>¤ fm minister ¤> -·--------- .74*% 1206 appmpgiiacs or diiisioui, ig. I lwflfiingrs, 1294 do ¢1¢}1iY ?g>P¤>P¤8t¤>¤ f<>¤' ¤¤l¤'Y» ¤¤¤· 504 for post office servicedivision ,..,,,,_ 675,1294 Fm, ‘‘=‘ §2:$*;;*z‘i;“;‘:‘ri.?*t1i“..::.?$?;;;;;;;;;;;; 2$2;%§3i c>a.nce11(:;.xtiori,of contract with, and Garden 1054 $3; $md$?.m?f1 '° ‘ " -`t irrigation pro'ect .. tmastem · ` ' " ’ FW C°”"'°KI’“’“ll°‘{°’”· }<z¤‘·f<=¤¢*·»¤» ig; 11:3:11: light fiiieilm clerks, etc- ap*propriation for construction, etc 608,1348 tweléy yea} leases ér ’ 578 or rangerfinders, etc . .. 608, 1348 limit for mm fue] andlight thirdflégs for operating, seacoast defenses. 609,1349 Offices, U 578 for °P"”m?§;m’°*c°“t d°f°“”°• m““1:{0 Um for mgicellaneous, first and second class · ‘'‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘ "-`f "¢ '‘‘‘ ’ 0 ces . . ... 578, 1151 f<>¤‘ ¤0¤¤¤‘}!¢¤¤¤. BW-. Ph¥l1PP1¤¢ md {0, city delivery, em ________________ 578 1151 Hawaiian Islands .. . 611, 1351 for navel and miscenmao 578- 1 52 for construction, otc., Panama Canal. . 612, 1351 _ _ °° ‘‘······· ¤ 1 for spmung, oc., Panama cm: e12,1ssi Fw¤<i'1<¤¤ Mm! Mano, _ balances of appropriations for electrical and may be 8*7*-`€tPt€d “¤St¤·{¤P€‘d» for dehvéfy sound ranging equipment, covered F_ I Dwhen ulldyg ;;rep;1$..( B, E _,,,__ 583 in . 613 1*-* <’ <`*m¢‘y _ 9 1 we Q ciency ?pmpriat.ions, for, covered in . . 613 , ·{PP?°Pmm°;'\ Ast, U20. First)- Fire apartment, D. C'., FWS! D¢_/icwfwy 4ct, 193I (see Dgiimgucy Ap. appropriation for relief fund allowances, _ _ PY9P¤3h0¤ {Mt, 1921, First). etc ___,__________,,_____,_,_ 88, 353_ 1129 Firsc Dwwwn, Amermm Ezpedieiomry Form, for chief engineer, deputies, etc. . 88, 859, 1129 Sepwmllef {7, 1919, made alegal holiday in for repairs to homes, apparatus, etc. . 886 F_ at Stflgtlstflct 0§)C<¥7l1mb1a. for review of. , , 283 9,113 if ¢_ _ ., . .,_ construction at repair shop 88, 859, 1130 8PP1’0P¤=m0¤ fo1’ gradmg, Whittier to Van for contingent expenses - gg, @ F_ SZ BgY§i·>;;1VStB€€g - . ... 1116 or new apparatus, etc ... . , , US! ?‘€€_ _ ., . ., _ degicipncy appropriation for fuel . . . -40 1040 Fggpwpfwhon for repavmg, 0 to R Streets. 75 or orsrge ... - ... , 18 , for contingent. expenses ... 40, 1018 appropriation for investigating handling, for iiro boat, repairs - . . 1157 etc., and for developing new sources additional pay of $240 a year not applicable 86 F_ h do} ...,, , ,_,,_,,_ 2,53, 712 to . . . . 6 us an is r ucts, allgxweggcxipmbers oi, for iiscal yem 1921 - . lg?) 4 appropriatioig for diffusingcommercinl inforor year 1922 ... . 8 tion o market ri , distrib t‘ , exclusive jurisdiction of Commissioners etc., of ... . .. '?24, 1342 over. ,, , ...,.,..,, 396 Fish, D. C., appointments and promotions under civil sales by weight required of 1223 _eervice laws; exceptions 396 Fish Hazchmbs, origmalpntriee; service promotions, etc.. 397 appropriation for construction, repairs, clsssiiicption of personnel ..,.. 397 etc., of des ated _____,__,___,,,,_ 220 veten.n§ and medical services pro- Fish Wharfand Hogg, D. C., vid . ... 397 , appropriation for maintenance .,. 75, 844 D