Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/480

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1898 INDEX. ‘ mboi lon . P . District of Columbia-T-Continued. Page 1):;-;¢opfi»CLld: for compethisgigon for dam- ago denciency appropriation for str·ee:isé_cleuni · to employees, awarded by lim- mg, snow removal, etc., a mona 38

§;ees’ Compensation Comnnmon- 104 pay to laborers ._ , .. 39

loitering by public vehicles m front for Benning Road_v1aduct and budge- . . of hotels, etc., prohibited; penalty . 104 for ggrblrc convemenoe stations . 39 rent proiitee restrictions continued for thing beach. 39 until ninegudays after conclusion of for who schools ... 39, 503, 1017, 1157 treaty of peace . _ - . . 104 for department . 40, 1018, 1157 increased pay for 1922 allowed police, for health department ... 40, 1018, 1157 iiremen, andfpark glice; rate .. 874 for court of appeals 41 receipts fmm ees, es, etc. to be for murucxpa court .. 41, 1019 degosited to credit of United States for police court . 41, 1019 an the District in proportion that for unscy wnts . _ .. . .. _ 41, 1019 appmptlations are made ..., . . · - 1144 for support of eouvmtg out of the I)16. spemal amessment collections sim1— tnct  : ._ 41, 346, 1019, 1157, 1187 · "'.}¥ ‘‘‘‘·‘‘ 1 ‘‘’‘‘‘‘ ““ §°' €‘1“"..,s,.°,t,‘°““1‘,“§”··‘s‘a$···1 ··‘·‘‘ 2i·}3i3 em em o ees ’ or n y um n au .. , P°{,,,,,,, .,4 .1,$,,,,’Q, ____,____________ XS, 1114 for support of 1111 111101101-s ... 41, 1019 ‘ for sewafe and water pumping sutions for Home for Infirm. . . 41, 1019, 1158 employees, additional pavy .. 177 for Hospital. .. Z ... . - 41, 1019 tor Solum ra Hospital for omen, re- forBoa.rd ofCh1ldren sGuardnms. 42, 1020, 1158. pairs, etc. . 177, 886, 1378 for Industrial Home School for Colored for psrkv:153 between Potomac, Zoologr- Children . . ., . 42 Rock Creek Pa.rks.- 180, 890, 1389 for Grand Army Soldiers, etc., Home. . . 42 for Park ... 182, 892, 1384 for support, etc., of indigent insane . 42, ‘°’ ‘1.` °‘ i“‘“·"°“‘ °°"“°'°· 335 so 1 .1,,,.. , .0 $311% ` 11. .. . ... , , orpa' ju entsagains". , .., for Park, etc 186, 898, 1389 for wa}t1e,118depar¤nent .. 42 for Government fuel yards. . 199, 912, 1402 for supreme court, expenses .. 66, 346, for district attorney . . .. 209 349, 524, 1019, 1158, 1187 general provisions applicable to office for community forums, etc . 328 of .. . . . 209 for courthouse care, etc .. . 328 pay of, and principal amistant, fixed. - 209 for Columbia for Women. . . . 328, 348 for National ’1‘1a.ining School for Boys.- 212, for 1’66l•°¤¤8 °° _ 8¤>l}¤{1¤» 090 --·· 333 926, 1415 for expenses, Zomng Connmmon , . . 590 for operating, etc., Government hotel for °xP€¤$6€» EmP1°Y€€¤ C°mP€¤¤8l·10¤ · for war workers, etc .. . . 223, 937, 1425 ------·-~·-·-----··--—--·· 101 01 1156 pay rguiction ___________________ 931, 1426 for printing reports . 1016 for navy yard, operating Government fo1‘ 1¤<11¢1¤ GXPGDSQB- _- · --·----·--·---- 1016 f apartmeinrfis , E6 ..,,,,... 224 {0; grlenetc-, of building -.. lg}? or na 0 ra vernment 0 - - --···..·-·-.. dQvfg[it%fié_ _ _ _____________ 224 for Park .. . . 1017 for attorney_ in charge of condemnation {OT 1¤¤¤'u°tl°¤ of *1691 mute P¤¥¤0¤¤· ···· 1018 proceedings .,..,,.__,______,__,_ .676, 1296 for instruction of colored deaf mutes . 1018 euaploymgut of other mums] {01-[nd- for mstructron of blind children . 1018 en ... . .,., 676, 1926 gor po1¤cefiepor?ent . 1318, fr { pea]s____________-un or uvemecou .,,,_,.,_____,_ ___ 118, 7

31- $;l;;.s°&u¤ ,,,,,_____,_________ gg; 1332 f<>¤‘ l¤d¤¤tr¤¤1 H0¤¤¤_Sch0q1 - 1020

for additional my of $240 A yea, to em_ got deporting nonresident insane. - . 1020, 1158 pnyess . . ... 000,1000 ¤#w·2¤!=!¤¤¤¤e --~----·---·------·- - ·-·-- 1020 water department employees, entirely ;°' mbm- · ; ·-··· , ·······--·····-····· 1020 1]-91]] 1]*,3 rgvgnu°s_________________ .690, 1309 01. r€]·m1) D0BABUI%u, for fuel mlmmum W? bond, mmmumty f f\1l'l11Sl1_ t h is ct ttorney s0Hice.. 1032 centers an playgrounds wholly °? Be 00 - ; · _ ··-···-··~-· -: ·-··· 1157 from District rsvssuss . 690,1310 ¤dd1¤°¤¤1 ,P¤Y *0 001 ¤¤P1gy¤¤ ¤¤» *0* under trust funds therefrom ... 690, 1310 for Egscci Pmvld 10* ·~·-·-- Iggg i°' E$`§§{$u°2é°§,`§”£1ssmN“.m“??? .1. Y`?`i°{t??’ I 000 Bol "°"§‘? ‘f3" °'°“‘°“ i*‘°"*"°" ······ =·· lm for courthouse mmm, Em, _ U · · · W I 907, 1397 Img 18 on River, set aside

  • 0* mmm M¤¤=¤¤¤¤ »n>¤>=~¤0·>¤ --·--- 1381 cs. sr2°s?§$$s"i.2”é°‘i02”3'§‘L‘Z;etgsa ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 13%

fm, R"? pmek °°d b°“’””‘° 1’¤*'=w=0’· closing' of Cedar lload ’directed between . °ddm°ml bl°‘l°’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······· 1382 Quincy and Shepherd Strelzts NW 1251 deficiency zppropmtwn for coronefs office, deeds convs ‘ g title to certain 10w ’ 01161 per, deputy . . sr, 1016 in v1?Z§},mg,,,,,, ,0 1,,., 6,%*3,,,,6. for public library , _,,_,_________ 37, 1016 condition ____________ ’ 1251 fm, °°1d`H°°'°*S°clP1“ntf°' m°1'g¤9 ·-···· · 38 fire department reorggnizatirlll- l I ` . 1 - . 396 f°' m°“" **1** °° ··----~-·-·--· · ··----· 38 appropriation for increased seléri ``````` 393 f°" “d"°"*1§1“8 -···---· - ---~-··--· · ----· 38 game birds tmilie restricted _______ ````` 368 f°' °°'°“°¥ F °‘P°°°°? ·-·-~--—-—- 38, 101611156 mcorpomtions American National for advertising tures m arrears. . . 38, 590, 1156 Cross; chmmittee increased 1354 gg; ;:$g1;°“° °°"‘°° éé ·--··- · ·-·--· 38 Convention of Episoopsl WQQLL for mb -—·· E;-Z; xi-- -3\ll':l1Cl:l.tY of women to vote, 978