Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/125

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 33. 1921. 97 One staff sergeant, at $54 per month, $648. Two sergeants, at $54 each per month, $1,296. Two corporals, at $44.40 each per month, $1,065.60. · Three pnvates, first class, at $35 each per month, $1,260. Two privates, at $30 each er month, $720. One specialist, fifth class (lihauffeur), at $8 per month, $96. _ Additional pay for length of service, $848.40. L°“g°""Y· Additional pay for expert military telegrapher, first-class military telegrfalpher, and military telegrapher, $324. In , Signal Corps Detachment, $8,086.80. _ ooasr ABTILLERY DETACHMENT. twciigiiuzirmlm d°` For pay of Coast Artillery Detachment: I’°Y· One first sergeant, at $63.60 per month, $763.20. One master sergeant, at $88.80 per month, $1,065.60. One technical sergeant, at $63.60 per lmonth, $763.20. One staff sergeant, at $54 per month, $648. Five sergeants, at $54 each lper month, $3,240. Twenty-one_privates, first c ass, at $35 each per month, $8,820. Nine specialists, fifth class, at $8 each per month, $864. ger a diitipnal pay for guuners,ds;t$§30ga5ch per month, an secon -c ass gunners a ea per mon . Additional pgy for length of service, $3,000., , Longevity. For addition pay of rated men (two plotters, one observer, first class, one observer, second class, and four gun commanders), $744. In all, Coast Artillery Detachment, $20,988.. _ MISCELLANEOUS. ’"’°°u°”°°“" Travel allowance due enlisted men on dischsmge, $5,000. mm °“ ‘HS°h°'g°" Interest on deposits enlisted men, $2,000. _ ‘ » _ I¤*°*°i** °¤ d*’=P°“*=‘- Additional ppy of men tmder the last proviso of section 4b $§,‘%*,§}‘Q',§‘fl,§§Y· of the Army eorgamzation Act of June 4, 1920, $5,000. S ld t U of oge warrpréxjt gflgzergltgzge on duty in the headquarters, P°°‘“ “ ""’· m es orps o a e , , . For pay of two staff sex§eants, to be on duty in the head uarters, Unitpd Stata-;si1C<;rps of Caéatséégt $45 each per month, and additional pa or eng o service , .· liar pay of one mastei sergeant, $1,420.80. For pay of one master sergeant, $1,332. For pay of one staff sergeant, $756. mr or mvmmus. °"'°““" For pay of civilians: PW- For pay of one teacher of music, $2,000. For pay of nin; clerks in the office of the quartermaster, as follows: One chie cler , $1,800. One clerk, $1,500. _ Two clerks, at $1,400 each, $2,800. Two clerks, at $1,200 each, $2,400. Three clerks and stenographers, at $1,200 each, $3,600. For pay of one expert architectural draftsman in office of constructing quartermaster, $2,500. For pay of twelve clerks and stenographers employed at headquarters, United States Military Aca emy, in the offices of the superintendent and adjutant, as follows: One chief clerk, $1,800. _ One clerk and stenographer to superintendent, .81,500. Three clerks, at $1,400 each, $4,200. 421s0°~·2s-—-7