Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1668

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lxxvm INDEX- D tment 0 Ag»·1cu` ltura—-Continued. Pm- Departmevgt 0 A ricultugey-Coptiuued. Pagei11;groprizt1£n for Forest §e1:vice; camp a,ppr0prmti{>11 got admmstenng Warehouse g;·guud9,s3,nitaryfa;c111t10s .. 520,1304 Act ._ . 1 533,1314 equipment supplies. , - . . .1. . . 1 520, 1304 §0renforcH11%_Staudarlg C(§}§.1Z2;I1€]1‘ 5:)%%, 1314 forest products, etc: tree an , or com e mg wor oo etc _______________ ..,,_, E_,f}n.E€20, 1304 11918 ... 1 . . . 533,1314 roads, trails, bridges, em ___,_,_._._ 520, 1304 for of Home Economms,. 1315 conservation of navigable streams, etc., utdnzing farm produpts 111 the home, ctc. 1315 cgmmigigu gXpg]3$5_ _ , _ , , _,.,, 52],, 1305 fo1' Bl1fof¢lH%IDQ6Ct1C1dG Act. .. . 534, 1315 _ for Bureau of Chemistry . 521,1305 for Federal 01"$1C111t;1U`$1 Bfmd .·--- 534, 1315 biological iuvestigaucus of food and P0t8t0W8f$GXCBHH1D3t10l1.-: . . 534, 1316 drug products, etc .. 522, 1305 u1t,qrc];1angeab1e_ appmfpnguons. . . 535, 1316 colorants, medicziuals, etc., from raw for pmmug and bmding 01; . 530,1291 materials ., - 522,1305 for agricultural dpmonstymcns, etc., on manufacture of table sirup, etc _522, 1306 _ reclamat10u pr0]ecta ... 535, 1316 engarcing pure food law; revisuggz 1306 for pr111t1ng(§<1t<i5,_"D1sea1}e?3 oi ahe H0rse" 1316 cgpmm ..,.. , an ‘ meases 0 a e ’ ... euglczflcixing Tea. Importation Act gig, for Eghdngégwvmdgghigtc., tires on f%1§5 1317 na. stores investxgations .. , es waters e ... , insecticides, etc.,iuveiEtions 522, 1306 for acquisition of forest lands at headdebydmtingfood mam ,etc . 522, 1306 waters of navngable streams. 535, 1317 plant dust explosions, etc . 522, 1306 for live stock experiments, ctc., in csme~ wool scouxing waste investigation 522 sugar and cotton districts. .. 535, 1317 for Bqreauot soils 523,1306 for live stock breeding station, Woodieruhwap, ctc§1._ .. wg . gg, { df yard, g1§gl¤..é£6éi ... _ . . - -226, 1317 coopem. veso mvestnga cms .. , or xrying an xve expenmen for Bureau of Entomology ... 523, 1307 on western irrigated, etc., preveutingspmadof moths. 524, 1308 lands ... . ... 536, 1137 com borer ... 525, 1309 umcuntavailable forpamenger vehicles; Mexican bean beetle ... . . . 1309 restriction, report, etc 536, 1317 for Bureau of Biological Survey 525,1309 fur emd.ictio11_0f foot·and-mouth and food habits of birds, animals, etc,. . 526, 1310 other contagious diseases of enforcing migratory bird law, etc. . 526, 1310 animal; ...__,.,,.,,_._ _ ,,,, 536, 1318 - reindeer industry, etc., i11A.lasl¤>... 526,1310 payment for animals purchased, defer Division of Accounts and Disburse- strayed, etc _.,,__,________., 536, 1318 ments ... 526, 1310 reappropriation of balance . 536, 1318 for Division of Publications .. -. 526 for pink bollwgym of mtagricultmul exhibits at State, etc. mn .,,... , ..,..,,________., 537, 1318 f rb fairs -...-.·-.. gg, _ {or emdication of ];a§3to1£ia.li1at,e seal;. 537, 1319 0f 1 T8-YY -.····~·······-·-·- · ·--·- , or rcvcnt 0 exican eau for States Relations Service . 528 P bggltligf? ______________________ 538 I@’iC\1lt\1l‘B1 experiment stations, etg:. . 528 mileage mm for mmm- vghjclgg _.,, 538, 1319 eocpemuvs sgrxcultural extenmcn forvau1t;form%grg1;i¤g hut _________,, 538 work . 528 for Olympic ¤¤i<>¤¤1 ,1·`¤r¤¤¢. Wvh-· fA1’m.9l'B’ wocgiopemtive d8I¤0D8l!‘l»1iUIl. 528 ggpgugg, gfg 1319 additional coppemtive agricultural for protectiu? 5;., and ’ _ exhenmgm wprk 1 .. 529 Cali omiamilroad lands . 538, 1319 experiment stauons un Temtoriee and Goes Bay Wagon Road lands ... 538, 1319 _ gslspda .. 529 for opersuon and management of Cenmva¤ugs‘ti1B1;g0{ 3;{¤:tic., of hggne 529 f nf ter Market, D. C 5138, 1319 11 .- or e ordng kyar s $01* Y¤1{1i<; R¤•d¤ B¤¤¤¤ ··---··-·-- g. 1311 . . . 59, 1320 farm nm tion, etc., investigations. , 1311 foreufcrcin FutureTmdj;; . , .. 539

 water supply, etc. . 530, 1312 for BI1fO!CiI1§G1‘&il\ Future?  ... 1320

dmtnbuting surplus war explosives, for collecting loam, under Seed Grain etc -.---··.·-·-··--·---·- 531,1312 LMB Act 1922-- ·-. 1320 tor Bureau of Agricultural Emqomim. 531, 1312 maximum sehr} xesuiciiéiéji 529, 1320 farm mgmgement and pmcuce 532, 113 fureign nations invited to International ma.rketmg,_etc., farm . 532, 1313 Fa1m(}o¤€·9g, 1923310 expense 1321 cmp and estnupmng work; foznferest roads an trails under Federal

p¤¤¤¤. mnrkggz 1313 for Highway Actn., .. 1321

perishable h;:¤1p¤¤due‘1§ii¤vei»3u;cga1in5§2’1313 { °;P°¤?1`;°,?'_"E_,,??_? _,,... 1321 cemfyungcun ous, . . or ' ya, oygg live 61-111, pp- , dei ,,,,, . 714, 1559 y , ., III.- cigurcy ‘ • formation disuibutiou 532, 1314 tz; gnu`; on br Amml Indus' 46 nmkm, na mm md Crop mi- 54 :5 ibi1`EAZ1§Z4isf " 1164 1553 1¤lt@BUI6%`IB,IDd0m¢B0f f¢tF¤restServ{¢3, ’ , ’ ’ 46 Fazm lhnqgmuent and Farm N-•5z195;1€%1·% 5:47 461, Economies merged inte Agn`- ’ ’ ’ ’ . _ 464, 783, 1%, 1156, 1535 _ cuitunl Eeumnmm Bu:em.. $2 iurmueaed cffuel 4 g:euf¤u:1ng Act--... 533, 1314 .f<r 6 cnforcing mnS¤ndard¤Act... 533,1314 Oakville, .,... 46