Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1686

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cexviii INDEX. Secretary of WGT—CODtiDU8d. Page. Seeds, Pm, surplus izlrxgy motoil valgclos, etc.,tto be appropriation for testing commercial, adu1· B0 Y, to ot GI' OVGIIIDIBD BBTV- t ted tc ,,.,,,._ 243 702, 1322 ices, etc.; restriction ... 233 preirrgntiége admission of adultcmtkd. to ascertmgn cost iguprovinéidetc., f etc., for seeding- i $43, 702, 1322 var on ISSIOHBIY ge, c · ri t' t' 'tro f ' auguga and Chattanooga Park; rc- 1095 fo .  ;§}%14, 1323 P0 .. or , test' , tc,, d apprepriatiqrg for expenses . . ... 1095 _____ _? _____ ??‘;4£I;`7O4, 1324 to reallot adqmonal temporary em loyoos for diffusing information of sup ly, to Ad utaut Ge11eral’s Ofiyce on market prices etc. of". . 26.%) 724 1342 work 0% domobilized army records. - 509 deiiciency appropriation ,for sind ’ to report to Secretagy of Commerce, vessels djsu-ibution ____ _ __________________ 524 oflAru;gr, ivmlgble astclighthouse vas- 1058 Seeds, ctc., Congrcismmal Allotment, etc., ses,e Jmuserso . a ro 'ti 1; d_igt'b1;i to serve on commissioxi to make yogrly pp pg:. ff . . f?46??64, 1324 recommendations as tp merqonals, selection as to locality 246,704, 1324 §i’“’“$°“X°’ EEE; E2 "’1"‘g“’“ mo %°°"""`°k°‘£°3,2”°£S’ °‘° ‘‘‘‘‘ $46* 7°“" 1324 emo m ea r ' t t' 46 704,1324 to report on utilizgng Mmmt Weather, scssti-§1€;1?1I•;1ivcw;1aH1;tt;)1I;nm uncalied Y 2.,, weather station, buildings, etc . 697 fg; ___________ _ ____,_____,,_ 246, 705, 1324 to transfer Army equxpmeut, etc., to regort of purchases; diversion for- Capnol, gate . , . . ._ .. 1035 xdden . ... 246,705, 1324 to Smqhqomau I11st1tution custody of Seger Agency, Okla., b\1lld{DgS on the grounds thereof for appropriation for support, etc., of In- 6Xhib1U011 of Government aircraft, O djyms at _________ _ __________ $1,434,1248 ew .-- 1. . . 328 Sewmologvbul Assccvhtiem, Imemutiwwl, tractors to be loaned by, to States for high- appropriation for annual contribution 746 S t_ Wa? $i0;;f!'\2¢¤0¤1 ···-----· · · · · 1155 Selective Draft, Army, ecun ua, an r ace a so 'I‘1-anspo on appropriation for expenses completing and Act) rviug ds tc. f‘ a.ppr0pria.ti;m for securing inforrzgstion 0%:% 38 ggggion. . . E . T). 951 etc ... 17 889 11 1 1 mwm ts { Bewjc · - ’ deficiency appropriation for in- , tautgengral. . 951 9 fggmggvu ·_ ---- - 504 deficieniy qppropriatgou for registration, » ·» _ » ‘ so ection etc., or ..,.,,,_ ,, 1184 1190 2:5 g;;I:;g)f)fm;10I;téXC$, 1920, Fed- 463 allotment frgm appropriation for preserving , · ‘ (3 , _ _ ___,_______ , h ` Issue °f» ¢¤·P1t31 ¤t0€k, iwnds. Gm-, \1¤l¤W· §x€§;1:;rgc<?r&sE>(}domobi1i;§c§0§?gIT 509 ful hereafter unless guthoxpzgd by liability to prosecution for failing to com- Qqterstate Qommerce (-ommxssxonu . 494 Ely with provisions of, not affected _ pmvmpns relnuntivq- -·, --.-··.·...· _- · 494 y declarmou of date of end of War lssugd jlthouzlgdgu Qnzahon of C0m_m1B· withGgrmgny, etc __________ _ ____ _ 1360 mon, vox .. . ..,.. 496 ~ suitaughoricqedifmqndred for value with- S€;1;;¥01lY:i:¥;:)°;f gfesti Idl °h°¤c@ etc of 250 ou no 108 496 ’ ‘* ",;‘ · liability ofcarrier, officers, etc . 496 S · ·d d I · W . . '09* 1328 recovery of consideration if acquired emum qu - minted °8·t°m D"'qm°z8*. . homcameri-HUHHUH--nun 496 appropriation orex ¥me1;ts1nda.1{y1'13g _ punishment of officers aasenting thereto, Semia g1?tnpIi°d};it1°u m ‘' 268’ '28’ 134;, et ~ ..,,,,,..,.._,,,,..,... 496 . ’E “‘ ’€'"9» .

R;3,;;2d¤% by   of can-iw-, 496 appropriation for 1mproving methods of.§63  

y -0, W .··.···.·... . , 1 ·· punishment for; . . . 497 Semzmk Im{“m’· Fla": sewzxmé UnitedStates (sec also Umm sum S “¥f‘P'°l£"'}‘$9¤ fofgggefi ¤¤<=-L¤fi_- - - {15. 1234 ocurities) m 710 _ Mmyv, . sec a 0 we ivi - appropriation foxsdiatiuctive paper ior... 173, 1?€‘g.Tn;’°S)¤ h is 23 42 1242 382 1373 up r0p1j1a 1011 or commonsc oo 7 Sedflwick po", Grand Amy of the Republic, ’ of mb%l ¤<>h°°l5- - -·~·-----·--·~ 231428; 1243 acceptance ixjilzsgl pfopertgé from,dmIbe used 601 ali? I$’P“*Egm$fg3¤\1;1]§)¤·‘:3’é‘}€¢(§·Q6m)’ -··· - 1243 Bspu ’l.11 duxg, edfor , 0 3,,, _ _ 111 0118 ; Seditiouls g,m,p,;mcy, W &d]\1d1€3·U0;\, ctc . . . . 24 deportation 0 f undesirable aligns cgnvictgd Payment from tribal funds ············-· 24 oi! sguce August 1, 1914 ___,________ 594 m0¤11¤1€¤t to pG\'%g·tuate memory of, to be readgmgglgu p;0hibi[€d_ _______ _ _______ 594 €Y9‘{Y€€i at ewvka, ···-·-···~· 1364 Seed Gram. for Drought Stricken Areas, °·PP'°P¤$¤°¤ fm', from mba] funds . 1364 adwmces, etc., to farmers of wheat, oats, Senate, _ _

¤d barley purchased for seed 1347 uppropgatnon for compensation of SenamP°“°S_ ·-·· - --··-··----·--·------ TS- ···-.-... . 631, 1252

`EQTIILS, BtC,;hQ¤ oniirsguzop 3g3gcu_]·ity_ _ 1347 {Dt I!1i1€8g8 ... . ... 2, 63]., 1252 amouptwaug fa.r{ngr hmngd, ,.,..,..., 1347 for socratagy to Vice President, etc". 631, 1252 sgencxq bgdmxgnated ..,_. . ..,. 1347 for Chsplam .. . . 631, 1252 appgo natxonforpurpogeshereoi 1347 for Secretary, assistant, clerks, enc. .. 631,1252 pumagment for obmymng loan, etc., by for supermtendent of document 631, false represcntatwns ... 1347 1252