Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/112

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h 1550 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 143. 1921. §§§‘j,§°,'§}‘,g°,§0°,‘;su·°§§,_ The name of Sarah A. Boorman, widow of Elbertus A. Boorman, late of Battery! K, Fourth Regiment United States Artillery, Indian vxilars, and pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that P¤¤Si¤¤S· s e is now receiving. J°h°m°° Murph! The name of Johanna Murphy, mother of Frank J. Murph , late of Supiply Company, Ninth Infantry, Massachusetts National, Guard, Cmbom Crawford bor er' defense, and pay her Vakpension at the rate of $12 per month. The name of Clabom Cra ord, late of the Forty-n1nth Company, United States Coast Artillery, Regular Establishment, and pay him James D_ Bmw a pension at the rate of $12 per month. ¤uas1am¤¤n.Kes¢er.' The name of James D. Brown, alias James D. Kester, late of the United States Navy, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension "°""‘°“°"“ °t·i*iiB me of ilivpii miiiliilé la r Co c s h U an ' e name o re eric wis, te o mpany ixt ni States Calvalry, Indian war, and pay him a pension at the ·rate of $20 ‘. per mont . ¤1iQ°$Iiv:i¤¤¤¤Démifififth’ The name of James D. Smith, alias James Smith, late of Troop F, Second Regilment United States Caiilalry, Indian war, and pay him a. r ins increased. pension at the rate 0 $20 er mont ; ,,,iI§;”,§?S,fi;0§,Y‘”“’ C The xéaxlpe of Thoxpéas Ed%utton,Ia§as BirtIS1¤(iItton, late ofdCompany 'I'h1r` egiment United States antry, `an war, an pay him a’pension at her rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now re- H, 1. ceivmg. amcliaiiiliriia 11. Hechi f'Iéh)e name cg _Heimh;§h, Charlizlsif H. Henileslson, late · o mpany , egiment mte tates ant , n `an war, and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per month inrlieu of that he . is now recei . , Mmm N°'dyk°' The name e Nordyke, widow of Edward C. N ordyke, late of Troop L, Third Regiment nited States Cavalry, Regular Establishgent, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that . r e is now receiving. _ ` L°`uS° B°°mg° d' B The naémin of Bwgard, §lepen<%%nt moflhéar of Wgliam aumgar , ate 0 the mt tates avy, ar wit pain, her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that shi-im is diilvlrr William N. King. rcc6iV]`ng' . . . The name of William N. King, late of Company D, Seventeenth Regiment United States Infantry, and One hundred and tenth Company, Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Establislunent, and pay a reuse? pension at the rate 0 $12 Eirlmonth in lieu of that he is now receiving. v°"““ ‘ Kim The name of Venus B. g, widow of Carl Kin , late of Company G, Thirteenth Regiment United States Infantry, Véar with Spain and gay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month, and $2 per month adtional on account of each of the minor children of said Carl King Pensions summa. until they reach the age of sixteen years. _ ,,§`,l§°h"‘“°I N‘ R°°' The name of Nathaniel N. Robbins, late of Captain Kelly’s Company C, First Regiment Oregon Mounted VOlHDt8QPS,.IHdl&H war, and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receivm . Mm Simm EdThe zliaéze of §garyCSilvers, wiilogv of Silverg late oggaptairii war e e ’s ompan , econ eg1ment r t Volunteers, Indian war, andy pay her a pension at the xiigtinuof ;2l)Hp£iar gmwghg mmm molnlth in lieu e}f]gl(i1at§l:ip is no); receivingi f enameo `t ayne rimm,wi o Edm dW.Tr1m` m, late chaplain Regiment Wisconsin (Iiifantry, Vllliir with Spain, umm c_ Cwpeh and pay er a. pension at the rate of $12 per month. The name o Maude C. Cooper, widow of Charles C. Cooper, late of Company C, Twelfth Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry, and Hospital Corps, United States Army, War with Spam, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month and $2 er month additional on account of each of the minor children of said Charles C. Cooper until they reach the age of sixteen years.