Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/556

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1974 INDEX. · Loo A l , Cal' .—Co t' ed. Page. Lozaw,_Thomp.son S. (arm), Page. umiiifm; ago owiiiuifiver Gorge . oss pension moreaped mo irrigation rights reserved ..---- · ---·--- 985 Lum, PWM (mdvw), r forfeiture gr failure to commence water- 985 L P611¤1Cr¢;1:i·h;_ ...·---...-.--..·--· 1o08 --•••••••¤•·•¤·••··--•• uw ! u'! comrisgelttgrdpower works, as to uncom- 985 prel bx(;m)§n:3t%3§é etc., to be made. 1012 Q 0n_____________________ ,_____________,, laws of California as to use of water, notin- Luoore, Ladcmia N., _ terfered with ..,.. . . . 1 986 enlaged homestem entry by, validated . . 1092 time extended for reprort of @$1 {uint 1088 Ludi, eorge F., 1625 committeeonsu marine a peusionn., ..-. Loo Angela ?arb0r, Calf (see San Pedro, L1{d’in9¢0'{1. Mifiliié. to _ ri t th 4 (laid . . improv;n)§a1 navlga on a , au or- Lou by Efdumgc, _ i . ._ . .. 1058 appropriation for Army disbursing officers, Ixydung, Eliza C'. (wndow), abroad and in Alaska 112, 956 pension .. . r . , .. 1511 for foreign minions . 741, 1208 Lug Boxes for Frwnga and Wgctables, D. C., for oomnlates .. 750, 1216 L stau_ R_ dimensions for, established .. 1222 Los: Pr£atcP pcrty,A Sena] , “"'rb¢_ ’ 11*6% _

nd 0ggg1ccmi,,u- br1dge§uEhor1zed acrom, near Lumberton, 390

men, an ume , ost, · ··-· · ···-····-·-~ _ ·-·--··-···· etc., since Arpril 5, 1917, trgsbe re- L'”'£b"“’”: N• qw .

 or  fog ___________ Z _____ 1436 bndgenzzrhonzed acma Lumber River. 390

°°" ,,,,,“°· Y °"‘_ ““ ff_"°g1‘€‘?‘f°° H3 Lummi rene " '`'°'` ,%.412.] '`' _ wner ,... . . . . . 6 _ I _ duppod qulder wdm on uugworthy allotment of Davie Skootah on, cance ed, vase] _______ _ _ ____________________ 1436 reallotment . r 28 while aving life on Government prep 1436 Lump Fern AgI »P_y or 8 yw

   1436 Lumley to employgfs ugderér ... 690,1309

in transit miie? }§§·`ee¤-1 `'`` ·e}`e} www court, _ 5¤¤s<1¤' '¢¤=io¤ ih; panel from `Government agency; limit . . . . 1437 wt ]111’¤1'¤· · -·-··----·- · ··-·-···· 556 dpttpyed by the enemy, etc . 1437 Lunacll TW: D- Cn _ ummqem on articles enter than re- ¤1>1¤<>1»¤¤1i¤¤ for ¤=1><~=¤s¤s of ¤¤¤<=¤¤¤e· -· 92· quired by lavg, etc. .1 .. 1437 , _ _ 862»1134 mma er money included .. 1437 deficiency aigpmpnauon for ---.-·----· 41. 1019 amoimt of, to be ascertained by Secretary L“"19”; L€"”’·*’ » of wm- ____ _ ______________________ · 1437 pension increased 1474 payment or replacement authorized . . - . 1437 L”"•9¢5 $**-1***1 (w*d°"”)» tender, eee., e final eetermmeurm of pension- . ._ ----· 1496 clgjm _______ _ ____________________ 1437 Luquzllo .1Yaty,o·rml Forert, P. R,. . claims to he presented within two years. . 1437 ¤PP¤>I1¤¤¤¤¤ {W 1¤¤¤t¢11¤11¢¢» ¢¢¢·» 01- - - 249; appropriation for paying 1437 708, 1321 Lo•¢Instr·u1Mnta, D. 0., L'%“'”b¥”!'9r rm d . h t suits at law on, may be continued by giving 1mp°m°§ hm* 11 °xP°§e3‘{* W 88 pond required rrr equity procwr grrrmsw eat our, pro it , excep— 1759 mg ·············· · ·············~·· 569 eexed ```' `````` " ```````' me r r r mz, JM, jr., can N. . . . ( Lopension increased 1535 L Bppmrgggtion gr minister! to ___________ 739, 1206 patent htgdgnglyor of Bonita. of described 1053 1gr:;,wbridg8g%,rgzrreh“m8 River, Mocamr 9 _ ‘‘‘··········‘···· · ········ qua to 'ckshmn' y 15 Laumana Avenue N WC, D, ('.. Pigwgo _______________________ _ _______ 164) appropriation for repaving roadway, Penn- Salem ::10 Wapwallopen . . .. 160 _ _ sylvama Avenue to Tenth Street. . - 845 time extended for bndging North Branch LWWMW {md N¤·¤’•‘v1U¢ Railroad, of Susquehanna River at Wilkesmay bridge Alabama River, near Mom- Bm-re by __________________________ 1103 LWmm§o?¤ry, Ala . - 1090 Lynch, James (mn), 560 v_ ·1 · . . - . - ..,,,.,. . . . 1 apl;;mgnanti{31(for marine hospital, repairs- - 1368 bgsnllfxgghn, Lolw r_ an wwbv. P€l1810D.. ...,. . 1607 pension . ... 1477 L , M . wtdw , Lowe. 42m (widow), 1581 ,.,,,__.__,. 1615 L°'”'» IWW · . i-d•W9- · O W)-. · · · · - · - U . . - - - gym, eaxamxq 'nation, etc., of, to be 1191181911 ·-·· - ~--·---···..- . . 1580 made ...,. 1012 Lower Bnglc Agency, S. Dah., Lyons, Jacob, 8pp!¤]:3Bh0¤ for support, etc., of In 12 L pension . . . ... . . 1549

·. , , 48 yon:. 1l¢¤y(wido ).

L°‘“’Z‘d“ C°"*m?/» _ pension 1485 bridge authorized acrom Wnthlacoochee Lytle, John H., River by Brooks County, and .. 1100 ‘ n .,_, , , ,,,_.,,,..,,..,__,_, Q ,__._ 1601 _ _ pensw Lew, {MM A· (radon-), Lyne, Ame (wklmr), P°¤m9¤ -·-· · ···---- · ----····~. J 1489 pension . . .. 1571