Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1686

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xcvi INDEX. Ellis Island Immigratakm Station, N. YZ, Pate- Emergency Tari j' Act, 192I—Oonti11ued. Page. appropriation for renovating, etc., builil- duty levied of six months on, peanuts or ings . . .. 87, 1128 groun eans ...,,_,,._,__ g deficiency appropriation for laundry build- potatges .. 9 ing 334 rice; our, meal, or brok ; dd ., 9 for plumbi.u§system, repairs 334 lemons . tl . ...,,_ 10 operation of ospital, by Public Health oils, peanut; cottonseed, coconut, soya §ervice fundsgc reimbursement from b&Bl'1;0l1V0 . ,,,,,_,_ _ _ 10 ' ti n rvice ... 776 Elston, . la(le a Representative in Con- H; ````` `````'```````````'` ``'`' ¤¤¤¤*¤yy·¤¤~¤r*·¤¤¤f··¤>··>*¤>~·i¤¤w ,3, ’“‘i,“.Z1;.§§?.;"n‘3L°?.$0’§¤i“;.i’.E1“11eg.s 1;;,;,:::: {3 nzweu m1`éb§in»En}j idr}.LfvE§ ``'``'°``° °°**°¤;,}ggg ***1*,;- Qi (ii ·. --·-------·~- 10 deficiency appropriation for rehmd to 44 mzgt mm‘;I°° ° * t"°““1 t° P"°" 10 au,£%g§zA;d 9,, cxpming mm, em, to wooléiogxcept carpet; rates; classifies- 10 °“°?*“ -°°““"‘?°· ,,°°°,,·,r,,,"‘*°'° sasrnénn 'éénién kk "°`'`°`‘ 10 ?§é°§';‘;¤‘id2‘§é???‘?.‘?.R ..,._, fh? 3,1 ~»—_;,¤;¢,,;»i·;;,»»r,»g¤, mr 10 Embasam, ; ona presen ra_ _ .. appropriation for clerks at , 601, 1o7o °“€‘“'S· Fm? m°l“`*°°i dmm¤8¤ 0* do ciency spvmpnistiou for clerks at .. 53, "'00P¤%¤ »--· _ --------··-----··-·-·- 1 0 783, 1055, 1169 butter and substitutes . 10 Embmidqiq, aud subgqtutg _______________ _ _ 10 dutyq|1,]gg3__ ______ _ _______ ___________ 918,f!'6Sh,cr33m _________________ ;___ ]_() Embroidery Cotton, mE¥¢¤B\’V0d 01’ gugu of m1]k_ 10 _____ _ ______________ _ _, wrs r; e 10

 y·ad,;M,’ '‘‘'°'’’'° 899 clim1ii<¤1t1•i•)ri)$1fwra;iper and filler  11

_ ______ _ ____________ _ _ a p es . . ...,,.,,,,,_,__ 11

   886 c£ern°8° ’°'' • '••··· ···-••·•·•-~••- 11

apgmprialion for unforseen ,.,,,,,,,__ _ 663 1072 °uV°8 ···· · ···—····-·- · -.-.. . . 1]. de ciency appropriation for ,,________ _ _ _ 34% 785 duties in lieu of existing gms ____________ 1] reimbursement to appropriation for, from ’ former_restored aitersix months _,_,__ 11 transportation _ eiiciency . . .. 336 _ oolloctnon, etc., under existing laws,. 11

, ¢¢9.,_1921 (see also vile of Act ... . .. 11

dpcy Appropnatmu Act 1921, Npvdod -···. . . 990 _ _S000¤ , srwnnuurmo scr (see under title thereof). 11 E,P"'°v“‘°,7““I,5l‘;:i·7j ······ 2 ·······--··-— · ;- · 59 sssussuem os in viwnu DUTIES (M nugiug Bmlrd Illldél title th6I9()f)_ _ ______ _ ________ 15 appropriation for expenses of, from emer- repealed 'Z Z `' Z ‘’'°‘°‘°‘‘‘‘’‘ " 990 _ gencv ¤hipping fund . s4v 1241 8°°°"*l P'°‘{¤¤<!¤¤- -; ·--··--·--~·---·- - · - · 16 deficiency appropriation for losses, maine. ’ ¤i·¤·t¢¤1q¤t¤ lil mvorce to show, •in addi.

