Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1580

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. C1-1. 292. 1923. 1553 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884, as fully set forth in House Document V°‘·”·P-’“· Numbered 574, reported to Congress at its present session, there is appropriated as follows: 1N1mrmmnN·r ormcns. For traveling expenses, Civil Service Commision, $1.25. I°"°P°“**°“*°‘”°°*· $41ggr salaries and expenses, United States Food Administration, For Interstate Commerce Commission, $227 .65. For salaries and expenses, United States Ship ing Board, $1,407.81 For salaries and expenses, Veterans’ Bureau, £l.56. DEPAR’l'.\[EN’l.' or Aoiucmxrmuz. For general expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $86.09. ,,,,¥;,'§,_¥""‘“" °“""' For general expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $243.54. For general expenses, Bureau of Chemistry, $1.44. For general expenses, Bureau of Soils, $1.39. For general expenses, States Relations Service, $12.32. For general expenses, Bureau of Public Roads $8.82. For enforcement of the United States Grain Standards Act, $1.87. For general expenses, Federal Horticultural Board, 66 cents. nmnrruhur or cmnumcn. For national security and defense, Department of Commerce, $8.89. ,,,2°,,,_P"""""‘ °' °°“’ For contingent expenses, De&rtment of Commerce, $7.76. For promoting commerce, pertinent of Commerce, $10.01. For contingent expenses, Steamboat Inspection Service, $4.57. For genera expenses, Lighthouse Service $7.50. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $3.30. nnrxmxnm or run urrnmos. For increase of compensation, Department of the Interior, 60 ¥¤¤¤’*¤¢¤>¢v•¤¤¤¤=*· ts. cmlior scientific library, Patent Office, $4.95. For Geological Survey, $278.08. For investigating mine accidents $1.83. For operating m1ne·rescue cars, Bureau of Mines, 50 cents. For maintenance and operation of fuel yards, District of Columbia, Bureau of Mines, $247.50. For Capitol ower lant, $127.92. For Glacier lgational) Park, $112.75. For Freedmen’s Hospital, $1. _ For increase of compensation, Indian Service, $514.67. For industrial work and care of timber,_$33.90. _ For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $278.10. For industry among Indians, $45. _ For support of Indians in California, For Indian School, Fort Bidwell, California, $88.32. For Indian School, Riverside, California, $102.29. For Indian School, Lawrence, Kansas, $12.54. . For Indian School, Wahgeton, North Dakota, $2.25. For agency buildings an equipment, Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota, $93.15. _ _ _ _ _ _ For administration of afairs of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, 10 cents. 42150*-23--98