Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1584

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OXV1 INDEX. Insane, Navy and Marine Corps, Page. Insular Possessions, Page. appropriation for care of, on the Pacific appropriation for fortifications .. 610, 1350 coast . 146, 823 for preservation, repair, etc., of, and tor- Insane Person:. pedo structures, Hawaiian and Philprovisions ior payments rmder War Risk 1ppine Islands ... 610,1350 Insurance Act to, in asylums, if no for searchlights for harbor defenses, Philguardian appointed, etc ... 371 ippine and Hawaiian Islands 610, 1350 Insane Persom, Alas a, for electric equipment, etc., Hawaiian appropriation for care of .. 203, 916, 1405 and Philippine Islands .. 610, 1350 Imanitary Buildings, D. C., for submarine mine structures, etc., Philappropriation for condemning .. 74, 849, 1120 ippine Islands .. 610 Insect Pests, forland defenses, etc., Hawaiian Islands. 610 appropriation for expenses of quarantine for sites, etc., coast defenses, Hawaiian against . 267, 726, 1344 Islands ... . 610 Insecticide Act, for preparing plans of fortifications, appropriation for salaries, enforcement of,}é5 367, f Hawaiian anlilmléhihppine Is1a.nds_ 610, 1350 , 343 or e@eer w , I·ort Mills Philfor expenses . . . 267, 726, 1344 ippine Islands ... - . 610, 1350 deiiciency appropriation for expenses en- for constructing seacoast batteries, I forcing. .. 64, 67 { &I?awa.iian fslandpf .. 610, 1350 n.sectmdes' , etc., or e contro insta ations . 610, 13 appropriation for chemical investigations, for seacoagt cannon, etc ____ , .,.., , _ , _ 610, 13% etc 254, 713, 1332 for ammunition for sence;-mi; cannon for investigating ma.nufa,ctm·e, etc., of, _ 267, eu; ,,__,,,,,,,_,_____.,...,.,__ lill, 1350 726,1344 for altering, etc., seacoast artillery. . . 611, 1350 Insects (sec abc Entomology Bureau, Depart- for submarine mines, etc ... 611 ment of Agnculture), for maintenance, submarine mines .. 611 appmpriationformvpst1gations,etc. 256, 714, 1334 for barracks and quarters, Seacoast Ar. for study of, affectxng health of man, etc.; tillery, Philippine and Hawaiian household . .,..,..,.,.. 256, 715, 1334 Islands ...,,,, . ,.,,,_,,_,_., 611 1350 importation of useful . 256 for fire control stations, etc., Philippine ’ Insecta Afecting Agnbultwe (see Entomology and Hawaiian Islands .. 611 1351 Bureau,_Department of Agriculture). for submarine mine supplies, insular , Inspection of Buzldangg, gig, D, C'., possessions .___ , ,,,,_____,_,_____ 1351 fees to be prescnbed for; schedules to be for Aix Service expenses, Philippine and posted, etc . - . 69 Hawaiian Islands ... . 611 Inspector Qevyaralk Department, Army, for aviation stations, Hawaiian Islands a,pFr0pr1a,t1og for expert accountant ..,, 112, 956 defenses ,.,__,__________ _ _______ 611 1351 or mileage, expert accountant 112, 956 balances covered in of appropriations for , deficiency appropriation for mileage, ex- fgrhificationgin ,______________ ___ 613 1353 pert accountant ... 1026 for aviation seacoast defenses in , 613 ofiicers composing 765 bills of health required of all vessels leaving Ingpecmr General': 0{Fce, War Department, foreign ports, or elsewhere for., 1149 appropriation for c erks, etc ... 659, 1277 coastwise laws to extend to after Fehrn; Inspectors, Intenévr Department, ary 1, 1922 ... ’ ..,.. 997 appropmtgon or .. 669, 1287 passewer, etc. servi U - · l ° Y ggper dxem, etc: - ._ 669, 1288 lished .. , ... .b8 estab 997 delicxency approprxatxon for traveling ex- period extended if adequnteolneillties ponses . : .. 1039 not established ... 997 I ns pcczors of _H ul is and of Bmlers, statement of naval services of persons appropnzmon for, assastamt, etc . 679, 1298 who served in World War to bé Impeezmgbeigogigg Servzcc, (see Post Office In- ffgrnislged authorities thereof; .,.. . . . 815 - use o · · Imtmction Camps, eta, Naval Reserve Farce, Engzggiglseggegggdixgtdgngxdghigiglgi appropriation for incurred obligations inci- depositaries in en 1146 I dengtoclos;1g_.__6 __ . ... 135 Insurance, HNHHNN--"“·H mtructwn. amps, · arine or s, rovision - appmpmm. 9,9 m9.99m€9, 999 . .. 154 P M§9S§’A2€.TF`???” ““d‘" M°’°h“‘“ 992 Instructwa of Fo#rng·n¢r:, D. C'., I fund authorized for of vessels I - U approprw.tion for egzpenses 82, 852 1 under Ship {ng Board y P , W 992 Inatructwn Pay, Dzplomatwk: and Consular Insurance Army and)Na1 (see - . i _ Ser·;·iice, Insurance Act rg/nendg;;(;1ts)ar ls apprqprumon for- - , ..·.-. . .·.. 740, 1206 converted may be amignod b bcnedciori I d;e0¢1e¤·;:»* 3}>1;hr;pmgi¤¤ for -.-.-·- 1042 to <>1her¤ of permitted Elm 4 es 372 as rmaen 9, e mm , etc., extensi · · `* ` '· ’` de§c1encyda£.>t§airopriation for cooperative etilcljf- gr? for applications, 374 Imular §“§~§;r9 ‘§‘f£g` ‘”d"“‘“°" " 341 p°"“%?”é‘€§l‘$`§‘§2f2Z9d§%,“9?%‘% ‘“““2}°" apgropnauop for pay oigi . 110 servfce ...,, 9 or ac VG 375 res.re_o msaneso srsm e `— deathallw -`'```` 7 '°'`````'`` Wm and 9099,, R100 .. 999, 968 999999 to 9£92?§§9°;§‘%· s»1“°9€"‘i°é*,¢(;i.; ‘ 32 ofiicers or; present clnef to continue as no salaries or expenses i ·`tt df · Imular 1 t 7 69 _ ing reimmtemeggglapged? 126 sppmpmmon for duh etc epartmen , 660 12_9 pcrmxtted cla.ss_of beneficiary extended to · _ ---~·—···- · · » · other dwzuawd r¤1¤·¢iv¤¤ -~----·-··· 375