Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1131

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1104 . SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 22. 1923. one $1,400, two at $1,000 each; private secretary, $1,400; in all, $48 400. Am P lm Flor wages of workmen and other employees, $175,000. ’ ` ger incidentaltaand_co1€gir1ge1§iéiexpen*.?;as, gpludiéig nletw mzichixéery an repairs was ge in e me ng an re mg epa men an 111 the coiningidepartment, and loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion and the manufacture of coin, $50,000.

  • ”°Y°m°°•· noise, mano, Assay orrxcn.

B°i*°·m*'*°· Salaries: Assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of me¥er, $1,800 ;fassisti;n1t assayier,1$1,200; all, or wages o wor en an other employees 1, . For incidental and contingent expenses, $1,000. nnaowoon, soucm oaxom, Assay omcn. D°"°"°°°’°‘D°'“ galarges: 0%ssayer in charge, wgo,2s(h0al1 alstilpggfgorgi the duties of mter 1,8 ·assistantassayer 1 ·ina . For ’wages Jr workmen and other employees; $1:000. For incidental and contingent expenses, $300. . rmrmu, Momma, assay ormon. H°'¤¤¤·“°¤*=- Salaries: Assayer in charge, who shall_a1so perform the duties of melter, $1,800; assistant assayer, $1,200; in all, $3,000. For wages of workmen and other employees, $900. For incidental and contingent expenses, $1,000. mzw roax Assay ormcn. N¤vY·¤k.N-Y- Salaries: Su erintendent, $5,000; assayer, $3,000; superintendent, melting and re§.nm` g department, $3,500; chief clerk, $2,500; cashier, $2,500; deposit weight clerk, and assistant assayer, at $2,500 each; assayer’s amistant, $2,0$g0; bookkeeéier, $2550; as1stant c§sh1er, $1 800· clerks—two at ,000 each ve at 1 800 each one 1 600 ong§1;£30,§)16e $1,250, seven at $1,000 each; priirate secretary, $1,200; in . Aww- 1¤¤· For wages of workmen and other employees, $170,000. For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machine and repairs, wastage in the melting and refining de artment, arid loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion, $100,000. sam LAKE cur, man, Assay omcn. 8¤*¤•¤¤C**v»U¢¤¤- Salaries: Assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of niIelt§·w(l;1ef clerk, and cashier, $1,800; assistant assayer, $1,200; in a . l•`or,wages of workman and other emplo ees, $1,500. For incidental and contingent expenses, %300. snA·rrr.r:, WASHINGTON, assay ormcn. "°°“*°·W¤¤¤· Salaries: Assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of melter, $27 50; assistant uma er $2 000· clerks-one,$1 700 one $1600·inall,$8050 y ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ For hvages hi workmen, and other employees, $8,200. For incidental and contingent expenses, $5,000.