Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/706

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2124 INDEX. United Sums Coum-Continued. Page. United States C’ourt.s—Cont:i;nued. _ _ _ Pm. apfrro riation for rentof courtrooms 210, 924, 1413 jurisdiction of, under Natmnal Pr0b1b1tion or s, etc ... .. . . 210,924, 1413 Act . : . 314 for expenses, judges, etc ... . . 210, 924, 1413 payment to Sacramento, Cahf., for damages for expenses, jurors, etc. 210, 924, 1413 to jail by Federal lgrisouers. .: .. 1033 for jury commissioners ... 210, 924, 1413 punishment for wmngfu y •g0mjcrt1?1lgy, for miscellaneous; Alaska. ... 210, 924, 1413 officers of money coming mto eu for supplies . 210, 924, 1413 possession as such : ... - 630 for support of prisoners. .. 210, 924, 1413 personal interest therem not a defense . . 630 for pemtentisry, Leavenworth, Kaus- . - 211, removal of causes from State courts to; 924, 1413 service of process may be completed, Atlanta, Ga. .. 212, 925; 1414 etc., bly Federal court officers .. 554 McNeil Island, Wash .. 212, 926, 1415 salaries of al district judges available from for National Training School for Boys, aplpropriation for 1920 ... 515 D. C 212, 926, 1415 terms, A baniyif N. Y .. 395 deiiden? agpropriation for additional Asheville, . O . ... 532 ju , exas u0rt.her11 district. . 51 Auburn, N, Y . 395 for . .; . ... 51, 62, 64, 67, Binghamton, N. Y . 395 337, 349, 525, 1032, 1175, 1188, 1192 Brooklyn, N. Y . . .. 395 for district attmeys . . . 52, Buffalo, N. Y . 395 67, 337, 346, 349, 525, 1032, 1176 Canandaigua, N. Y ... . . 395 far clerks ,..,.. 52, 67, 338, 346, Catlettsbu.§, Ky ... 400 525,1040, 1043, 1176,1188 Charlotte, . C ... . . 532 for commissioners ... 52, 62, 64, 67, 347, 349, Covington, Ky 400 525, 1040, 1043, 1045,1176, 1188; 1192 Elizabeth City, N. C ... 532 for jurors ... 52, 64, 67, 347, 1033 Elmira, N. Y . . 395 for witnesses . 52, 67, 347, 525, 1033, Frankfort, Kg ... . . - . 400 1040, 1043, 1045, 1188 _ Greensboro, . C ... . .. 532 foriucreased costofenvelcpes, 1919 . 52 Hartford, Coun .. . .. 1146 for miscellaneous expenses. 52, 64, 67, 338, 347, Jackson, Ky ... . ... . 400 525, 1033, 1040, 1043, 1176, 1188, 1192 Jamestown, N. Y ... 395 for peuiteutixyiee, maintenance .. 5%,2 Iau;i11burgkN. C . . Egg or su port 0 pnsoners .. , Lexmgum . P 62, 64, 67, 347, 349, 1043, 1045 Locwrt, {’ ... . 395 for National Training School for Boys, Lon n, Ky ... 400 { M ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1123 $3 $“`f’%s1°°“§rv ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *146 or payin judgments . , , , or , . .. 395 for supplgesu 64,347,525} 1033, 1043, 1176, 1192 _ Newbem, N.? . . ... 532 forspecml assistants; forengu counsel 338, Norwalk, Conn 1146 1032, 1176, 1188 Raleigh, N. C. . . ... 532 for penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kms 338, Richmond, Ky .. . .. 400 _ 1033, 1176 Rochester, N. Y . .. 395 torpenitenmary, At1smta,Ga... . . 338,1176, 1188 Sdishggy, N. C .,,..,.. 532 for Keujtent.ia.ry,McNgi1 Isla.ud,Wash. 338,1176 States le, N. C .. . 532 for wbooks for judicml officera. . 346, 1043 %yracuse, N. Y ... . 395 for regular assistants ... 1032 tics, N. Y 395 for bsnliffs, em 1033 Wgahingmn. N. 0 ... mz for Edward Fraser ... . ... . . . 1033 'Wglkesboro, N. C . . 532 for Leavenworth, Kaus, time depart- W1lmmgIt:Ion, N. C .. 532 ment, claim allowed. ._ . 1033 Wilson, . C .. 532 for National Park commissmners . . . 1033 United Sums Henning Cq6pora¢i¢m (ue Housfor Court of Claims . 1175 ing Corporsmon, uited States). forsupport of prisoners, etc . 1188, 1192 U niled States Reporta, for mmcellaneous, Alaska": .1 .. 1188 appropriation for L¤.wyers’ , Cooperative Alasksdist;rictcourt;ju<}geqd1v1sions, egc. 1203 Edition, Volume 6§ . 208 Califomia_ northern d18KTlCt' Yosemxte for Lawyers’ Cooperative Edition, Vol- Natnoual Park, attaclxed to .. 731 ume 64 ,... - ,.., 923 southern district; Seguom, and General for Lawyers’ Cooperative Edition, Yol- Grant, National mjks, attached to. 731 ume 65 .,,, 1411 Connecticut judicial distxjxct . . . . . 1146 United States Securities, _ New Memco judicial disgnct .. 1361 _ appropriation for distincuve paper for . 173, New York distnqts.: . 395 - 882, 1375 Norgh _ _ lpdgcml dmgncfls  : . 532 for expenses connected with issues of 1266 admmslty) ctwn of dxstnct courts ID use for personal services limited to sums s for death resulting specified Treasury offices ... 1267 from acts, etc., on the pay restriction .. 1267 high seas, etc . .: _ . . . 537 deiimency appropriation for distinctive allowance to discharged pnsoners, 111- paper ,.,...,_,.,,.,,,, 1160 creased .. . 1033 loans allowed by national banks on notes clerks to dmtrict courts, appointment, _ secured by designated ,,,,,,_,,.,.., 296 salary, etc ... _ . , ... 1 099 redmcounts b Federal reserve banks oi exclusive jurisdiction m gum: for fore notes og, member banks secured by, clnsureof preferred shxp mortgages. . 1003 _ allowed .,,,___,__,,.,__,_____,__,_, 1146 jurisdiction of, inacti0p¤_tgabaten111aances limgtixmreased; urchsseconditious 1146 IX11d9l’W&fPIOhib1tIOD Act . 306 expues October gl, 1921 ... . 1146