Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/506

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1924 - INDEX. Fort McHenry, Bafmors, Md., dedi Page. Fort Stantp·r;_Sa1;at0;·)z;)uv·;r2r1}1’b`;1;gc., appropriation or expenses ca spgrropria ion or t to Francis Scott K , or alteration, etc . 1368

i3<l1:lll11::s at . ..,... ?¥. 1391 Fort Totten, Dak., _

Congremional committee to attend 1391 appropriation for Indian school 19, 424, 1240 Fort Mackenzie Wyo., Fort Totten, N, K, _ to be immediately taken over for use of 165 appmpgiatugn for machinery, etc., torpeggg 1348 ° , etc., p•hen` ts. ...,... . epo . ,...,.. . ,,...,,., , amo;i'1:‘ for increasing hospital 1365 Fm Toétg•hr$a:hoolf:)nd£4gincy, J§2tDak., 19 ‘ ' ,..,,.,... . 1 e o m, so 00 ···------- Fort Miplilt Naizsal Magozim, Pa., Fort Walla Walla, Wash. approriristiolxhior dredging ... 144 to be immediateg talzan grer for use of FertM1lr,.P "ppine slemds, warns ,e . pa_en .: ..- I-- appmpmn for constructing enginegi) 1850 amonmt aélgted for increasing hospital 1365 Fm Mojaive ,4§}}.LJQLi}~E.Q ``'`````'```' i ’ Fm worm, Tu., _ appropnation for support, etc., of Indians loan of ANDY tents, etc., for reumon of F M §t .. . . . . . .. 433, 1247 Veterans 31; 1061 ort ogave, ., g p , near gpgropriation for Indiangcliool .. h9,415,1%362 Fort Yuma Agen;-y, Calilgt etc H _ ° a propriation orInd1an' oo. , ro riation or suppo , . 0 n F M I; 345, 1(l3c9, 1042, 1171 F8P@I:;t ,,,,,_,,__,,_,,,.,,, _,,,,______ 434 ort onroe a., orti tions, apguropriation forCo‘;s;Arti1lerySchi•g>:l.81)t;6iggg spprogiiation for gun and mortar battesigg 1348 rm Nsagor’ a'N. ri '`` · ’ ’ r sms<ism"1‘s}’s`g` `ss{;§1§2¤s'mss` ` EZZZZZZ eos; me apprzgriation for plant at ... 961 fgr preservation, repair, etc .. 608, 1348 FW! P Agency, Mont., _ for prepgpghou of php; ______________ 608, 1343 appropgation for support, etcik :1;,1 1236 gorsupplies for www planga, etc- . . 608, 1348 - · • · • --—·····—·· · · • r r 1 1 or Pl?} Vmg • s deficie:fc¥ Epropriation for support, etc., 1171 submarine mines, etc ... 608, 13.3: n at .. f 'tes, tc ._., , ,.,,,..,. .

 yantv u _ f§®(§8f8 ,,,i,`,,,_,,__,,_,_____  

sppropru or constructing m·iga'on for' ’ , tc. uicplantsn. 608,1 systems on; repayment".: . . . 16,421, 1237 for 1;, etal? ..,. . . 608, 1348 allowance for pomenger vehicles . 16, 421 for sea walls and embankments .. 608, 1348 ¤u0“86¤H}$Y stgleqf Goal lands--- gil for rrgpairs, etc., defenses of Galveston, 608 0 mming ..-- x .,. allotments Q le lands allowed 422 for tgotiistruction expenses, seacost ds?)-8 348 0 c n on . . ..,,..,...,., , 1 homestead enzymen on ceded lands, al- for ci>I:s?ructing hre control stations lowed ditional time for paying etc ,,,,,_______________________ 668,1348 _ ° 1¤¤¢¤llm¢¤l·¤ ·---·-·--.-.-.-..------- 365 for range finders, etc . 608,1348 interest payments to be made .. 365 for war instruction at Coast Artillery time of payment; further extension 366 posts ,,,,,_, , __________________ 608, 1343 commutatxopeggysble in full ... 366 for accessories for submarine mine pracinterest, to c 't, of Indian; ..,,,,,,,., . 366 Lice __,_,,,__________,_ _ __________, 1348 ... marine esu ; , o forfe;;1ry:m<;Etse;1r§1rgrnoi1:lgail1¤e to make 366 gg: gplerating control 609 patent authorized of block for school pur- Totten, N. Y .. (li .. 1348 pceesm Waukee town site on former. 549 for armanent ,._,,_,,___,,,,_,_____,_ soo, 1349 _ of gglopksdin each town 549 for mountain, field, and siege cannon, _ _ 0 QB S -------·---- etc . ...,..,,,,. 609 1349 Fwtlgdlg: ixriprgg to be admitted to schools. . 549 {or ammunition therefor 609; 1349 » · ·. seacoast .,,,,,,_, appropriation for public building .. .- 165 {gi-I ammuni§i£¤iI1int(l:l;refor. ... m Ferl Rendell Nililary Ruemcivn, . Dah., for modernizing pmgssmss, so .. 609:1349 cllllh 9*1* °f ]¤¤¢l¤ ¤¤ fo¤¤¤¤' ······-··----- 550 for ammunition, etc., {or seacoast ard]- FM Rzggugwih _ { ml lei-rg pursues ...,_...,,, _ _____,__ 6o9,1349 rsi"§‘i€¤s· r·»3“ °' °““"°“"‘ *55 E3§2l£i'*“** °2‘Z‘·“.‘;“°»$’5‘“‘ ”,s§i‘£°"'· " %’ {li? appropriation ior Army Mounted Service deliv1el:1yg’:i tliaztorserlsroitate ’ Sch°0I· --·-·---·- · -···--····—·--·-- 106 highway departments _______________ 1349 Fonfg¤%l?¤g2lI2V Schwl -·----·-··----..-.-.- 950 for agnmurggion for field, etc., artille?)9 1349 •ppmpg=5g>n f9r Army School of Fire, for proving 609; 1349 for I h_YA\’Sc¤llh%¥5 -·----··-·------- for agicgesones for submanne mine prac- 609 Q; {gg mmgg gsgxhiéi .. gg) §sr:s1sisi{§siéé§ éii;.QH1§¤i»§ri£rs`ririsssZZ we ¤“b¤m¤ti°¤_ vi I¤f8¤*lfi' · fgl·0pemti?ng(lii··etco1i)t1i·tolr Igio§s;:;; 1% Bélmlllg, G8-, for ¤fantrySch<>o1of for barracks and quarters, seacosst de- F S uh4¤’¤¤A?· -··-····~-·····---- - ----- 453 fensss.._ ,..._,,_____________ 610,1349 mit m r ·» , , fol·':&1I'S€l’V1CG expenses ..,,.,, 1350 ¤•=¤ ¤f dd F·¤l¤¤¤ wl. srmted to ..-----. 396 for insular pouessions ..,,,_,,,_____ 610, 1350