Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1553

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INDEX. lxxxv Fialxerakza Bureau, Department of Commzrce, Page. Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, 0l:la.——Con. Page. appropriation for Commissioner, deputy, appropriation for per capita. payments; clerks, etc . 217, 930, 1419 other payments to be made ... 22 for Alaska service, Pribilof Islands; at allowance for distribution expenses. . 22, 427 large ... . ... 217, 930, 1420 additional per capita allowance herefor employees at large. . ..,. 217, 931, 1420 after .. 427 for distribution employees .. 217, 931, 1420 for probate attorneys, etc., for allotbees for station employees. ... 217, 931, 1420 of, and Quapaws .. t . t 22, 427, 1242 for vessel service; Alaska. .. 219, 933, 1422 for Cherokee Orphan Trmmng School, for contingent expenses . . 219, 933, 1422 Okla. .. _ .. _ 23, 427, 1242 for propagation expenses ...,. 219, 933, 1422 for COIIUIIOD schools; children admitted., 23, for ldewigeloping aquatic sources 0;% 933 Ormcf n in text 427, 1%% eat or .. ¢ I0 --; ---· ; -·--····---- for maintenance of vessels ... 220, 933,1423 for expenses, etc., solling tnbol property, commutation of rations ... 933 f¤>¤l P¤>¢¤€d¤ ----- - ·-··---· 23,_427. 1242 for food fishes inquiry. . 220, 933, 1423 segregated coal and asphalt lands infor statistical inquiry 220, 934, 1423 dlldllil -·-·· · ·-·-······-—··· 23, 427, 1242 for protecting sponge fisheries. . . 220,934, 1423 for collocling row -·--·--------~ 23%%% 1242 for protecting seal fisheries, food to na.- D0 mm-l°Y Y0 be €XP°¤4€d from U1 _ tives, etc., Alaska, general serv- f¤¤<l¤ _W1th°ut BPQCIGC 9·uth°¤tY » me . 220, sm, 1423 ¤z¢<=v¤¤¤¤ -··-—---··-·-----·· 2% gy {@2 for buildings, Anagram wu islands 934 for ¢¤l=·¤l ==¢*or¤¤>~¤ --·- ; -··-----·· 5%;, , 2 3 §m, ggiggated Hgh h8_tch€ri6s___}i ______ % for gligalcahools, mamtenance, 23 458 1243 ' tri union cars; reappropria on 1 ···] ···· 1 ············· * * {5; S§§;°°5‘§;,£y°·* “""B““’ ”“"i°“ ““ 1423 M rgclmaubngimas. .y.fiY`T`??T”}Yi E’f’f‘? 1243 ° 'Y"¥ `‘°`°‘`'`‘'°' Y" ‘ '· Chocmws 23 428 1243 d ii a ro natio for Alaska. SBIVICG f°rfu1m1mgu“u°°mth . ¤ · ° mi;3i>uI$i)1¤Ymd¤-i ... 55,67,1034,1%;8 *0* D· R°d8°”· *'°m C*“°k““‘“' 24 I 11 ··••••••••••• ! --.-··:·.-.··.•...··-.•..•---· for m”°° °‘°°°uS '3,;g°g*;£¤1040I 1043, 1188, 1192 for Stl1Zl't%r0LBW'lB, Gordon, and Ruther-

·»~¤v·=¤¤pe M9- -----------··------ 339 .,,f§’i‘,; Ch”3c°‘°°taw§D"l“‘2§};;eg,;;; 2*

for maintenance of vessels; commutation · 24 of mum 1920 . 339 ,u‘“‘},“impsh“1, gat di,,°*’°“‘,t(§,“,,,,;,;, ‘‘‘‘ 5 for Baker Lake Station, Wash., improve- 339 m§8€ to be med within smymr; sdf r¤o¤f·¤- ·-·~··-·--····----· ·; ·····- . ... 24 for F¤ir1><>¤» I<>W¤» *>i°'<>€*¢=*l'¤**¤°¤- "’39·1°3" rm- gigigiiiéailtg wumm 12. Mclnmsh, {0;- Wythevillc, Va., fish hatchery ... 339 {mm Choctaw funds ____ _ __________ 24 for food fisheries i¤q¤iw -------—----··· 51** for mimbming Jacob B. Mmm, mm for new distribution om --·-·------···· 1**34 Chickasaw mas 24 fol‘ Woods H°1°» M·“°·» ash hatchery ··•· 1034 for suits for removing restrictions of alfor Alaska fisheries. . ----·---· 1043 {cmd lands of _,__,__,,,,,, 208, 922, 1411 F·L¤henb,C mrbmbmv, n' " fa.dmini¤te` $p¤oi>ri¤0¤£·¤ 7;<;¤<{;=1>¤¢>·· ¢l¢*k¤· 8*4*- 21% 930-1*19 de °l°:§Za;p$???¥?`T. Ri . {Biz, msg F` www Isla » G- f i1 d ‘ wm .. . . 118 t]_·au§fg!'f9dIg0 WBT Dégytment mm W 358 $u§;:¤C:1}0f p!0VBm6¤tB in town ury epartmenl sites exten to mwer construc- Fishlake National Foregt, Umh, tion; condition. ... 625 gppr0prin,tionfo!mB1¤U€D8HC9, ¢‘|i€·,0f ···.· 249» drainage ugegsments under SLMB IBWI F 707,1327 against guozwrs lands may be paid 1204 F` ld, John ., fromtribaliun ¤.. tglzgfifzxqency appropriation fo1' €0¤¢8¤t9d 1036 chgrged to gllottesfstgg) nh sham .. 1 , tion ex uses . . .. .. maximum raw omit, .. .. Fitzaimozaegkmral giixtal, _ no legal right of sllottze impaired ... 1205 additional sccomm tions, for beneHcm· monuments no be erected to memory of ries of War Risk Insurance Bureau Chickasaw and Semmolo Tnbes 1364 from allotments to War Degrtment. 1162 Flag Smul of Wheat, ctc., Five C·ivil·ized Tribes of Indhgm, Ok ., appropriation for emergency expenses eradappropriation for conginning work of Com- _ 1catu1g, etc.. ... -.. . 244, 703, 1322 potency Commissmn to. .. 7, 413, 1230 Flanagan, John, for administering affairs of 21, 426, 1242 payment to .. 11 detailed report of expenditures gi IE6 1242 Flandm?-i»I%o£i)ai41;r’Ind1m` school 25 428 1244 mad ... .. .. , apro _ _ ·;··· r r claimseor lessee to be acted on by Lu- degciency appupusuon for Indian school. 1186 perintendent; sppmloallowed . 21, 426 Flathead Sw of I _ mm · mm m n o . for .. ... 21 upp Rx., .. , 15, 31, :120, 434,1236, 1248 allotment of amounts . . ..-··.- 21 Florfvad {Mm Rfgmwrwo. glow-gui dm for per capita paymentjo Chocmws and appropriation r constrn ting g;16 421 1237 Chickasaw; f:romtnbalfu.ud¤.. 22, 426, 1242 systems on, repayment. . I . .. , , 1 disposition of, amounts due restricted allowance for pgmenger vehicles. . 16, 42 Indians ,.,,._.,..,,,,,,_ , __,,_ 22, 426 gllgungntg ofllgudg my m gl] ungllqttgd bvmopey exempt. from wr deblgtg, etc._ 22, 427 ren enrolled with - · I 452 C . g. .. fi T r 22 lands included; timber provisions .. 452