Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1580

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CX11 INDEX. Indian Departnwnt—Continued. Page. [ Indian Department—Continued. Pago, deficiency appropriation for supplies; pur- g deficienciy appropriation for support, etc., chase, transportation, ctc .. 61, Q C0 ville,etc.,Age11ciesIndia¤s,\Vash, 1171 62, 64,66, 345,348, 523, 1 for school, Pipestone, Minn . 1171,1186 1042, 1171, 1186, 1191 for support of Joseph’s Band of Nez for irrigation, Colorado River, Ariz., 61, 64, 66 x Perces, Wash .. 1171 for water supply, Papago Indian villages, for BQZIIQOI, Genoa, Nebr ... . . 1171 Ariz., 62, 64, 66, 345, 1172 for lrrggiztion, Fort Hall Reservation, for T_1I11t]gaa£I0untai11 Band of Chippewas, f _I<1 0_ . 5 . ... i. . 1171 1 . * ... - .. 62 or lm t10¤, emez an ia Pue os, for Five Civilized Tribes .. . . 62, 1186 N.$ex ., _ 1172 for Modoc Point irrigation project, K12.- for ungatiou, Blackfoot Reservation, math Reservation, Oreg ... . 62 Mont . 1172 for Sioux Indians, different tribes .. 62, for ungation, Ganado project, Navajo 66, 345, 346, 523, 1042,1186 Reservation, Ariz .. 1172 for school, Rapid City, S. Dak 62, 346 for Plmfgping plants, San Xavier Reserfor support of schools. . 64, l Vation, Ariz .. . -..·...·-----·-. 1172 345, 523, 1039, 1042, 1045, 1171, 1186,1191 I for ¤11Weyi¤g, allottirlg, etc ---..---· - · · - 1172 for telegraphjng and telephoning ... 64, for lJ§hWay, Mesa Verde Park to Gallup, 66, 345, 523, 1039, 1042, 1186 . Mex ... 1172 for school, Tnucton Canyon, Ariz ... 64 for suppressing contagious diseases for school, Greenville, Calif- 64, 523, 1042, 1171 among live stock ... · . . . 1172 for school, Albuquerque, N. Mex ,., 64, for Pawnee Indians, Okla.; payment 523, 1039, 1042 for purchase of lands from ... 1172 for school, Tomah Wiz- 64, 66, 1039,1042, 1186 for increaso of compensation 1186 for irrigation, Sixoshone Reservation, for sugport of Indians in California .. 1186 Wyo 64, 1172 for SC 001 Flandreau, S. Duk -·-·... 1186 for school, Fort Mojave, Ariz .. - 66, for ¤u1:£ort, etc., Shoshones, Wyo ... 1186 345, 1039, 1042, 1171 for In ans of Wind River Reservation, for support of Indians in Arizona and Wy0-._.._ .. 1186 New Meguco ...,,. 66, 1042, 1186, 1191 for dctermxning heirs of deceased allottee 1191 §0rs;l;1001, liackapoo Reservation, Kaus. 66, 523 block IE Forosii Grove, Omg., transferred to or 00 , wrence, Kaus ... . 66, 348 nvpmo ogy Bureau, De artment of for Indians at Klamath Agency, Omg- . . 66 ~ _ Agncu1t;ure . .. 349 for school, Carlisle, Pg, ____________ _ ___ 66, $45 I Indum Deprgdagian Glainu, for school, Pierre, S. Dak . .,... 66 · apgropnatiou for defense in ... 207, 921, 1410 for school, Hayward, Wis . 66, 348, 1186 1 de <11¢11¢Y appropriation for paying judgfor school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyo. .66, 1186 _ ments in . 60, 521, 1038 for relieving distress, etc., among In- Indum Faymgrs and Stockmen, duns . - .. 345, 348, 523, 1042, 1186 appwxlnauou for 6,411, 1229 for general expenses 345,10%,1042,1186 I Indum atrons, for school, Fort, Bidwell, Calif ..,.,. 345 sfprogriation for .,,__,,,,,__,,,. 6, 411, 1228 for s?p0rt of nomcservation Indians in In um axis Hospital, Ariz., evada .. . 345, 523,1186 zjgpropriation for maintenance, etcpf. 5, 410,1227 forsch00l,Chi1occ0, Okla . . 315, 1039, 1042 In um igjiee, Interim- Department (see also for Indian police . . . . 348, 523, 1186 udian Deputmeut), for water supply, Navajo and Hopi In- 8·pP1'0P!'1¤’6i0¤ for Commissioner, assistant dians, Apz 348, 523, 1042,1172 clerks, etc. 670, 1289 for school, Rxverside, Calif . 348, 1171, 1186 for televraph and telephone messages on forschool, Cherokee, C . . 348, 1171 Ingian Service w1t.h .. . , . . 7,412, 1229 for school, Bismarck, N. Dak . . , 348, 1186 10F Purchase of bookkeeping machines for school, Wahpeton, N. Dak. . . 348, 523, 1171 etc .. 1230 for suppmjt, etc., Chippewas of Lake PQy¤1€¤t for law books, etc., author- Supenor, Wis ... . . 348, 1042, 1045, 1171 1ZEd ... 1230 for costs, gtc., Indian suits .,..,,... .523 for clerks, etc, determining hgh-3 of defor encouraging selfsupport, etc- 523, 1042, 1186 ¢€¤Sed Indian allottees. .. 8.413 1230 for schools, Pawuees, Okla .. 5:23 deficiency a propriatiou for tolsgmphiug , for school, Salem, Oreg .. 523, 1186 and tellephouing . . . . .. . 64

