Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1145

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1118 sixrr-savnivrn coircnnss. sm. Iv. GH. 24. 1923. ernment departments and independent establishments, including personal service% in the District of Columbia and in the Held, as authorized b law, 40,000. ,,U§‘}‘“° s‘“""“"“'·“' Foryinvestigation and standardization of methods and instruments employed in radio communication, including personal services in the _ District of Columbia and in the field, $40,000. ,,,_{,§‘d‘§}‘d§f§§,‘{1 °°1°' To develop color standards and methods of manufacture and of color measurement, with special reference to their industrial use in standardization and speciHcation of colorants such as dyestuifs, inks, and pigments, and other products, paint, paper, and textiles, in which color is a pertinent property, mcluding personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $10,000. egg? P’°°°°“ P'°° To study methods of measurement and technical processes used in ` the manufacture of pottery, brick, tile, terra cotta, and other clay products, and the study o the properties of the materials used in that industry, personal services in the District of Colum- . bia,andint e e , 0,000.

 To develop methods of testing and standardizing machines, motors

“°“°’*· tools, measuring] instruments, and other apparatus and devices used in mechanical, ydraulic, and aeronautic engineerin ; for the comarative study o types of apparatus and methods of operation, and ¥or the establishment of stan ards of performance; for the accurate determination of fundamental physical constants involved in the proper execution of this work; and for the scientific experiments and mvestigations needed in solving the problems which may arise in connection therewith, especially in response to the requirements of aeronautics and aviation for information of a purely scientiHc nature, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $30,000. ,,§,§’“"“’ Elm P'°"“°' For the investigation of the problems involved in the production of opgcal %a?,lg1c%gding personal services in the District of Columbia an int e e , 5,000.

 °“°·· To investigate textiles, paper, leather, and rubber in order to develop standards of uality and methods of measurement, including

_ personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $25,000. ,,,§,“€;’,,_ “‘““““‘d“°‘ For the standardization and design of sugar-testing apparatus; ’ the development of technical specifications for the various grades of sugars, with particular reference to urgent problems made pressing by conditions following the war, especiallyl involving the standardization and manufacture of sugars; for the study of the technical problems incidental to the collection of the revenue on sugar and to determine the fundamental scientific constants of sugars and other tgz? ‘“"’ ‘""““‘* substances; for the standardization and production of rare and unusual types of sugars required for the medical service of the Government departments; and for other technical and scientific purposes, iinpllutgpg personal services in the District of Columbia and in the e , 0,000. mggéé ?gpafii°\; To provide by cooperation of the Bureau of Standards, the War ’°""”‘“"‘““°°·°‘°· Department, and the Navy Department for the standardization and testing of the standard gauges, screw threads, and standards required in manufacturing throughout the United States, and to calibrate and test such standard gauges, screw threads, and standards, including negessaig eguigmélrg; and personal services in the District of Columbia an in the e , ,000. . ¤‘li)l°LI¤Q`i¤°§i1mg’ °t°" For investigating the conditions and methods of use of scales and mine cars used for weighing and measuring coal dug by miners, for the purpose of determining wages due, and of conditions affecting the accuracy of the weighing or measuring of coal at the mines. includ-

 &e)rsonal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held,