Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1610

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oxlii INDEX. Page. Page. Military Academy-Continued. MilitaryandNavalIns~urance, Commiss·ioner0jQ appropration for tire protection ,.. 546 office abolished; duties transferred to diidr buildings and grounds .. 546 vision under Director of War Risk for ordnance museum; laboratory; gen- Insurance Bureau ... .. 371 eral repairs, etc 546 Military Attachés, for waterworks . - .. 546 appropriation for expenses abroad, etc . . 105, 949 for bayonet fencing ground, etc . 546 Military Equipment, etc., for rgpairing walls along Poplopen pipe 6 specimens og arms, etc., issuedltia the Arrpy `ne. . 54 to be urnished Nations. useum or for roads, grounds. etc .. . .. 546 exhibition. ... 1438 for repairs, etc., to mess buildings, etc. . 546 colors, etc., of demobilized organizations, for cadet boathouse, etc . 547 brought into service from National for South Cadet barracks ... 547 Guard, to be returned to State . 1438 for cadet barracks . 547 all others to State furnishing majority to for post cemetery ... 547 organization ,,,,,,,_,_,_,_____,.,, 1439 ion- glzils, roads, etc._ ... for nstioéml use, if not identified with 1439 or et mess, repairs, etc . tate ,_,_,_,,, , _,,_,,___, , ,, ., for wlatefipirooting post headquarters, etc., 547 titleadiilto remain in United States 1433 ui DQS .. rese tin,,etc .,,,,... . 143 for new dry cleaning, disinfecting, etc., grevilovuz disposition of, ratitied 1439 l>¤ildi¤s --·-~—-----—··------------- 547 Mmm, Forces on Army). f<>r ¤¤¤¤i¤<l ¤¤5¤¤r¤’ q¤¤~¤¤*¤ --·-------- 547 mzaary rmtmiem Civilian on {M l>=<=:§l<g q¤¤1j_{<;¤1--,1 ···-- 1 —--··--- 547 Military rnésucumo. or rem e `ngo et ospita , etc 547 - · · · · SW1? A1,¤;ydw€1B, materiah emu to Military é)n,t;gl1yAe;$;zy Division, General Stef p2m“,€’t»1l?.o¤§é',€§,“o“u“c§%E?J§$‘$ to ·vg;,*;g,5=t_§g;*<;;,g,¤*i¤g5,ggg=gg¤¤¤¤¤- · ·{gg· gg

  • ¤~=¤¤·¤¤¤¢*=i·>¤¤*¢·=¤¤r·<·¤···v *···i*<*i¤g=-- 547 forgbpervin, mm sam, .b;;sa ‘‘‘‘ 105 me

continuation of apgopriation for en- d 11 · use g m dggon for cond}; 'ént ’ larging elevators ft cadet hospital- 547 ° as gy uw P l g 1184 fimds c0nsolidatedas"Maintenance"- 547 Mu- ° p° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '‘‘'‘’'’'‘ - · · · wary Observers Abroad, Army, ‘°’ "&°&{‘2‘l2. .‘?¥.f"E‘§‘f‘f’. fi .‘?‘F‘E‘?‘T": at g,¤;,g,~v5·5¤¤ f·>¤=¤¤··=¤¤·»¤, of- .· 145 949 deiicigzcfr lagilropriation for pay of cadets . . 1 {mug €,°;’;:· gmy (M N*m° kl')- or e t, etc .. . . * * I for automatic stokers in power 66 gppmlzggugg for water and Bower _ {17 961 ,0, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __________________ _ ____ ,,8., fm ¤e¤e¢{11¤¢;g;¤» ¤g1Ig¤gg;gg;g¤éx{18» 963 instruction course made fourgears . 548 pause; at " ’ 118, 963 appointment to vacancy ue to en 0 · ’' ' °’'` gpg *5* v~¤¤¤= vm if ¤¤<*¤= rr 5,, f" (snmdudra maguuuge?:z·t(d?;:§liBi.ivi]frXes119,964 asso may `;36é£` iié gh “Riésln iétélilié d£g?°°,fQ;‘Q’1¥p’,§,‘f,;§,{,‘;°{§,“§’0f$“‘f_;";§·?,$8*· 8% year, or nate with present class. 548 · ’ . . wharves, and drainage . 344,1041,1044 ““§I2§..TiE,‘t»“§‘,$.'l;.;‘1a1ts"1sae»"1a1‘2;,; “"“ *¤=¤¤4=·¤¤¤· -—-···- ·-----·- 1184 ' appointees serving in World War. . . 548 un°xp°cgg$g$:?):cr°:·d;va:g:1t£: gc P3, ° ° ! Y '1 1 failure 0 cadet to graduate from sickness, nded on account 01 m_m18t1ce 1027 etc., not to elay admission of suc- Mmwmsgggeéutima Abandmwd ' cessor . . 548 · - ’ ’ lease of land for hotel site authorized . 548 Map; pmm,,1P,§:r2l32 f°”uw°y' etc" of `°° ° ' *96 erwtdggdéggldtciiiiiigdii . 543 ‘PP’°P'i**i°¤é WY ¤XP¢¤se¤, colnpleting, conditions, etc.; compensagion fpii build- 548 gtcr asm iing mmrds °f °°l°°uv° dnH109’ 951 ings, etc., on termination 0 ease. . d - ‘'’‘ Z ’· ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'° ‘ ' ' sdmision for instruction authorized, of °Ecw I€1l:1;?p,§;:t1(;:r fo; 1190 Ramon Ricardo Arias of Panama. .. 548 mymeut to m`Zt11° `Hoése of Tao gong Chang and Zeng Tze Wong ob 231 Reprqenutgga of mum of my 58 me éééii 786 rei¤st-¤'t1:hum§n1;1’oi·torgii(5r-Eoi{eriim·eritlem; purchase of polo ponies · l18, 962 €,§g:8L;_::,nb1y’ 811:3;; Hilitary and Naval Compemalion (oa also from .. . ., Q 142 War Risk Insurance), statement of State, to be furnished the appropnatron for payments. etc. . . 173, 881, 1374 _ sdgutant general thereof. . . 110 no reimlpuxgemggt 1.0 Governmvgnt lhlttary Stores, Etc., hospita s ere m or treating ar interchange o , without compensation, be- Ris Bureau beneficiaries ..,... 173 tween Army and N , thorized. . 132 unexpeuded balance reappmpriated. . 881 Military Stores, ctc., Marin: doticnency sppropnatnon for payments, Hzppropnation for ... 154, 831 _ _ etc. .. 1 . 378,508 °itary Zfminivzy, Civilian, . Jlzlttary Naval Family Allowances, Appropriation orordnancesupplies, amps, sp ropnsmon for payments from . 172 etc., for . 128, 974 dsgnency approgiuhon for . . ... 1 for instruction camps . . . 974