      • 1* timber ¢¤l¤¤¤, etc ...-. 1039, 1186 66 345 523 1039,1()<12.118é

for school, Santo Fe, N , Mex ,__,_______ 1039 Indian Police, ’ ' g; suppdcgrt of Kxckapoos, Okla . _1039, 1171 apgrqpriation for psy, em ..,._,_,,_,. 7,412,1229 lg? 0, BIC., Shoshone Reservamon, 10 9 ] dehciéncy approp;-mmm for pay, cw ______ 348, . F ·-——· - -—---·-·-·---·--- · ·--·-· 3- 5 ,1186 for mspectors .,.. . ,,.,,,,_,___ 1042 i Indwkm Pupils, 23 fm ¤1%P1?°*% G1?-» Chippewa of the Mis- ¤ppr<>pri=··ri¤¤ for support, etc., Or, at ¤¤*PP1» Mum ---~·-·-------... 11112 { Schools . ..,,______ 5 410 1227 {Of BUPPOK, Blackfoot Agency Indians, d-iSCODtiDUB»DCB oi schools with nzniui- ’ MOM ·—-·--~·-- - -·...-.-.. 1042, 1171 mum attendance _______________ _ 410 1227 for school, Carson City, Nev .,.. ., , 1042, 1171 tuition in pubuc gm, gchods __ 5 410, 1228 ig? ¤\1Pl{01‘1it;>f PRVVQLEBS, etc., Okla. - 1042, 1171 for mmspumng, et} ____ ’ ________ _ _ 5, 411, 1223 Y Kn 011, ¤l¤-il Réservation, 0bt·9·1Q ¤ em loyment; reiun .. 6, 411, 1228 Wasgzt —···--· · ···~·-·-·-·--- ·· 1042.1172 native u ilsgmm Alaska, 6’ ll, 1928 forsu __ · .,4,.1

 Mom ° ec Agency I¤· 1171 deEcI;§;€3P1t8. rest1;1c3¤n.i .,,,.. . 1. , , 6
  • ‘ ·: ····· . ···-··--·····-·- cya rormon ortrausportx ,

i°' °"h°°1» Ph°°¤¤· Am -····--·-- - ---. 1171 etc . F?. 3 ,,,,,,,,,,_,,___, 61?§45,, 1042