Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/593

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INDEX. 20] 1 Navy D*’P'1'$m¢”l» Page. Navy Department-Continued. Page. appropriation for Secretary, Assistant, purchases for Naval Records and Libmrv _ d€1`kB» etc- ···—~·-···--·-·---· · 663,1282 authorized from sum for naval ré- 101 @§¤1P0¤1'Y employees; PSY 1’6¤¤l’iC- cords of World War 510 hou ----—--·-·-- ~ ····-—-~~--·--- 663, 1283 Shipping Bulletin publication authorfor Soliciwr, clerks, etc . 663,1283 ized ________________________ , ______ 1028 for temporary employees; psy restric- status of rear admiral serving as chief of mm ···—--···--·-··---·-····--·~ 663, 1283 bl]-!'€&1\, having served heretofore 2. for clerks,_etc., Office of Naval Records full term _________________________ 140 and Lxbmry .. . . 664,1283 use of allotments rm- war Risk {Hmmm., naval records of War with Germany, patients by _______________________ 1374 etc 664,1283 Nat Yards andsmumw for timigge Advocate Geneml’s oEcé=é4 1283 aygwroprigtion foismaintenance, 142, 819 P<>¤11'Y 011111 OYGGS ---·-·-·---- . or u IC wor ... . .. 143, 820 for Naval Operations Office; temporary for gepgim and preservation ___________ 14,5,ggg employees ··--- _ -··- _ .--.·-.-· 6 64, 1283 articles for use of the N avy which can be for Naval Commumcatmns Office 664, 1283 made at, not to be purchased elsefor Bureau of Navigation; temp0m6r5g4 12 whgre; condition .. 157 €1'¤P0 06 ··-----·---·----.---·- , 83 110 Afto mvala riation tobeuged for Naval intelligence Office; temporary P for51urchaseI:>l;marIt:icles which can be BID IOYBGB.: . .-- 664, 1284 mn e iu, at leg price, etc ,,_,,_,___ _ 834 for H¥r§mgmp1uc Office; temporary Glgf;5 1284 Navy Yearbook, {:19, P cyees .·--. , appro riaiiou rcompiling ...___ 632 forNava10bservut¤ry ... 666,1285 Navy Ygarbouk 1920, for $tants, etc., Nautical Almsnzcm 1285 Nagprspdatgg for compiling .,,___ 1253 ce. , ea , ow , , , for clerks, etc., Bureau of Engineering; ., 1583 temporary employees . - . - 666, 1285 New- Beer, Bureau of Construction and Repair; at desi€mted alcoholic strength not intemporary employees 667, 1285 c uded in provisions of War Pm- Burieau of Ordnance; temporary era}, 1286 hibition Act .. éa .. ; 305 p ees ... . . , permits, etc., requir ... 305 Burgru of Supplies and Accctmts; of Consiitutional prolxibition ... 3(B temporary employees .. . . 667, 1286 permits, etc., requnred ... 3% Bureau of Medicme and Surgery; wm- Near East Relief, porary ,.. -. 667,1286 charter granted; purposes . 273 Bureau of s and Docks; tempo- reports to be made, ctc . 273 ru-y employees . -- ... 667, 1286 termination of imncluse . 273 for contingent expenses .. 668, 1287 NWN, _Ma’?l (d““9hu"`)¤ ug? of naval appropriations for, ugég 1287 NeI·:r1:;c°¤ -····---— · ··---·--··------·~----·· 1590 a · · ···· • ········-···-··· · · y a1 . , . , for fitting office space for Shipping Board °°m°“€ig;Cg£§;°1° t‘(;i;;t(L£gn1%d1c' in new Navy · . I I I - · - - - . - b agfeéulent 8d.(')i]]§;y useof naval appmpriationsior Depart- Stat ’ Y 1 g 1447 ¤¤·=¤¢v·¤x>¤¤·¤¤*¤¤**i¤*¢<* ——··----- 6611287 N breaks »?a.&{a¤;A¤`i»a;ea¢ tee; my

  • °’ ¤“*¤d“d“i“g g““$°° md “°’°" B mi b sme allotved from rm

thwads i“ °°°p°¤m°° with Stud` Scscgts Blaxllff lglationel Monument 1779 f I,}“d“B‘”°““ ···················· Gigilggg Nebraska Nagjgnul Fargtsz, man, - fg; b,;`i;%% ’'’`'''''''''‘''' 148’ 826 gpproprintmn for mgmtennnce, etc., of ..,. 242, for P*1¤¤¤g=~¤** phlding f°r"Z"' 228’ 941’ 1429 trees to arid land residents from nnzrqsy 13*7 deficiency uppmpmtwu for p¤Y1¤S d¤¤¤¤€¢ series of ,.., 249, 708, 1328 claims, collisions with naval ves· proclamation dirniuishing am of _________ 1777 eels . . .. 49, 334, 511, 1028, 1168 eliminated lands granted to Nebrsskm. 1777 fo1’ 1¤¢f¢¤8¢d cost of €¤V€l°P€¤» 1919 ·-··· 49 Necessaries (see also Food Control Act Amendfor Hydrogrsphic Office ... 49, 63, 1185 ments), {UT NSW ·--··---·-·· 49» 61, 63r 65» 345r 348: 5U» articles d ated us, for national security 522, 1029, 1039, 1041,1044,1168,1185,1190 and gefmm ____ _ ____________ _ ______ . 297 fvr N¤v¤1 Ac¤<1¤my ~·-····--·····--··-~- 50 provisions for conserving, etc ,,,,,,_,,,,, 297 for M8¥i~119 COYPB ··-·····---·—-· 50, 61, 65, 348. Punishment for viohnom of ,,,,__,,,,_ 298 522,1039, 1041,1044, 1185, 1190 dencwnqy appropriation for investigating for judgments, Court of Claims under 60, production, distribution, cost, etc., · 60, 343, 521, wav, 1182 _ of,andby products .. 328 {gr contingent expenses .. 63, 345, 1185, 1:1349 Nego¢;;;>€efI;wg·zi;r:m;;, g. _ only for r rent ·..·-·--···- - ··-----------··--·- pro <> _ pn ; fcrjudgments, United States courts- .. 343, 1182 _ jorexgn b11ls of exchange . . . . 569 for Naval Observatory ... 345, 1185 ongmal, of a notary, stuting presentior gixblicfxtion, Naval Records of the 511 Nh lcmrnaent, ¢g.,acceptedasev1dence 569 ebel ion ..-...-.·..-.. e u wer, cg., _ for freight . . .. 1165),1185,1191 preliminary eammmatxon, etc., oi, to be A additional emp10yees,=>ut~borized nn office _ made, ...-..·.-.-.-. 101·> of Secretary ... . ... 1028 s Ned, Jghargnaumdmxz), i¤ Bureau of Supplies and Accounts -·-- 1028 I p<—>¤¤¤>¤ mcr•=¤¤¤<1 ------- - ---------------- 1517