Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/503

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INDEX. 1921 Forcible Eq and Delamcr, D. C'., Pm. Foreggrz Gm:cr·nmmts—Oontinued. Page. summons r, of any_real property, to be de ciency appropriation for representing imued by municipal court . 555 interests 0 , growing out of war in Ford, {mph, _ Europe, etc . ... 524, 1022,1043 P€¤¤10¤ ···--··--- ; ; -------·-----·--.. 1487 110t.1ce to be given, of termination of treaty Ford: Island, Hawau, _ _ _ restrictions on imposing discriminat- ‘ expendmnes authorized for An Service ing duties, etc, ..,.,,,,_,,___,_,__,_ 1097 _ b&!'!'$0kB8·|1<:] <El8YU9\*8 at . 455 surplus Army supplies, etc., may be sold Fvmyn and Dcmestw ommerce Bureau, De- to friendly . . . . ..,.,.,., 949 pgrtment of Commerce, Fcrmyn Governments, Allied, appropriation for Director, assistants, clerks, transportation, medical supplies, etc., to etc 2 ... 878, 1298 discharged members of forces oi, for commercial attschés, expenses, etc. 679, 1298 having similar regulations ... 374 for promotingand developing foreign and acce tance oi, to members of American _ domestic commerce . 679, 1298 Knees living within 374 blimit for_branch offices. . . 679 F £undsJ;n e .. . . . . 374 rpromo commerce wi an orenpn “ 'vision, ost ce Depart- _ for Centrglnimerica H§.F679, 1298 ment, f d mmoting commerce wi ar appropriation or superinten ent, assist- _ goat ... : ... 679, 1298 P aut ... . 675, 1295 deficiency agpropriauon for commercial Forenyn Mails, Postal Smnicc, attach 524 appropriation for , by steamicr promoting commerce ., 524, 1040 ship or otherwise .. . 581, 1153 alloyrance for expenses of branch 0iiices... . 213 · allowance for aircraft service 581, 1153 Hunt fm branch officesincrsmsd  ; 516 for balance due foreign countries . 581, 1153 Fore•gn_Books, scc., deiiciency appropriation for transportacopynght protection of, modihed . 369 tim: . : ... 349, 1031, 1174 Foreign ommerce, · for balances due foreign countries 525, 1189 common carriers by water of American Fomyn Market: registry, to file schedules of sailing activities of War Finance Corporation redates, ports, routes, etc . 497 vived to finance exports of agriculto give specific rate to rail carrier, on tural products, etc., to.: i .. 1084 application of shipper . 497 Foreign Alimiom (ue Diplomatic and (bnreservation of space, etc., if offer ac- sular Service). cepted ... . 497 Foreign Natebm, ctc., _ modifications, etc., to be filed ... 498 dehvegrbew., of property held py Ahen regulations to légrescribed . ... 498 petty Custodian to nationals of, iniormstiou of sc ules, etc., to shippers, other than Germany, etc ... _ 978 to bsrgsblishod .. . - 433 invitlgd toséand delegatesto Intematmnal 271 co ’ to 'waycarriers oragen¤,etc- 4 arm ugress mbuwn . 498 World Cotton Conference .. 271, 271 regulations, etc., in be made 498 Foreign Relations, etc., Deparhnenl of State, through bil] of lading for consignment for appropriation for officers, drafting imwhich space, etc., on vessel reserved, gortant work on . 642, 1263 tobeimuedbyrailroadcanier . 498 Foreign eamen, _ _ _ allcharges,etc.,tu>benamedseY?!ately- 498 payment of wages to, while in American nil carrier not liable after de 'very to harbors by mssterof vessel .. 1006 vesel . ... - 498 enforcement by United States courts 1006 provision for limited liability of water FLT Trade, _ carrier to be made . 498 iiicatiun of shipping rules, etc., m, by delivery of shipment to vessel by rail departments, etc., may berequsstsd carrier 498 by Shipping Board 995 isuance of, not "an arrangement for con·· rules hereafter subject to approval of tinuous carriage or shipment" .. 498 Board, etc .. Z .. 995 Foreign Countrka, disagreementsssto, may besubuutted to appropriation for investigating production the President ... . . 995 of petroleum in .. . . . 1433 Foreign Traqel, _ _ _ articles for Navy not to be purchased in, sppropriat1qnforrest11ct¤ngent1·{0fs11s¤zs, if obtainable in United States at _ etc., immedmtely avaxlsb e. 385 reasonable prices; exception ... 157 limit for iiscalyear 1920 . - I .. 385 exemption of seizures of merchant addmo¤alrestnctionsonenu·yofal1ens-.. 353 and cargoes in, to be claimed y duration of . . .; ... _ t W consul ,.. . . 527 deportation of undesirable aliens convicted execution of bond, etc .. - . - 527 of violating Act reguhlilng . . ...·.·- 594 in suits against masters of such vesels, readmimion prohibited .. 594 consul to enter appearance, etc . 527 Forest Firgs,_ _ arrangement for sureties on credit of United appropriation for f¤§htmg, etc .. 251, 728, 1329 States .. 527 co¥)peratmn o .}gncultural and nt of 'ud nts; no immunit epartments or air patro m e pay-mejudiceli , {Iii ... K gt 527 Rockies and on Paciiic coast . _ 728, 1329 Foreign Finanezhl Operankma (ace Federal for cooperation with States m protectmg Reserve Act Amendments). watersheds of navigable streams Forcisrn Govammenza. from . ... 268, 728, 1344 appropriation for furnishing Patent Office for fighting, in national parks . . - . . . 1406 publications etc., to ,... 671 rutrictumsorallotmenta of expenses. . 1406 44282°-—v01. 41—v·r 2--34