Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1583

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INDEX. GX V Industries. AmericanT(`_ontinucgl. _ _ Page. Injuries to Government Employees—Contd. Pago. deficiency appropriation for mvostigating compensation for; police and firemen oxproblems of, developed during the cgpted, _,____,,__ . ..__ , _,.,..,,___ 104 WB? - - ----------·------~-----·---- 340 appropriation for awards by commission, 104 for diavolopment, etc., of safety standards Injunks to Seamm or 340 · ’ - for cooperative Bumdmdizing i _ a.c;p(;§3fuiau;i§en allowed in cases of ments, machinery, ctc., used in 341 I Z d d C, ’ .` `'`'```'''`'‘ ' Industry, Persons Disabled in, n an an. tpmmiwe amwaysv f , cooperation with States for vocational re- appmpgm gcmb °r °XP°nB°° ° °§€m·tmg habilitatiou of _____ _ _______________ 735 D? ;i'tm3é1‘§§S, etc., OD, uu cr Wéags 1 Infant Mortality, _ _ _ fom site clerké-éllcyinlj-U1‘ll ```` { 906’1g92 appropnation for investigatmg, etc . 686, 1305 P. . * f ty z¤ 1 f"R’i·i FWD — » 92 Infantile Paralysis, d Hpmmsions Or Qimiua ilu ues---;-· 1392 appropriation for prevention of epidemic . . 175, ° clegggts aé’a¥;‘;’61;“22;°°0u°’ °P°mting 1026 885,1377 . # # ·¢ ·-········--- - · · · operatmn of New York State Barge Canal d°“°‘°§§3Il3,£’1l’§????T‘T??-i‘ZT H’f"K‘7‘fY‘f’T‘. fl 508 . by Secrew <>f WM teminated 1149 Infantile Paralysis, D. C., d1SP°S?‘1t°ftb°§'tS¤ °§ji· · · · ········· 1149 I appropriation for preventing 89, 860,1131 rcgiillzrscg el uggc °’ we °Pm°“t °f 1149 nfvmfry, Army, . · z ··-----·- . ··~--———- Omcers and enlisted men composing ______ 769 IBUBDUOD tcmporanly of poruon of 1149 tank units included .,, , 769 Inland and Port Storage, Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry made appropnatxpin for expenses of, for Armyzl 96 part of . .. 770 supp as ... _ 1 7 Infcmtvy School, Camp Bemiing, Ga., balances of appropriations covered m, ’ apgroprintion for glistruction expenses- . . . I la d $31;-5919, tgtc- . . t -  : . , 1353 b °dm’ gs, .. - .. n n a ays see a nsporaion Slllfgljtlllltédsgiii §_)nl£u1try School of Arms, 53 be ts A::1t,t1i)202, Hag f mf ~ Fort ’ , a. . . ..__.,. 4 a, an o er_ra¤spo ion ae res on, Infantry Sdeool of Arms, Fort Sill, Okla., used during Federal control, transappropriation for instruction expenses 106 ferrod to Secretary of War . 458 substitution (<§lIn§a.ntry School, Camp Ben- 4 3 opemuoig, <?tc.3f:01:iti¤ue<& .. ... 458 ning, ., or ,,,_,,_,,,, , ,,_.,, 5 paymen o a, e mms or, un er crm. In cfous Diseases tracts, etc .. 458 ggpioprixon for preventing, etc., axnioxgo 1227 facilitiosto be opemtgdguhllgjeqtmixtimmw In `ans . , . commerce an pping c pro- I {M dr eg, z., visions. .. 458 ngircnfnredigoiielmailailo  : - . z . . 2 . 620 merchant vessels subject to all shipping, punishment for sending, by mm! with mtant etc., laws .. 2 .. 458 I fl to irquxe, kill, etc ,. 621 employees to be appointed ..,.,..,,, 458 n wmw, _ _ I lemd W terwa Tra mr , appropriation for prevention of ep1dem1céé_ ninvwtifgatiougy Secnsclgrry ggyivvm- directed _ ¤» f ,d el ,t . 499 dericiency appropriation for pr¤v¤¤¤<>¤ Of mbjegispdoeé-iguixiged . . 499 epidemic- -~-··-·--- ; -··—-— ; -·--·- 508 comgilation, distribution, etc., of valuawmpcrargiuse of Army h0sp1Qa1 eqyupment lg dam, _______________________ _ _ _ 499 w sums, to check epndemng: of., - - 436 the Great Lgkgg includgd ______________ 499 Infomation Division, Burcau_of Immzgratum, Construction, operation, emu of facilities appropriation for chief, assistants, etc . 685 authorized ___________ _ _____________ 458 Injunctums, _ _ _ terminal facilities for interchange of issue of, to reshgam violations of War Pro- 306 traffic _ _____________________ _ _____ 458 hibition ct ... 1 ug to stm 5 ustru ti th ;· to msmmiu violations of National Prohi— 09oonditio¤..-?f-?? . _, 453 bitivn Act ··-· ;·--; ~--·- — ····-··-- 314 operation directed for water facility cm-. punishment for vwlsting .. . . 315 gage on the Mississippi above gmt Injunctiovw, D. C., _ Louis ___________________________ 458 damages rocqvered under bond to obtain Innkeepers, D_ C_ (W Hotels, D. G.)- £l”§L’éE‘ié"€§”'I.¤Sn °‘féee2°E‘Y’Z .‘?°}T‘}‘? T? 565 I~z;g§g;g;*gOQ*;§;*gq·gg~· §;~¤¢» 6,3 939 ,25, . . . 3 . , , _ _ _ _ , , I"g";L";g:1Sbya{1";;_’;‘d““d B°"’°";;He1_ of Liquor deficiency appropriation for expenses 57, 342 causing _____ _ ____________________ 313 I Insane Axylurn, D. C. (see Saint Elizabeth; exemplary dagngges allowed . .. H°6P1*31» D· C-)- _ _ by parents of mguxed pezgon ... 313 Insane, D, Cf., _ Injuries to Dwtrzct of Col umbzq Employees, appropnation for expenses executmg appropriation for compensauon 841, 1112 lunacy wnps -, .. 92, 862, 1134 deiieiency appropriatzion for compensation for support of mgiigent .. _ 97, 868, 1139 mud 9,1 owances, etc ... 1016 for deporting mchgcnt nonresident. . 97, In `uries to Government Employees (ace also 868, 1139 J . , . . . . Empl0yees’ Compensation Fund), dehciencyzippmpnatnon for lunacy wuts. . 41, appropriation for allowances, etc., from _ _ 1019,1158 com nsatiou fund . 778, 887, 1379 for support of indigent ... 42, 590, 1158 Pe . . . . compensauon for, extended to employees of for deporting indigent nonresident .. 24, District of Columbia .. 104 1020, 1158