Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/590

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INDEX. Navy-Continued. Pago. Na·vy—Cont1.nued. _ Ym- S€1’V'lDg• mtisfactoril durm¥' the a ro nation for naval magazines .. 144 omvfgsin temporary gradg eligib e to pier great Lakes traming sta.t.1on .. 144, 822 permanent promotion without ex- for fuel depots, Yorktown, X a., etc. . . 145, 822 amination ..,,,,.,.,,...,.. 140 for Hampton Roads, Vg., , opemting base?45 822 and grade uirements for com- im rovementagetc .. , . , agiznanders exteiziiqed one year . 140 for Marine Barracks, Quanuco, Va":. -. 145 precedence of rear admiral for service for New York, N. Y.; water front 1m- as chief of bureau . : 140 provements suspended ... . . . . : . . 820 Naval Academy midshnpmen alloy- specml joint comm1tteo on Pacific

  • ance extended to Porto Rico, Dis- coast naval bases.. ._ . Z . 820

trict of Columbia, and Naval Reserve exchan§;a:f land, radw station, South Force . 140 San cisco, Calif ... _ 8 21 warrant omcers on shore duty overseas, acceapitfanco of lands from San D1og0, allowed sea duty ay .. 140 C ., for naval uscg; .. 821 enlisted men to accept for Pearl Harbor, Hawau  : . 821 ap tment as o$cers in Reserves exchange oilands, Puu10aR1Ae Range, to Dlisve credit for such service on at harbor entrance ... . _ ,- 821 roenlisting ...e 141 exchange of lands, Honolulu, Hawan. 821 grade orrauk restored, etc . ... 141 for Cavite, P. I., fuel storage ... 822 similar rovision for warrant officers hospital, Olongapo, P. ., from proand Cows pay clerks . 141 ceeds of U. S. S. ‘ ‘Re8;>se " Z 822 transfers from aval Volunteer to for marine barracks San 3Fo, Calif- .- 822 Reserve Force not a discharge from for fuel depot, San biego, C if . 822 State, etc., Naval , 141 for submarine base, New London, Conn- 822 members of Reserve Force not pre- fornubmsrine and destroyer base, Columveuted from being in State, etc-, biz River, Oreg .. . . z 822 Naval . . 141 acceptance of site from Astonajor 822 membership in Naval not to for devel permanent trumng stainterfero with duties in Reserve tion, , Calif . ...,.. 822 Force,. ... . ... . ... 141 for repairs and preservation . _ . .. 145,822 status of Amistant Paymaster John mamtenance of training stations from Flynn, establidnedn .. : . 141 Bureau appropriations . _ 145 a mtment of certam enmgns estab- accgffance of lands from San Drego, pliizhedas of June 28,1917 . .. 141 C_ ., for training station and hosapgointment authonzed of Edgar p1tal site . ... 145 ayes, as first lieutenant Mamie exchange of lands Marine Corps base, Corps . . 141 San Diego, Galii . . .. 145 appropriationforBureau ofordnauco; ord- for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, nance and ordnance . 142, 819 su.rge0ns’ necessaries, etc- 145, 822 chemical, technical, etc., services., 142, 819 for contmgent. .. 145, 823 former Government empgiyces cuter- care, etc., of insane on Padiic coast. 146, 823 ing war service may reinstated, for transferring remains of officers, enif onorably discharged, etc. ... 142 listed men, etc .. . 146, 823 for smokeles powder .. .. Z . 142, 819 for hospital treatment, etc .. . . . 146, 823 for Naval Gun Facwry,Wash1ngton, D.C. 142 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts; for torpedoes, etc . . 142 pay of the Navy. 146, 824 for torpedo station, Newport, R._I .. 142 designation of Pay Corps changed to for experiments in armor matenal, ord- Supply Corps ..,,,,,,. , ,__,,,,,. 147 nance, etc . . .. 142, 819 line captains wounded in line of duty for contingent . . . Z 142, 819 notsubject to promotion restrictions. 147 for Bureau of Yards and Docks, mam- allowances for death in the service tenance . 142, 819 gfplicable only to Regular Navy or clerical, etc. services .. _. 143,819 arine Corps. . 824 purchase oi pamenger automobxlos death allowance extended to oiicers forbidden ... _ 143, 820 and enlisted men of Coast Guard. . . .824 employment of motor vehicle opera.- rank, etc., of Sugerintendent of Coast tors . ... 820 and Geodetic urvey established. . . 825 for contingent ... 143, 820 for provisions . .,.,...,,,,._..,,,. 147 , 825 for public works, designated yards, etc. 143, 820 for maintenance; equipment sup lies. 147, 825 for nava1hospita1,Fort Lyon, Colo. .. 143 credit for losses ID disposal oi) excess for Portsmouth, N. H 143, 820 stocks . . 825 water supply from Kittery, Mo ... 143 chemical, etc., services .. . .. 148, 826 for aid in const;ructi¥ budge to navy for freipht, Department and bureaus. . 148, 826 yard at_Kit.tery,_ e . ... 143 for fue and transportation .__,_..,,.. 148, 826 contributions required from Maine and slipping charter hire restricted 148, 826 New Hampshire ... . 143 c from ggblic lands of Alaska ..., 148, 826 for Philadelphia, Pu., dry dock, etc. . 143, 820 purchase m Government fuel yards, limit of cost. increased . ... 820 D. C., not required ..,,.,,.,...,.. 148 for Washington, D. C., extensions, etc. . 144 for Bureau of Construction and Repair; for Naval Academy ... . . . . 144, 820 construction, etc , , ,.., 148, 826 for Norfolk, Va., water front improve maintenance, etc., of Coast Guard, ments, etc . . ... 144 etc., vessels ... 149 for Mare Island, Calif., railroad connec- I equipment supplies; ... . 149, 826 tions, etc . . . 144 on repairs not applicable. . 149