Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/538

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1956 INDEX. Insular Poaseas·ions—Continupd. Page. Interdepargmental Social Hygiene Board, Pageappropriation for ammumuon for seaeoast appropriation for expenses, personal servcannon, etc 611, 1350 xces, etc . . ... _ . . .: . . ._ . 178, 888 foraltering,etc.,seaccastarti]lery 611, 1350 for assmtance to States; inst1tutions ex- {0; gubmgring minus, etc: ,,,. z . 611 cepted . _ . . . 888 for maintenanceé submarine 611 forzlégtmgent to States, for prezgpgon, 888 { , r- .,0 ven _ _ _;res on. or tillery, lguhiligpine and Hawaiian for payment to umversmes, etc., for Islands , _ ., . . _611, 1350 sctenulic research for more effective for nre control statnons, etc., Pluhppme medical measures, etc .. 888 and Hawaiian Islands .. 611, 1351 for payment to umversmes, etc., for defor submarine supplies, insular poses- veloping educatuonal measures of sions . (i 1351 pregrenuon, etc. for Air Service expenses, 'ppine an contri utions uir . Hawaiian Islands . 611 duties, etc., extgmed to designated exfor aviation stations, Hawaiian Islands penditures . .. .. 888 defenses 611, 1351 Interest and Sinking Fund, D. C., balances covered in of appropriations for appropriation for payment . 92,862, 1134 { fortgcgtions ina;} .. : ... 613,12152 1,,,,,,,,, D_ gn _oravia seaegast enseem . ,-. 1,, L t ,,,,d,·,,g· ·ht 3 ]- ¤»¤¤·»f,¤e¤ep»g,·,r;_5·rg_g_;;g;;1,,g,,•·;»¤;0;~v¤¤ ,,,9 ’“ °1n$ga$i°cxpccm§cliinn§tll.€iIi..i. scc c.cmc·““““nn cc zmnc cc. me semi “mt*:n*; *:;H?,‘;,’2 mpc YY1! 1922 ······· 3 ·•-····--·-·--·· 997 unlawful .,,.,..,. I 568

 etc., service to be estab- 997 1;:,.;,,;,1,:,, of   by:i,¥dit,,,_ _______ 568

. ······· z ·········-·---- .- : - w ro usm oamng m wnfwgpgdu ¤1eq¤¤*¤ f»·¤¤1¤¤¤¤ 997 _ onse·::11€1itynotsi·i?ected (i xiii ses ·=··e··»»·»¤¤·»¢¤»v·¤ ·»~ ·` ``'``` ’r¤»·¤. `°‘‘' "‘£{,'{,‘§'c,f’n‘£;‘i"‘c.T’”}‘.f; Secretary in-smc Wl10_ IBYVGII lll World WN', to be · ’6tc_________:__________6é8’ 1287 hlfllllhéd II1tl1M'1tI.@·tl]GIBOf:-. forclgrgg °tc""_".•__-'.-.-"---- me of ¥>¤·¤·=l=¤¤ <>f <=<¤1¤>¤¤<>¤¤ fw f¤¤¤s¤ for mechanics wnccnmcn cmnnccm Hnanqial pperauons as Government gu _______ I ____________ ’ _____ _ _ _ _6é9, 1288 <l¢P°¤¤*¤¤¤¤ H1 ···--··---·-----·--- 1146 to &_ _ 6E66Q, 1233 provisidnsfor, of vessels under Merchant Bujlxngj ______________________ ggg, 1233 Mime {Wt -···-----------·-·-···-· 992 for qperating force, Department Buildfund authorized for, vemels, plants, mg ____________________ _ ________ 669,1288 etc., under Slupping Board . 992 for b0ard_of appeals, assistants, office of Insurance, Army and Navy (see also War Risk Sehclfor Z . ., ... 669, 1288 Insurance Act Amendments), f¤r<¤pe¤¤9¤,_¤pec¤¤l1¤¤Decter¤,e¤c -··- 669,1288 converted, maé be amigned by beneficia· fo1’ , General Land O$co, ries to 0 ers of permitted class . 372 Smstqllt, clerks, etc . 669, 1288 extension of provisions for applications, for Cgmrmmmner of Indian Aitairs, asetc, ., 374 Slsfanp, gzlcrks, etc I .. 670, 1289 pcmcnc mencma by draft bcms, damsnca for 0¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤er of Penswns. deputg, or dying before enrolled for active ¢l€!k¤, etc . ... . ... . . . 70, 1289 B9l'V1($-. ,,..,,,, , ,_,_,,,_,,__,,_,, 375 for COUIIIDBIOHGI of Patents, asdstgntg, death allowances, etc., modified 375 ¤X¤m1¤e}‘¤, etc. 671, 1290 issuedmthoselost on U. S. S. "C clops".. 375 *0* C<>¤¤¤¤¤¤1¤¤¢¤' of Ed¤c¤ti0¤, clerks, no salaries or expenses permitted lvorsolicit- _ etc", .. - .. 671,1291 _ i:%§reinstatement of lapsed .. 126 fo1‘ Superintendent of Capitol Building permit class of beneficiaries extended to ¤¤dQt¤unds etc . . ,,., 671 other designated relatives .. 375 fer Architect of tire Capitol .,...,,,, 1291 term; gayment of unpaid installments on for ¤¤¤t¤}gent expenses .,. . , , 672, 1291 mth, nt? , of Obemgciayy __________ 376 for sppphes for Department Office Bu.i1d~ converted; modriicatwn of provisions for. . . 376 wg .. . .,.,,. 672, 1292 lump sum and other periods of payment {OY ¤¢¤·¤0¤€1’y, ew ..·.. . .. . . . 672, 1292 nunwcd sms ger gow b¤o°l;s,>§w. -6,1% . eve, 1292 Insurance Department, D. C., °t ”€° wm °°m°d€]¤» ew 673, 1292 appropriation for salaries __,_,_,____ 71, 840, 1112 {C'; POSNBB ewmrggl -~·-· _ ------- . . . . . 673, 1292 rncncca Mau, Pmmz Service, ,§, §‘,f§€°§f_f“£,‘% t,;“,}.*’“9l°*’5¤·°**°· 67*, gg? appmpriatsioniorindemnity for lost . 581, 1154 formndry civil el; ,;€¤€I1;11:',°n°°‘i§é 674* 1396 paymentbypostmastemauthorized. . . 581 9 kmves etc Pfc b u, °{ *906* deficiency axjpnropriatzion for indemnity for x&,,,_r De ’ km ° " mm 193 lost, eshc . _ - -_ ...·- 547 336. 514 scc repairs cl, buj1di11gn;;li;;;;;:'l98-906, 1396 h”"·A"*¢Z‘*°'!'* Hlvh €'¤’¤***‘**¤<**}» _ for Capitol, etc ...,,_____ 193, goo, 1396 appmpnagcn for expenses, bmted Stat7eg7 1212 f pccwdnggwm, stm ______________ ’___ 194 ,9% °¤—-_ ·--·---—·--—---- ; —----— , Maltb B ding ‘ - rmcnzzing qmlzm for Reeduoazum of we °' enc?. nlclilm { ‘f$Y€’f"?$“¥‘{‘{‘T¥f°"E‘ nm ` Y" # . . { \11'i3}1 , D. . ., , H - appropuaxn for contnbuuon for main- ig: c(:1b15c01‘;3ds_ lg; www ·-·-······-—·---·~·-·-·- 750.l214 for lndian Department .__,_,________ _ 196