Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/857

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836 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 228. 1920. Dental corps. That officers originally apppinted to the Dental Corps above the said age limits shall be e `gible for 1'appointment and promotion 0,,§"g;Sgg;;Ejg§{gd§,}gg§ under this Act irresyilectrye of age: A pro*zgtdedfur1her,WThat offi- Tgaegeélgan Nav ancers ofihepine of the _Nphvy,th :;.rhe.1alppo1ini;1xed gheretpl péirapt ‘ ‘ to is ct rom sources o er an e ava ca emys a not e W 39 p __9 ineligible for promotion by_reE]alscén of age as prescribed by gale Alqt of ‘- ’· ‘°',;i August 29 1916 ('l'h1rty;n1n_ tatutes p e 579 un ey ave amcemgr est} rendered ten’ service in the grade oaflreuteriant commander, six ears’ service in the grade of commander or eight years’ service in the grade of captain, respectively, upon the comtpletion of which service such officers, if then meligible for promotion y reason of age, shall be retired in accordance with said Act: And provided further, Iiegiggynnggsugfoi That until June 30, 1923, promotions to lieutenant (junior grade) grade. and lieutenant may be made without regard to length of service: u€7g{°l§§g;ggS;{§iD°*§gg And qimridazdiurther, That until June 30, 1923, officers of the permatempprarg gada Em- nent azr w o haveserved satisfactorily during the war with the mg °" ”‘ German overnment m a temporary gra e or rank shall be eligible under the provisions of existing law or selection for promotion or for promotion to the same permanent grade or rank without reglard to statutory requirements other than age and professional and p _ ysgh§I$°<gdgn°¤p°g¤j*'j\°;*; ical exammatronl; And progirged ygrtixr, Thgit in Imaging reductions ppointmentsinlow·er Yank 8.8 may 6 I‘€qU11'Q y 1} IS ct 0 GETS. O Hg l»8IIlpOI'8.1’_Y

"”“‘ appointments may be given temporary appointments in lower

grades, and officers so appointed shall take precedence from the Bums of $60 to PH- dag? oféithriirg qrrgmal appointmreggsz ($1 such lower Igrradeg. h d,·Sch,,, o. . a in case any e man or e o e man w o if;§£{$b‘¢{n11?€*§?§ since the 11th day of November, 1918, has been or hereafter shall bé Mai-meoeqsem. discharéged from any branch or class of the naval service for the purpose 0 reenlistir§ in the Navy or Marine Corps or heretofore has _ _ extended or here ter shall extend his enlistment therein, he shall be v‘°1"‘°* p‘u°1‘ entitled to the payment of the $60 bonus provided in section 1406 of the Act entitle "An Act to provide revenue, and for other pur- Qjyggpgrim poses," approved February 24, 1919, and to travel pay as authorized ` ’ ` in section of the Act entitled "An Act permitting any Cperson who has served in the United States Army, Navy, or Marine orps in the present war to retain his uniform and personal equipment and to P,,,,.,,,,_ wear ipe sam; Ede1·Iplerta1nbp)onditions1;’ appsovedl February 28, R°$"i°‘°d m °¤° 1919: r0v·1.d` e ato y one nus shall e ai to the same erson. bonus. ’ . . . . e- — - Sec. 7. That hereafter enhstmentsun the Navy and m the glarine nnlistment terms for $@1 em M e f i ¤ B Co s may be for terms of two three, or four years, and all laws now Cm °` applicable to four-year enlistments shall apply, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, to enlistments for P _ it shorter pleiriod with Tr§·opq]rtior;p.te benefits upon discharge a§d reen- ,’Y§"‘§· ,,, · istment: ro at ere ter the Secretary o the avy is ¤·>{¤?J;»¤liSl¤¤<§?tl¤gs authorized, in his discretion, to establish such grades and ratings as may be lnqceksisagy for t(liieMpropep) administration of the enlisted _ personne o the avy an anne orps. _ §»§§;,}‘{§§§§;,,, mms, Sec. 8. That section 125 of the Act entitled "An Act for making

  • ¤¤€g~g_§j;*nd,(j;gg(;*¤g· further and more effectual provisions for the national defense, an

yjE»§.§3,g.3gé“` Lil pther pgpcgfses/’ approve;31 June 3,d1916, shall hgrleafter ble; in ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ orce an e act as origin y enacte notwithstan `ng anyt `ng contained in the Act entitled "An Act permittinig any (person who has served in the United States Army, Navy, or ll arine orgs in the pgesent war tg retam his umfphrrn andpersonal epuipment an to wear _ the same un er certain con tions, approve Febru 28, 1918: §QQ§{§§',;g,',,, Seng fremkled, That_the words "or the Secretargopf the Nxyym shall be wgzgleéghs >·e‘·f>= inserted immediately after the words "the retary of War" wher- . ,p.21¤,ame¤d· . . _ sr. ever those_ words appear in section 12o of the Act approved June 3, 1916, herernbefore referred to.