Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/602

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2020 INDEX. Oil and Gas Deposits, Publob Lan¢ls—Con, _ Page. Ol:laho·ma—C0pt1nued. _ Page. prospecting permits; royalty rn lease of sale authonzed of Fortxon of reserved permitupon known producing area. 445 Choctaw and 'h1Ck2S8.W lands to, naval reserve lands not included 445 for sa.natonum_ S100 .. z . . . Z ._ . 1105 fraud by claimant to bar all beneiite treatment of Indmn and wlute citizens. 1105 hereof ,,___________________________ 445 5319 duggtgd of rgmggmpg Choctaw arid benefits of permits and leases to claim- Qlnckasaw coal and asphalt deposxts ants, and persons claiming under. . . 445 m. . ,  : .. , . 1107 preference right of entrymen pn agricn1— surface of mhented allotments m tural lands for pmspecung permit, 445 Quapaw Agency, for town srte pur- 355 etc _ _ ___________ _ ______ _ _ _________ . . . . . . . ... . ... if miners] right rmerved .,,,,.,.,, , ._._, 445 tax allowed up minerals proqucgd from lense if discovery made ,,,,,.,.,._,.,,,. 445 lenses of Quapsw restricted allotjoint applications permitted; limit. . 445 ments .. Z .. z 1249 ‘ royalty provisions ..,...,... 445 not chargeable as a. hen agamgt the land, 1249 provisions for Alaska deposits of .. 446 Olzlahoma and Texas, bjtandard Tzme, · cancellation of permits for want of dili- central time esta.bl1ghed for Panhandle game _____ _ _________,_________,___ 448 and Plame section of. ._ _ .. 1446 limimtiqn of lama, gm _,_,,,,,,,,_,,...,. 448 correction in enrollment of b111 relating to, revuitjou of monopoly, etc. ..,.. -. 448 ordered._ . : ...- . . . · 1643 l’i§tB of way for pipe lina, etc ,.. 449 Olwlt, Ffedefwll (’w'&d0‘w), `“ Oil, Fuel, §€I1810Il ... - .. 1622 appropriation for investigation of, for naval O puck, M C'., _ use ,..,._._.,.,,..,..._, 133, 813 bridge authorized across Waccamaw RIVGI, •provinions for `adequate supply, _ near .. . . .4 ...-- 404 preventing iD]\11’i0l1B speculation, Old Pomg, Va., _ _ etc., of, during the war . 297 prehmmary exammatnon, etc., of channel punishment for violations of .,.. 298 to Newport News from, to be made.. 1011 on ’ fo m Okmgapm P` I" fo val mm bu appro riation r expenses, suits ecting appropriation r na _ , pu c On .. - 218, 922, 1411 f ... . . .` . 822 _ nts, , orhog at. pmceedso . . . leases of lands containing . 445 " pose" .. 822 surfacejxmds for reduction works ... 446 Olsen, Emil, J., 1538 regulahons, etc 446 mma .. ares limited ... 446 0 , Joaephim (daughter), period indeterminate; conditiom for pemion . . 1568 working, etc ... 446 Olympic Games, etc., toyaljzies and rentals ... 446 use of Transports authorized to carry repwawing temporarily, to encourage pro- resentative American teams, etc., to. 738 ductron .. _ .. 446 Olympalz National Forest, Wash., to persons having vahd claims under ex- appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250, isting laws, or relinquishing the . 708, 1328 same .. . ... 446 deficiency appropriation for emergency exams limited .. . .. 446 pauses . , .,..., 1177 fraud, etc., by claimant to bar benefits Olyphanz, Pa., of .. . .. - - . 446 appropriation for public building . . . . 166 _ only one, to any person, etc . ... 446 Omafa Agency, Nebr., Oz] Trcnsporaatum, appropriation for support, etc., of Indiana xntaatate commerce regulations applicable at ,..,.,,.,,,,,.,.., 31, 4,34, 1248 to, by pipe lines, etc ... 474 0’Neal, Walter, Okanagan Iffngctwn Project, Wash., peumou increased ,,.,.,,,,_.,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1534 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of; O’Neil, Neue T. (undow), reappmprumon . 201, 915, 1404 pension ...,.,,...,,,,,,,,,,..,.,. 1603 restncuon on pennauent pumping Opmahaw, Esther M. (widow), plantponstrucuou . 915 pension .. 1599 0Ic¢mogcn_Ne¢umal Forest, Wash., Operating Force, Public Buildings, Okxgnpgrorgnauon for maintenance, etc., of.. 250, 708 appmpgigltzion for- pay of; employeeslsgaetggg 131 i ·····•··•·····•·· •·-- --- 1 I bllimcé of iown Biié trust funds with C0m· deficiency appropriation for ,.,. ’. . . 1163 g1)1§10ner of the Land Office 1354 Operating Supplig, Public @ldings, 1 0 ecoveredm e easury appropriauon rfuel ,water,et»c... 7, bridge authorized acrosp Red River be- pp P ’ hg 878, 1371 tween Texae and . _ ... 589,597 advance fuel contracts authorized for central standard tune estabhahed for Pup sgml yam; ____ _ __________________ 1372 handlqand Plame section of 1446 deficiency appropriation for . . 45, 61, 65, 330, correction m enrollment of bill relating 344,347, 522,1024, 1041, 1044, 1163, 1184 _ to .. _ 1643 O;;1i;iiog1:of theAwmvzgnyGmaal, dnanaie aseesmen 0 en p cxency appro tion for parmg° , ve Grvrhzed bes, may be pud Volume 32.Te ... .. 1032 from tnbsl fupds .. 1204 Opium, ctc., ma.x1rnumcha.rg_ e or, omi .. 1215 appropriation for expenses, enforc° law gms productaon tax on 011 and gas pro- restricting sale, etc . Eg. 654, 1274 duced nn Qsagq County, allowed deficiency appro riatiou for expenses refmm myglnes paid Osage I¤dmm,, 1250 gtucting BQEQ, etc ,..,..,.,,, 1].61, 118.5