Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1623

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INDEX. Xxxul Br€dsm—G0¤ti¤u¤d- Pm. Broadbent Pombu Laundry cm ation rm. constrmgiégn of, Willamette Falls Caml, 19 deficiega apgrogrriatiouffor Conirt of _ ···~·-·~—··- ; -·~·---··-·--· .. 1ms u ent or ,,,, 340 operauqn, etgc., of,authonzed s.crossColum- judgment of tgougtmof Claims in favor of, b]_g1Yg,1vgr'Ma[c]]g,Wggh__ _______ _ 1485 notmbgwd_____________________ 195 recoustrqcigng 0.p£'roaches, etc., to, across Broadview Hospital, Chicago, Ill., MIEISIPSI, Tenn., emergency upprqiriation for recreation dupe; with Z ... 172 building, wa ks, grounds, etc., 1922- 62 rcvoustmcuon of, authonzed across Red technical services, etc.; ].imitation.-. 62 River, Grand Forks, N. Dak., to construction work under contract, or East Gmugl Forks, Minn . . .. 1562 open market employment, etc . 62 _ Moox-ahead, Mmu.,toFa.rgo, N. Dak 1561 su rvisiou under Secretary of the tging extended for constructing, Arkansas Eeasury ...,,..,.,..._..,.,.., 62 River, Fort Gibson, Okla. - 104 Brokers, L1tt\e Rock, Ark 1258 special tu on ..,..,.,,_,_______ 295 W¤bb¢f¤ Falk, Okla -··. . -... 104 additiouahi amemberofsmckexclum . 295 Choctawhatchec River, Caryvillc, Fla. 220 verified details of business conducted gg, Columbia River, near Dalles City, Oreg. 1256 · may be required .,,,,___,____,_ , _ _ _ 269 Cumberland River, near Clarksville, Brokers, D. C., Term- ._ ... . .. 205 marine insurance, required to take out Delaware R1vo1·, Trenton N. J . 393 yearly licensee ._,,,.,__,,,,,,_____ 412 Hudson River, N. Y. and N. J .. 1029 business records, ctc., to be kept by 412 Lake Saint groix, Igcscotg. Wis. . Brgmim, d an M)·§l$· i i iver aton ou , a 1 uty ou, an com unda, not specm.l1' Missourggiver, Ci1a.mberla.i11, Dak...- 351 provided for. .,,_.,,., 865 Mobile River, etc., Ala . . ,... 365, 1440 Bronze, Red River of the North, Pembim., N. duty on, leaf 886 Dak . . . 19, 1561 powder ... 886 Rio Grande, E1Pas0, Tex . . 205 rods and sheets - .. 886 Roanoke River, Halifax Ccungy, N. C. . 170 tubes . 886 Savannah River, ncm·Hai1ey¤ erry, Ga. 505 Brzmzea, An, West Branch of Susquehanna River, excise tux on, sold by other than the artist; Williamsport to Duboistown, Pa..- 1131 exceptions . . . . . 292 validationgf,0verHuds0nRivcratAlbany, 1430 "€1lro0klyn," Cruiser, wd be d N, .. ver service pmscn tn, ma o- acmss Pend Orcillc River, Usk, Wash"- 663 livemd to custody of ¥?•m0k1yn across south arm of Pokeguma Lake, Museum .. 1063 Minn . . 813 Brqollyn Jlugcum, _ “ Bridgu, 1), C,, _ _ sxlver servme prgspnted to cruiser Bmokappropriation for constmcuon, repmr, lyn" by mtgzem of Brooklyn, N. Y., etc ___,,__,,,.. . ... 680,1338 mi be dehvered to custody of 1063 street bridges over railroads or canals. . Brooklyn, _ t,_ K,f t b I appropns mn or pneuma ic tu e msi for Highway, operating, ctc 681, 1338 tmn¤mimi0u,_Ngw York and 661, 1255 for Auggggtm, operating,. etc _681, 1338 for_ post office building .. .. 1105 for Georgetown, completing coustrucuou 708 defic1eucby;s:pprpg>mtion for Army supply 777 of . . . . . B1 c ... for Georgetown, supplies and expense;. 1338 amount authorized for real estate, Army m be known us Francis Scott key _ gupply basg a.t._ 418 Bridge 1338 prolxmmarv examxmtxon, etc., of Gowanus deficiency appropriation for construction (`redc Channel, to be made 1043 and mpain _,________,__ , __,,,,,, , 33 terms of coyrt at R12 for Calvert Street, mymirs und improve- Broolcupqd. Lnglandt _ m(mw_ ______________,,, , _,.,,.,., 439 acqumntxpp of bunal_ places fcy Amcnmn Brier Root, or Wood, _ mxhtary dead xn, authorized ... 490 duty on, unmauufacturcd, cut 111 blocks;. 889 Bromn (`r>]·n._ _ Brinspn, Samuel M., late a Represemtatwe m appropnatxim for study of, and xmpmiz-_ 1300 Congress, mgn ,. 0 ->, deficiency aéeppropriation for pay to duugh- 768 Bon free lxst ... 925 wt 0 ..··- - ·-----·· --·· ----··•··--- Hwmsv B>*iv~¤¢¤, dmv ¤¤- --------~·--- 1 ---- ; ------------ 913 on frm list, coal _________________, , .,,,.,. 926 Brouvugon, John, and Damel Fyvher, Bn°.szle.s, 913 cntneq cximiixjngedato, of desxgmted lmiggg 1260 Gut ¤¤ ---- - ·-··-·--·--~~--·----------· m 0 ·---- · ------------ ¤ , on gee list, C1'l1d9 -·--·--- · - - -·--- · -···-- 925 Brucdonv Pay ,, , B rfstol Board, _ _ _ &ppl'0`p¤Bf}011 for Lmes Bureau tgtmg duty on, made OH Fourdrgmer machme 911 sta.tion, purchase of land .. 1212 British and American Pecumary Clmmsa Brushes, _ appro riztion forarbitmtmgoutisgaudmg. 607,1075 duty on, for electric motors. etc.: 821 British (government (see Great Bnuau). plates. etc,. for mzmufacturing .. 341 Brum Maw Bum - . *<>¤*¢¤~ *·>¤¤=·;$-R --·-—-·—-----··--·--- 13 gift of lands withm Shasta 1\a.tiona.l Forest, Brussels C urpets ugs. 906 Calif., from, accepted 1244 duty ou. ...