Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1694

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ccxxvi mnmx. South Dako:a·—(}ontinued. Pago. Special Delivery, Postal Service—Coutinued. Page. drainage districts, etc., oi, may dam Lake deficiency appropriation for foes .. 53, Traverse, etc., for control of floods, 514, 525, 1031, 1174, 1189,1193 etc .. . . 1059 Spirits, £·[s§iZZed (see National Prohibition establishment o uster tate ar · ame ct . Sanctuary, in . 986 Spokane Agency, W'a.s·h,, provisioxisfgoverxiingi ... .. 986 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians'5 nonminera orest an s in ma o pat- at ... 27, 31 431, 434 124 1248 ented to, in exchange for 1}:;.nds con- Spokane Indian Hospital, Wash.,’ ’ ’ k veyeglfordnatiogal fcirosts . 986 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 5, exc amveo an swit in ieuo tractsu1·— 410 1227 rgndered for Pino Ridge Indian Ros- _ Spokane Indalzns, Wash., ’ S th S erggtion, .l._} . 1193 S ¤·ppr0%1*i%»p forfulfillingtreatywith. 27,431,1245 au cm rzmcwco, a L . pango w zes, exchange of lands at nairal radio station, appropriation for expenses, protecting 220, S lhslautllsogied; expenses .. 821 S M_ 934,1423 ou oug . pooner mn. proliminaggr ox§a.i13in2.t§>f1, etc,, of, to be 1012 bridgé1§.811tho1%od acgoss gkainy River, to ma ea.t~ an, ..,. . ... iny ivor, ana a, from ,,., 276 Southern Cattle Tides (seeCatt1eTick¤, South- Spreckels and Brothers Company, J`. D., S M e;'n)id C S a.pp1·<.$;·iati?`¥1V£for5ef1gYnd of Hue .. 937 out m 1e raps pring ace T, . ., approgriation for investigating inseczgsg &§fi5 1334 appropriation for paying damages by gradecting . ... , , ing, etc .. . 846 Southern ReZ¢kefSoc·iety, D. C., Spring Road NW, D. C., appropriation for md to Confederate wécétegég 9 appropriation fg; paving, Thirteenth to ans, etc . 113 Fourteen Streets- ... 76 Southern Ute Agency, Colo., _' ’ Spring Valley, Ill., appropriation for support, otc., of IDdl9·ll$ acquisition of site for public building at, S h :1,% .. .. $1,434,1248 authedrized with mineral rights reout em 'te · ian eservahkm 0 0., serv 1251 appropriation for Pino Rivor irrigation Spr·i·n,gjieZd Arseruzl, Mass., S pgijeict, from fnmds . 3,409, 1226 appropriation for power plant; roapproouthern te nd·u1` mr 0 . priation ... . 182 appropriation for tgayment to, from tribal for water supply, etc ..,. . .. 1385 funds of nfoderated Bands of Spwjngjield, Mass., _ _ _ Utes 27, 430, 1245 time extended for bndging Gonnecucut S mmsfer of special funds to .. . 430 S River, lg Hampden ounty and. . . 529 pain quare 3064, D. . S a.ppl·o§ri2.tiotx;l for ambassador to ... 739, 1206 S sale eg Lats 8125 {nd 822, authorized ... 1127 pam ar wz qmrre , rou , sppfopriationfor arrears of pay, etc. 193, 906, 1396 appropriation for devising methods of dopensions in:-nted for disability to persons stroying 257,716, 1335 in y, etc., cluriug .. 982 Surf College, Army, for service on reaching 3gG of 62 982 appropriation for expenses. 106, 949 grosent Eensioners entxtled thereto . . . 982 or clerks, messengers, etc ,. 955 Spank Early, 'tah, _ _ _ Staj" Corp; ayzd Departmmta, Army, appropnauon for public bmlding .. . . . . 166 opguropmmon for pay of officers . 110, 954 Spanish War Veterans, United, or {ay of enlisted men . . 110, 954 Army tents may be loaned to 272 Staf Sc ool, Army, Sparta, Wis., { hgh I _ approplxziation foih ixistruction expenses, 0 construction 0 permanent ex OSIVG eavenwor , aus 95 storage facilities at, from Orsnmce Stamped Envelopes, ctc. Postal Service, S o/p3;og·iadon;;a¢;rb1dden 510 apgropriation for fmiglit or exprossage on 579, 1153 packer 0 owe 0 presentatiwa or manufacture, etc. ... - 581, 115 appropriation for secretary to 634,1255 deficiency appropriation for freight, etc., or clerk to Sgezkefs table . .. 634, 1255 on 63, 67, 347, 525, 1040, 1043, 1045, 1193

 igest of Rules ..,.. 634, 1255 for m;mufmcture, etc .,..,.., 1174

for clerks and messengers: ... 634, 1255 Stamps Post Office Department, _ §0r :31:18, etcii of aéngomogde for.. . $37, lggg appropgmuon gg;) superintendent ..,.. 670, 1295 or itiou to 'varo aubomo ioo . Slam g nmml enue d¤6¤i¤¤¤Y ¤Pg1`0Pi’i¤·*i¤¤ {OY Cue. WT-, of degzioncy appxgfriadon for redemption of. 61.63, _ sutomo ile for . 1037, 1180 65, 344, 7, 521, 1038, 1040, 1044, 1184, 1189 Spmal and Select Committees, Hmlse of Repre· Stamps, 1{ouage, aentquvea, approprmtion for xnsnufacture, etc. . . . 581, 1153 gpgroprumon for enpouseixuf . 637,12528 deficiency appropnatmn for manufacture, 54 o cxency appmpmuon expemscso ... , etc .,.,... _ 342, 520, 1036, 1180 Standard Container Act, 8'pecunl Agsugnunt Office, D. C., appropriation for enforcing, for grapes, approgzmuon for salaries.: . 70, 839, 1110 small fruit, etc .. 266, 725, 1343 Specml Koay, Postal Sermce, Smndmwl Time, _ appropriation for car fare m omugaucy repeal of law advancing time for dayhght casa ,.. . . . 570,1152 .. . .: .. i.- 280 £¤ri•ostnmq¤ng¤ns-., .. .= 579,1152 usnsfor of dla and Plums section delivery mthout rqcmpt ttod.579, 1152 of Texas md Oklahoma to central msttsrtnbefimtdohverodgmunmgc 1152 time zone .. 1446