Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1697

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INDEX. gv]; Federal Highway Act-—Continued. Parc- Federal Hwticuhma B eparhnen Pa . ratio of apportionment; moneys available Agnkru lture,l ond, D l of te aptgi of ggcogldpfisegzfl - 217 appropriatgans for salaries . 534, 1315 _ or n en un er or ne ex nses;` im rtar ederal A1d Act ... 217 ggion of nulresery stoc , etg?. . 534 1316 apportionment of unexpended bal- for cooperative expenses, eradicating , _ sages . 217 potato wart .. . ..-..·... 534,1316 certification to be made within 60 days of deficiency appropriation for general ex- Statg app0yt10Dmgnt’ etc _________ _ _ 217 pgn5gg__ ______________,_________ 58 1,553 for fiscal year, 1922 217 "Fcderal Inc. U. S. A.," 7 for sugceeding years .. . . 217 penalty for use of, b individuals, etc., appropriation for forest roads and trails for not incorporated, under China Trade fiscal yea]- 1922 ____________________ 218 Act, _ ____,,_______ _ ,,,______,, _ _ _ 855 for fiscal year 1923 .. 218 Federal Intcfmcdthlc Credit Banks (scc also amount authorized for roads and trails of Agricultural Credits Act, 1923), primary importance for protection provisions for organization, purposes, etc., cf national forgets, etc _,____,,,_._,, 218 of ____________,____,,,,,,.,,,,,,,. , 1454 apportionment to States, Alaska, and Federal Land Banks, _01’l?0 R100 ------. . 128 additional deposits authorized to, until of pnrnary importance to States, etc., aggregate capital reaches $50,000,000 105 adjoining national forests 218 redemption, after general offering of apportionment to States, Alaska, and farm Iorm bonds ,_,,,,,..,,_,__,___ 105 0119 Rico ···-... - 218 limitation of amount .. . 105 cooperation of local authorities, etc., interest rate . . . 105 may be accepted .. 218 exempt from income tax . . ..,.._ 253 contracts with States, etc., for construe- Federal Narcotics Control Board (see also Nartion, etc., authorized ... 218 cotic Drugs Import and Export construction work costing $5,000 to be Act), let to contract .. . ... 218 established; composition, etc . . .. 596 of less amount may be done by Secre- Federal Power Commarion, tary of Agriculture 218 appropriation for expenses. .. 1230 appropriations available for expenses or printing and bmding for 1230 of . 218 amount allowed for printing and binding, approval of projects where State laws, etc., 1922. . . - . . 34 dprevent use of revenues therefor 218 for printing and binding, law books, etc., cou itions permitting ... 218 from appropristion 1920 ... 639 invalidity of any provision not to aHect Federal Railroad Ccmtrol, _ remainder of Act .. 219 additional time allowed for bnnging suits effective on passage ... 219 fordainagesmused byviolatinginten Federal Highway Act Amendments, state commerce laws, ctc., awarded runl post roads, additional autborimtions by the Commimion 394 of appropriations for, fiscal year 1923. 660 complaints for reparation of damages fiscal year 1924 .. 660 caused by unjust rates, etc., under, fiscal year 1925 _.,_..,, . . 660 may be tiled ID one yeihf, dw! termiimmediate apportionment of authori- nation . I ... t. 394 mtion for 1923 . 660 for overcharges, in two years and mx approval by Secretary of project under, months. . F .. z . 394 deemed Federal obligation to cou- procedure ngamstagont of the Proanlent. 394 tribute 660 jurisdiction of Interstate Commerce (himrouds and trails in national forest; uddi- _ misgion . . 304 tional authorization of npproprin- actionsnrxsing under, not_to nluito hy rotions for, fiscal year 1924 .. 660 ttremont, etc., of Director General, fiscal year 1023. .,, 660 or agent ... . ... t ... l-M3 railroad crossings included with bridges demgnsfosl sgent_muy be substitutejl . . 1443 in road construction I . . . 660 lvrought by any officer to enforce olilignpayment per mile of roads to States limited tions, etc, not to abate by his refm- 1923 ______ , _________,,,,,,,,,, 660 tiremcut., etc ,.., . . 2 . . Z , . . 1443 for subsequent years _______,_,____ , , _ _ _ 660 succeguor mggfmlie substituted any time proportion of United States increased _ before tin ]udgrnent.. : . I . 1143 in public land States .. - . . . 661 Q prior orders for suhstitiition in, validated 1443 temporary a. proval of projects when State I re1nstatement1fd1sm1sseds0lel)’ because laws doo not allow use of funds there- » ot_such rettrement, etc 1444 for, extended to five years after I mouon for, to be tiled ID one year 14-14 N<>v¤=>r¤ber 9, 1921 -~--------···----- 661 i Fvdemi Rgpqrfen _ _ _ punishment for making false statements of { approprmucn for contxnuatxon of: ., _61., 1034 material, etc ,,,,,_,__.,.,. 661 Q dehuency appropriation for Digest., Nol- 0f work performed -·-·-----·--·-------- 661 5 we 12-_ -··-------~----------··-·-- _40 costs of construction, etc »---- - —-~----- 661 i f¤r Dmgwh 1 <>1vm¤ 13 ------------------ M13 Claims for work, etc . .. 661 l Federal Reserve .-ict Amendments, _ _ _ resxorts required to be made, etc. . . . 661 2 acceptances of banking assocmuons tor inv 'dity of any proviswn, etc., not to foreign export trade under, mny be adect. remainder of sect:1011 .. 661 purc ased hy_ War Finance Lorpoinconsistent laws repealed -..· - ---·-- 661 muon; c<>¤<1¤¤<>¤s, etc .·.-.. 183