Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/693

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INDEX. 2 ]_ ]_ 1 Tomygbee River, Pegs. Tractors, Arm bridge authonned amoss, near Iron Wood delivery of 3/1,250, to Secretary of Agricul- Page. _ Bluff, Miss , .. 391 ture for distributing to State high- Tompkznqnlie, N. YI, _ ways departments, for road congppmpngugri for ggrigrgl ljghtheusg depot, gtructiou ___,_ , ,,,,_.,,___,,_,,,_ 19,49 enlargmgmac nes op_ ... 213 loan toStates for `hwa s o ` enlarging macbme shop; additional amount authorized of? . . . . 1155 authorized . . . 1058 surp1u¤,_m¤y be loaned to States for use in Tornauzavrda, N. YZ, _ _ highway construction; conditions--. 584 prel1nunalry_ eximingtimxliid etc., of, Harbor Trade Commission, Federal, an ree to e · e .. 1012 a riation for sa nd Ttmgau 1{atimml Forest, Almka, ppmp Ima a appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250, Trade Mark Registration Bureau, Interna- ’ _ 709, 1328 tikmal, 7`0’V•9V·¢ Rtvff Aymq/, Mimi., _ appropriation for quota for, Habana, appropriation for support, gtc,, of Indians Cuba .,,,,_,,,,,,,,...,..,. 750 1216 ¤·§ -----·- _ ·····-~--·--------- 31,434, 1248 register to be ke t b Commissioner or ’ Tongue River Indurn iieaqvation, Kant., Patents, of igiarkg communicated bv 533 appropnauon fornmgation project on- 3,408,1226 Trade Marks, etc., ' Tonnage Dues, _ _ _ _ _ _ register to he kept of all marks, etc., comtreaty mstzncuons on unposing discnmi- mumcated to Commissioner of Pat- _ natmg, to be tennmated .. _ . 1007 ents, by Pau American bureaus . 533 nouceto begven iorqgn Governments . . 1007 details to be entered on .. 533 Temzo National ore:t,_Anz., . other marks not registerable under appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250, Trade Mark Act; ____________________ 533 _ 709, 1328 conditions; fees ..,,,,,,______,_ , ______ 534 Tooley, Rebecca B. (undow), entry on, refused if identical with pension. . . Z ... . 1489 mark owned and used by anethei- Tools, Army [adam, on similar goods, etc ... 534 sale ofmlu, to trade schools, etc., author- party injured by, may apply for cancella- ° ; terms and conditions . 360 tion of entry ._,.,,,.,_,________ 534 T¢><·*·» e¢·=·· . . . r>¤>2¤¤s¤i¤e¤: ¤PPaa¤¤ ·---·-—---··---——- 534 deficiency aptprgpnatmon for cooperauve false y indicating ongm of marked goods standar of, used in industnes. . 341 in interstate and foreign commerce, Topographcr, Post Oyez Depamrwnt, unlawful ...,,,,,,, 534 appropriation for .. 676, 1295 liability for damages, etc., to person T¤r¤w¤Ne€¤ §'•v·¤•y¤, _ _ _ _ ,i¤i¤r¤d --·---·------··-~----—-··-· 534 appropriation for; lands m national forests liability for counterfeiting, etc., marks included .. . 197, 910, 1400 registered hereby, and using in Torpedo Boats (scc also ubrnarines, Navy), trade . 534 appropriation for, increase of the Navy . . 156, 833 treble damages, etc-., allowed ... 534 Torpedo Defense, Army, compliance with law of country where · appropriation for preservation, etc., of ’ originally registered required ... 534 structures for ... 608, 1348 no recovery for mfringement on failure for preservation, etc., of structures for, unless defendant duly notified .. 535 Hawaiian and Philippine Islands 610,1350 general trade mark provisions applicable for reservation, etc., o structures for, to marks registered 535 I1’anama (`anal. ... 1351 certified copies of records, etc., relating to Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., marks on register acceptable as eviappropriation for labor and material . .. 142 dence , 535 For guildings, ctc ... . . 142 fees required for copnes of papers, etc . 536 for machinery, etc . ... 142 appeals to Commissioner o Patents ... 535 deficiency appropriarion for . . . . . 1041 extension under general law, oi registered Torpcdoen, ctc., I11’avy, marks, to additional articles made u ropriation for purchase, etc 142 and used by same person one year; dggciency appropriation for .. 1039, 1041 restriction . 535 Townsend, Amanda L. (widow), Trading with the Enemy, _ pension increased .,...,.,,.. . 1593 appropriation for expenses, office of Alien Tmangilgg, Pl'0p€tlSy C\1BCOd13¤ . . . . . 176, 885, 1378 lands within reclamation projects, granted deficiency appropriation for Alien Property L to school districts .. 326 Custodian, 30 Toxins, Animal, authority of United States over patents. appropriation for enforcing law regulating etc., of alien eneuues, not affected sale, etc., of 240, 700, 1320 by Act relating to lprionty, etc . 1315 Toxins, etc., deportation of undekrsuab e lagiens convicteéi a riation for r latin ropagation of violating ct regu ting, etc., an ppmpand saié, €tC.%· . . . F . . . 176, 885, 1377 amendments: .: ... 594 deficiency appro riation for regulating readrmsmon prohibited _ .. 594 sale, etc., 0E .. 508 property held y the custodian, etc., may Tyachqyw, be claimed by other than enemy. . 35, 977 appropriation for prevention, etc., among seined property added . M 977 Indians ... 4, 410, 1327 notice to be tiled . oo, Q4 t for prevention of epidemic .. 175, 885, 1377 payment, etc., may be ordered by the _ __ denderxcy appropriation for prevention of _ President . z ...,. . . 3g, 9; 7 epldging _________ _ ____ _ ___,________ 508 rights against claimants protected 30, 9rS