Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1627

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INDEX. mvii Bureau of tlfegiicine and Surgery, N4wy—Co¤. Page. Bureau, of grdnmwei Naw, PMN approprgatxon for contmgent; motor ve- appropriation for qrdmmce md Ordnance ivclge. ambvlanlgcsigrz 130, 802, 1146 stores . . . .. 127 798 1142 care o xnsane on ac c cast, 131, 803, 1146 tiaixcmftguns . f "Ma1-yy - ’ f dental outfits, etc..: .. 131, 803, 1146 Gland" ... I ... 1142 or transporting remams, ete . ... 803, 1146 chemical, etc., services .. 128, 798 1142 for caye, etc., 0 hospntal pauents. 131, 803, 1146 for smokeless powder ... 128, 798, 1142 {W €mPl¤Y€9¤· Navy DSPM:63 IMG tmlmfer from fund "sales of ordnance I n .. ‘ ‘ ·· f°',t°mP°¤¤'Y force: PSY 1’¢¤¢1‘i¢ti0¤ ··-... ’ 803 1142 deficiency appropriation for mntggeggé lggé balance of fund, etc., covered in-as _ _ , , 8 , 1 "Misc 11 ts" . , ¥or care of hclspual patgeuts . . . §4g42b§g9, 782 for experi1$1e1T1t:l0vl:•;;;:‘;}1l?ojecti1es, etc. . or surgeons necusanes. ... , 1 , 1165 ’ fo}- transporting remains . 346, 459, 463, 1055 for contingent .. 128 733, addmonal naval and Personnel al· for employees, Navy Depart- ’ lgwed to treat Vetegans Bureau pa- ment .,...,,.,. 798, 1143 txents 111 naval 11osp1ta1s . _ . . 800 for additional employees, nontechnical. . 798 Bureau 06 Mme: (se;)M1nes Bureau, Intenor draftsmen, etc., payable from **1;;. epartmeu . creaseoith N ’ d"Od Bureau oé Naturalization (see Naturalization and Ordna1;:e - $38, 1143 B ureau, Department of Labor). use of appropriations for constructing ureau. of Namgatwn, pegartment of Com- bmldmgs, etc., restmcted .. . . . . 128 merce (sec Nav1ga.tion Bureau, De- additions_t0 shore station facilities to Bureau ,}"3’vE‘Z‘7$2§3§°Yv‘Z,“if,‘°”°" .£m°“’°°2.?i$t2“‘h%"“°d; = ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 128 an wor 111 - appropriation for ,trans;;0rtatio11 and re- ressgmot interfeled with .. 128 cruxting . . ._ 124, 790, 115 moneys for ordnance, stores, etc., to be dependents of enhsted men. . . 1135 used only for purposes for which apnaval serv1ce records dunng World auproppawd ,_____,_,_ _ ____________ 123 War to be furmshed to States, etc... 124 ocauon of armor, etc., to ships acior services of employees preparing state cording to requirements of service, ments thereof, etc., m the Depart- 124 f not prevfntedn .,,... . .,. 128 ment .. . .. orarmoran armam t,' m-gage ith for recreation for enlisted men. . . 124, 790, 1136 Navy . . é I?. I1} .. ? ia 139 for contingent .. _ z ... 125, 790, 1136 deiiciengxx appropriation for ordnance and for gmmery and engmeering exerusesgéo 1%;% o mmm atoms ..,.,,,,, , ,_,_______ 342, 1 346,459, 463, 782 785 1055,1165 for equipment, instruments, supplies, for ammunition ... . . 3:12, 459, 782 etc 125, 791, 1136 for new bathenes for ships .. 342 for ocean and lake surveys ... 125, 791, 1137 for reserve ordnance supplies .. 342, for training statmns, California. . . 125, 791, 1137 346, 459, 463, 782, 1165 Rhode Island . . ... 125, 791,1137 for Naval Gun Factory ,_,..,, 346, 459, 463, 782 Great Lakes .. 126, 792, 1137 for ex riments. .. . ... 1165 Hampton Roads . .. 126, 792, 1137 Bureau ofplgensimw (sec Pension Office). clerical, etc., services ... . .. 1137 Bureau of Pmnuncnt Court of Agbaltratiorn, Infor Naval Reserve Force and Naval M11r tematumal (see Intemauonal Bureau,

 . : . 127, 792, 1137 Permanent Court of Arbitration).

go: grgceuiugg barracks ... - . Ig; Bureau 0£Plant gmdustry (ui Elanglnéiustry or va ar o ege . .. , ureau, eyartxnen 0 Agnc ture . for Ngval Home . 127; 793, 1138 Bureau cg Pubhb ood: (sec Pu lic Rawls for civilian employees, Navy Depart- ursau, Dgpartment of Agriculture). ment ,.. : . . 794, 1139 Bureau of Soils (see oils Bureau, apartment for temporary employees; pay restriction. 7?4§ B c¥ ékgrlgxlglxg,). S d ds 13 ureauo tanar see tanar Burea deficiency appropriation for transportation. 52, Dgpartment of Commerce). u, 56, 107, 342, 346, 450, 459, Bureau of team Eng·i1wa·ing;rNa11y, f _ 463, 781, 785, 1056, 1162;%; deiiciency5s:3p;:;;gp§i‘&ti¢l;1g9 4 53, or nery exercises .. . ... , , , , , 78 055, 1166 for ggtfits on fnrst enlistment- 52, 56, 197, 342, Bureau of Supplies,and Awmmts, 1\}avy,, 346, 459, 463, 782, 1055, 1165 appropnation for ay of the Navy. 131, 799, 1143 for instruments and supp1ies.45g,g§g, 342, 364g, crecfit to misslud 'pmen on account of 5. 782 1 5 c 0tlu.¤,¢f an equipment issues . 131 for Naval War College . 52 348, 3425, 782 for rental al owance. . .. 799,1143 for N avui Ressrve Plgrce fo1Lls;1bs1ste11ce allowance. .. 799, 1143 f_ xx eiving arrac . . ,.. . ... otments .. . ... 799,1143 ig; ::>r:tlngent._ .. . .. , 459, 463, 782 to constituw one fund 799, 1143 for Naval Milma, arming and eqmppmg. iigldugtgionvgi enlxsted stxength to 86,000. 799 { cr iting ... . .. ee a Reserve transfers 799 fg; xmas for landsmen 1165 for provisions; commutation of rations, for trainin stations, Great Lakes .. 1545 etc 132, 801, 1144 B 42150°-13--101