nnce,_ an operation of ships, and gggér 1* c'm°¤°Y Edd, ¤1lV01', 01* 6

mrmst penses -----·---.. . . .1..111..1 s..s£’i‘$¤§cn.,.s .;s,1,;s;,;;‘ M bv i¤¤¤¤·>s·¢¤·¤¤¤r¤»¢ry.·¤¤i¤¤»·¤, 1 holler General, under usual methogi “€ “’q““°d.bY r°8“1¤¤0¤¤ ··-···-· · 16 of steamshi accounting _______ 444 °°¤V°?¤i°¤ of {01*61311 Curran ..,. 17 oommencifw July 1, 1921 .. ::2; 444 "“1“° °‘ *°’°i8¤ 00i¤¤ in llyoitod Stoves ErMm¢ncy_Fg¢ D. C., ¤¤0¤¤Y_ to be proclaimed by quar- •pp¤>pns§¤¤ .5 . 6 ...,.,, 697, 1335 ierlg . 17 9¢7N»1I_ @ta, . ., ¤ 0 ll on ueinciroppmptrinsntgn for one of indigent P,. pcglidof quarter when goods er· 17 _ en . .,,,,____ 70] 135 --.·... _ . ,... "m··°zc·*·;2*··¤·**·*=*···**>·¤·=·*~··**····i¤=·»··~’ ° ""°:s2°§e:m·m°s ··*;·r1e.,,,¤,,; P0 en .., lll ew ' Emwgmo; Shipping Fund (us also sn; · 442 me ·---. . . . . 17 wr ¥¤¢¢¤d Stswsgi FI pping buying rate based upon rate for cable SPPNPHQ n or expenses eetCo1-po. transfers  ; .,.____ _ _____________ 17 ¤*¤¤¤£y¤b¥t<;f5¤m -—··---·----· gg, <:rlti6mtiou gfinipy New York • • :·°°°-°°°°`°""' I Q ·•.».·..•• deicrenqy appreprrsuon for complgtsm considerations {rd: nsosrmmng _______ ships now under comtructron, fo1'¤1&l‘ de ted currency, gn pgund . ygu 2921 ·····-··-· , ··-·-·--- · --··-· 35 _ Etefgé 0 Valuations repealed _,______ 11 l“‘““‘“°'* °“ °"P°¤d**0*0° --·-·-·----~ 35 Pm! imvortatious subject no {sms; cnn.

  • °" ““°°1 Yim 1922 --··-··---·----------- 35 version mes and depreciated cm.

Eolwryonfy 1'm·¢_0’Aet, 1921, _ fancy Vglmgcm ___________________ 1., uty for SIX. months 0]], 9 gmt, em., to me • g ]•BhnS§" " `'’’'’'‘'‘ 7 ‘‘‘‘‘·· ···· to examine book; ctc ‘ ‘ °tc»,$X&pm-.,__:_________ 9 m ms e md? the•1b mg $,;;,·,,**·s·* **····#·····*¤·=-¤·¤·· ~·—--—- ¤ gma_¤r,nnn3?;°s¤.,,s¤'1Zs¥.;s:;;;;: 11 snmsrrirliiéffljjjjffjjjjj `’‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3 '*°*’Y°*Y*¤*>¢¤i*¤¤!¤e1<l --.-.-. 17 b¤¤¤¤.pmp¤s<1,s¤¤ .. ZZZZIZZZZZ 9 “’{,‘§“,°’;'g;;‘”d“*°·“*°“¤*°°¤¤¤¤¤ 18